Religion Information

Real Nobility And Gods Love

Real nobility feeds on its own intrinsic value, as a rightful cause that ought to be served with diligence. Whether it will be rewarded, here below or in the beyond, is a question really noble individuals consider irrelevant, though they are not insensitive to the idea of reward.

America for War

The Americans themselves billed the vote for now President George Bush in the US as a vote for war.Politics is the highest form of spirituality.

God And World Religion: The Secret Identity Of "God" Exposed, Finally...

You may now have this 10,000 year Old "SECRET" that had been kept away from the general public by the "Power Elite" until now?Know the truth and set yourself free forever. Suffer no more.

The Rapture

Following In the Masters Footsteps

In these interesting times of change, millions of people the world over are struggling to find their personal truth - a truth that will sustain them through their present moments and through whatever the future may bring. There are as many definitions of what will happen to this planet in the next fifteen years as there are belief systems, but in the midst of the dissension is one commonality, and that is worldwide agreement that change - in whatever form it takes - is inevitable.

Choosing the Christian Path

- 147.5 million Americans claim affiliation with a religious group- 94% of those who claim affiliation are members of Christian or quasi-Christian denominationsEvery culture offers every opportunity for evaluation on the part of the individual as to whether the spiritual beliefs which that culture encompasses are spiritual beliefs that are comfortable for the individual living within it; it is a matter of conscious choice on the part of every individual in every lifetime to decide for themselves whether the doctrine that is being taught - the doctrine that is predominant throughout the culture - is a doctrine that 'rings true' for their inner self.

Being In-Between Religions

Who said religion has to last a lifetime?When I was in my thirties, people used to ask me what religion I was. I'd stutter a little bit and then explain that I was, by my own definition, "in-between religions.

As the Old Year Fades, So Does My Memory

Memory is a very tricky thing, at least for me it is. Looking back, over a year's span of activity my memory seems to pick and choose what it remembers.

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death - But In Current Textbooks the Context of These Words is Deleted

Did you know that 52 of the 55 signers of The Declaration of Independence were orthodox, deeply committed Christians? The other three all believed in the Bible as the divine truth, the God of scripture, and His personal intervention.It is the same congress that formed the American Bible Society.

Thoughts on the Road to Emmaus

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The Lost and Found

When we think in terms of what it means for man to be lost, we are immediately confronted with the fact that it is as sad a description as could ever be given to human beings. A sick person may get well; a crippled person may adjust to his infirmity; an indebted person may pay off his debt; an illiterate person may educate himself.

Mystery, not Myth: Jesus Christ is real!

In the children's section of any bookstore, books on the birth of Jesus stand next to Cinderella and Jack and the Beanstalk. The same parents who describe Santa Claus so convincingly also tell their children of Another who knows if they've been "naughty or nice.

A Partnership With God

Hey, God is trying to partner with you! He wants you, to invite Him, into your life. God says: Draw nearer to me; and I will draw nearer to you (James 4:8).

What about the 4400?

Murders are so frequent in our country that a single homicide seldom grabs national attention unless the perpetrator or the victim is already a celebrity. Even a double murder is not national news.

What If? -- Musings on the Tsunami

Thumbing through Isaiah recently I was startled to find this: after a passage (in Isaiah 19) in which the prophet describes horrors that caused the hearts of the Egyptians to "melt within them," he predicts that "the people will turn to the Lord, and he will respond to their pleas and heal them." The next lines describe how three bitter enemies-Egypt, Assyria, and Israel-will "worship together" and how all three will become "a blessing on the earth.

The Tsunami: A Wake-up Call

In looking back on the year that has just ended-a year filled with the horrors of war and of natural disasters such as last fall's hurricanes-one would have to be callous not to mention the earthquake and tsunamis. The devastation seems to get worse every hour as new reports, images, and statistics come in.

A Call to Action

Over the last week I have received dozens of heart-rending and thought-provoking responses to my latest article, and I am thankful for each of them. Personally, I believe the tsunami and its aftermath is the most serious issue now facing humankind.

Tsunami: Where was God?

The powerful tsunami that on Dec. 26, 2004, hit the lands in and surrounding the Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal, and the South China Sea caused terrible devastation and immediate loss of thousands of lives, followed by an aftermath in which tens of thousands more perished.

The Purpose of Creation: the Kabbalah of Transformation

"I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element.

What That 70s Show Taught Me About Christianity

What in the world could I have possibly learned about Christianity from "That 70's Show"? I'm sure that's what everyone is thinking right about now.Well today I was watching it and the episode was about the family going to church and generally their take on religion.

Do We Really Need God?

The human being is endowed with ability. We have the capacity to do things.

Do Not Believe All You Read In The Holy Books

Observation shows that human creative activity has a physical, a social and a spiritual aspect. (By human creative activity I mean useful and constructive activity by human beings).

Jesus is Lord: Lets Stop Usurping His Roles

In five words Paul enunciates the basic principle of the Christian life: "You are not your own" (1 Cor. 6:19).

The Word: What has it Changed in You Lately?

In Matthew 13 Jesus relates a paprable to His disciples. This parable is commonly known as the Parable of the Sower.

Kabbalistic Chanukah: The Downloading of Primordial Light

God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.(Genesis 1:3)The 36 candles on the menorah correspond to the 36 hours when Adam and Eve were bathed in The Primordial Light of creation.

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