Small Business Information

Reduce Stress, Increase Profits By Incorporating Strategic Systems In Your Small Business Success

Whether you are an Entrepreneur or Business Professional there are many things you do each week that would benefit from a strategic system to help you be more effective, reduce errors and stress, help you enjoy your time at work and give you more time to have fun outside of work.Strategic systems are not static; they allow you to be flexible, creative, and spontaneous, and because they help you look at situations with a clear focus and a specific intention you can easily achieve your desired results.

Small Business Opportunities And The Tens

You may find this Newsletter a little long winded but it's for a good cause: It's all designed for Your Success!One of my favorite quotes is by Alfred d'Souza. It goes like this:"For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin, real life.

WARNING to Home Based and Small Business Who Want to Buy Television Cable Advertising

Most small businesses will not even try to advertise on television. It's too expensive and the audience is too broad.

How to Successfully Avoid Becoming One of The 80% of Small Businesses That Will FAIL

It's a commonly quoted statistic: 80% of all small businesses will fail within the first five years of running. In fact, in Internet marketing, this figure can be as high as 95%.

Building Marketing Momentum For Your Small Business

The success of your business depends on your ability to build marketing momentum. Without the ability to generate new sources of leads your capacity to sell will slump and the growth of your business will stagnate or shrink.

Top 7 Small Business Resources for 2005

If you want to start a business in 2005, and start making money almost immediately, the sites listed below are some of the best I have found. I've chosen each site because it is absolutely outstanding in providing the tools you need to get started, as well as taking you through the steps you need to get started immediately.

How to Profit Handsomely From a Secret Business Model Virtually No Small Business is Using!

Have you been searching for the perfect home-based business? I have spent nearly twenty-five years searching for the holy-grail of home-based businesses. Now this article is not about a business, but rather a system that Fortune 500 companies always use but it's rarely used by home-based businesses, affiliate or network marketing companies.

How To Plant Seeds of Success With Small Business Ideas

Think of all of your business ideas as tiny seeds that have the potential to germinate and grow into huge fruit bearing orchards! However, the proper steps must be taken; you can't scatter the seeds haphazardly on pavement and expect they will germinate. Growing a business is no different; it needs a fertile environment conducive to growth in order to germinate and thrive.

Starting a Small Business? ?Tips from a Veteran

Congratulations, you are starting a small business! You are taking charge and going for your piece of the American dream! Your excitement is high, and the adrenaline is pumping! Everyone dreams of freedom and owning a successful business, but not everyone can successfully create that reality. Now that you've made the commitment to give it a shot, let me give you the single most important tip that I can give you to insure your success.

Do You Make These 7 Deadly Cash Flow Mistakes?

Managing cash flow is every small business owner's most important function. Avoid these seven deadly mistakes to make sure you aren't creating cash flow problems in your business.

Smart PR Tactics for Small Businesses

Small businesses need Public Relations, possibly more than large corporations, to put them on the map. If you consider that time is money, however, you may find that handling your own public relations is a daunting task and not necessarily worth the monetary savings.

Four Reasons Why Small Businesses Succeed (or Fail)

The American system of business management has been admired and emulated around the world. This system is characteristic of two traits in the American psyche: (1) enthusiasm for the future and making things better, and (2) an openness and willingness to change in order to achieve that end.

Small Business Computer Security, the Basics

Anyone in business today realizes both the natural dependency on computers in the workplace, and also the potential dangers associated with storing important data on them. Today's business owners are constantly being reminded that their company's data is at risk by the daily reports on various news stations, or even their favorite business-related website.

Small Business Marketing - Clarify Success

When you hear the word "success" does it bring on visions of fame and fortune for your business? Have you clarified and articulated what that success will look like for your business and how you'll know when you've achieved it?What's the definition of success for your business? Most small businesses are selling their time and expertise to deliver a service to their clients. So the question I want you to reflect upon is this? "What does success look like?"Now before you start answering with responses like, "I'll do $X Million in sales this year.

Cash Flow: Why Chaos Equals Poor Cash Flow

Recently one of my customers told me the chaos swirling through his company was the result of poor cash flow. If only he had more money, his company would run better.

Small Business Savvy: Reaching Key Big Business Decision Makers

As a solo entrepreneur or small business owner, one of our key challenges can be reaching key decision makers in larger companies. Getting to the right person who can seal the deal can be a frustrating experience, especially if you don't have a game plan.

Small Business Spoiler - Procrastination

One of the most common issues that comes up for business owners is procrastination -wasting time, putting obstacles in the way of taking action towards goals, making excuses for delays, creating confusion/busyness etc. Procrastination is a self-defeating behavior.

Small Business Mistakes: Are You Making Enough of Them?

That's right - are you making enough mistakes in your business? Some of you are probably annoyed at my question; others are thinking "Geez, Rose! If I made any more mistakes I'd have to run screaming back to a day job!"If you went to school in the public school system in America, you were culturally trained to avoid and hide mistakes, after all; your teachers and professors didn't give you a great grade for your efforts unless those efforts produced great results. So, too, if you were an employee in corporate America you were rewarded for chasing perfection and penalized for making mistakes.

Business Checks are an Added Cost to Your Small Business - Try Making Them Yourself!

Starting and managing a small business is no fun chore, especially when it comes to the accounting. There are a few common sense ways that you can help that bottom line.

Small Business Planning -- Three Myths

Are you -- like 70 percent of small business owners -- working without a plan?Here are three myths that need to be dispelled about strategic planning for small business.1.

Small Business Newsletter Dilemma: Which Day Do I Send?

If you're just ramping up your small business email newsletter, you might be wondering what day you should send it to your opt-in list. After all, you want it to get opened and read and you know your prospects may be weeding through a ton of email clutter.

Top 7 Small Business Tax Tips

Here are seven ways for owners of small businesses to save money on their taxes.1.

Growing Your Small Business Through Alliances and Joint Ventures

-- Beyond Cold Calling, "Warm" Calling and Sending E-mails --Many Solo Entrepreneurs work from a home office. Our only connections to the outside world are the internet / e-mail and the telephone.

Marketing Your Small Business with Success Stories

-- The One Pager Shortcut Series --An effective and compelling way to market your business is through the use of success stories. What exactly is a success story? How does it market my business? How can I get started with my own success stories?Consider the following: What exactly is a success story? A success story briefly describes how your business served a client/customer and what results the client/customer achieved.

Blowing Your Own Horn - A Key Marketing Strategy for Small Business

-- Building Credibility Through Success Stories --Successful solo entrepreneurs spend quite a bit of time building and expanding their networks. These networks can cover a broad spectrum - professional associations, community service, school or alumni networks, virtual communities, athletic groups, neighborhood associations.

Build Your Small Business by Building Relationships

-- The One Pager Shortcut Series --People do business with people that they know and trust. As a solo entrepreneur, your goals will be to make yourself known to your target market and then elevate the relationship to the trust level.

7 Cash Flow Secrets Your Accountant Never Told You

Looking for ways to boost your cash flow? As a small business consultant, I make these recommendations to my cash strapped small business clients:1. Shoeboxes are for shoes, not business records.

5 Small Business Management Questions to Help Choose Marketing Programs

As small business managers, we juggle limited resources in a quest for success. To an extent, when we focus on success in one area we forego attention elsewhere.

Small Business Marketing Secrets: Look Like Sizzle, Be The Steak

You've heard marketing and advertising gurus quip, "Sell the sizzle, not the steak." Advertising initiatives best reach their target audience with benefits and the "wow" effect, not the value or features of their product or service.

Small Business Success: Thriving During Change (And Landing On Your Feet!)

If I had $1.00 every time I heard someone say " I don't like change or, change makes me uncomfortable" I'd be a millionaire.

Operating Your Small Business - Everything Really Is a Project

Do you operate your business as a series of projects, using project management tools and skills to advance your projects from conception to completion? Or perhaps you're new to project management tools and skills and haven't considered applying them to your own business? Most of us fall somewhere in between.Running a productive and efficient business, whether for one person or for 500, is a series of projects of various sizes and complexity.

Avoiding the Small Business Cash Flow Roller Coaster

A solopreneur I know disappears from my radar screen for weeks on end when she's actively engaged on a project for a client. During this time she is heads down, totally focused, and immersed in delivering her service to her current client.

How Your Habits Control Your Small Business Success

Habit: A consistent behavior you perform so frequently that it is automatic. For example, if you learned to drive a car with a standard transmission, the first few lessons were pretty jerky while you learned to synchronize the clutch with the accelerator pedal.

The Inside-Out Business Plan? -- Your Small Business Plan in 10 Easy Questions

Writing a business plan for your Solo Entrepreneur business doesn't have to be a daunting project. If you can answer 10 straightforward questions about your business, you can be ready to go.

Your Ideal Client - A Key Concept for Solo and Small Business Marketing

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."--Bill CosbyHave you ever had clients that were more trouble than they were worth? Maybe they were always late to pay, or didn't do what they said they'd do.

How Small Business And Nonprofits Can Afford Multimedia For The Web

Multimedia is everywhere on the Internet, whether in the form of floating ads at major websites, streaming video or animated presentations. Of course, there is a good reason why multimedia has become such an integral part of the web experience: it's an effective tool for capturing attention or provoking visitors to buy or contact the site owner.

Dig Deep for Small Business Ideas Before You Start the Wrong Business

If you're serious about wanting to start a business, the first thing you want to do is take the time to understand what really makes you tick. Where do you get your drive? What gets you in a "zone?"However, there's a lot more to figuring out the BEST business idea that will make you more money and give you more freedom to enjoy more success in your life.

Small Business Survival Tips

No matter what kind of small business you have, you need read these "small business survival tips" which will help you to succeed. You may be in Internet business, traditional business, or you may be a local merchant with 150 employees; whichever, however or whatever--you've got to know how to keep your business alive during economic recessions.

Small Business Marketing: Specialize or Generalize?

There have been many great points raised on both sides of this discussion. In order to make a final decision, we must look at how the business world is moving and at the purchasing patterns of the consumers who will be utilizing your services.

Organizing Tips for Small Business Success

If you discovered the bottom line in your business depended on the organization in your office, your reaction could range from complete composure to sheer terror. Organization certainly has an effect on your bottom line - and just as significantly - on your peace of mind.

Women and Small Business

In the book Women and Small Business author gives all the guidelines and tools need to start, operate and succeed in a business of their own. In the mentioned book she tried in the fist part to explain how has changed the role of women in the world along centuries.

Three Big Barriers To Small Business Marketing Success

When you feel like you're always busy working on your business, but not getting where you want to go, it can be frustrating trying to figure out how to get your marketing on track. It can easily become a "not seeing the forest for the trees" feeling.

Why Do Most Online Small Businesses Fail?

Search Engines account for almost 90% of all web traffic!In the Offline world its all about "location, location, location."Put your business were people crowd around and your set.

Local Search and Internet Yellow Pages - A Whole NewVocabulary for Small Businesss

Buyers want both online and local information about where to buy Most small businesses are local in nature, serving people who live nearby. Their customers found them through traditional methods like the Yellow Pages or newspaper ads.

6 Ways Small Businesses Can Survive In A Crazy Economy

Contrary to popular belief, small businesses can survive a crazy economy by taking some proactive steps.Provide spectacular customer service -- every time.

More Resources

Mobile Carwash; Senior Citizens and Mobile Homes
Senior citizens are generally not a large marketing segment for mobile detailers or car washers, however, they should not be ignored. You will find in a near by area a seniors-only mobile home park.
When to Say NO!
When is it a good thing to say no to a request?Balance in one's life is perhaps the most important goal for busy people. They can take on many more projects that most others.
Discover How You Can Start Making Your Small Business Dream Come True
As a teenager I worked for my father's small business. At18 I worked for a small video rental business owned by twopartners; there were 4 employees.
Setting Prices - Pricing Your Consulting Services
THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PRICINGIn case you hadn't noticed, people can react very differently when faced with the same price for a product or service. In fact in most cases, we'll never actually know what is in their minds when they consider a price and then decide to respond to it in certain way.
Small Business Opportunities Magazine Business
A Small Business Opportunities Magazine is one of the new small business opportunities opening up everyday. More and more companies are looking to outsource for basic services, cutting their budgets in the process and increasing profits.
Online Search: Small Businesses Level The Playing Field
Seventy percent of US households use the web when shopping locally, and about 25 percent of all searches are looking for local information. As more and more households make the switch to broadband connections, this trend will continue to escalate.
Leveraging Business Relationships for more Profits
When should you leverage the relationship?Leveraging sometimes brings a negative connotation to the mix. It does not have to be that way.
Measuring Your Way to Success
Are you a motivational speaker who consistently gets rave reviews yet your ratio of speaking to return rate is not where you would like it to be? Perhaps you are a trainer whose delivery is complimented time and again, and yet you are only being asked by 10 to 20% of the clients you see for a repeat performance?Are you starting to think that there is something wrong with your message or delivery despite the rave reviews? Maybe you were wondering if your fee is too steep. That may be a valid concern when organizations are faced with discretionary spending, but the rule of thumb is that you are only charging too much if more than 1 in 5 people complain about it.
Successfully Adding a Service To Your Business
There will come a time in your business where you feel ready to add another service offering. To make this successful, there are ten tips to consider before moving ahead.
Going Public by Way of Regulation D (504) Offering
Under the Securities Act of 1933, any offer to sell securities must either be registered with the SEC or meet an exemption. Regulation D (or Reg D) provides three exemptions from the registration requirements, allowing some smaller companies to offer and sell their securities without having to register the securities with the SEC.
Small Business Savvy: Reaching Key Big Business Decision Makers
As a solo entrepreneur or small business owner, one of our key challenges can be reaching key decision makers in larger companies. Getting to the right person who can seal the deal can be a frustrating experience, especially if you don't have a game plan.
Preparing to Launch Your Small Business
Small business owners often enter their field with great expectations. Unfortunately, reality strikes shortly afterwards.
Creating Lists to Learn About Yourself, Your Business and Your Customers
I love lists. I make them for everything.
Franchise Company Operations Manual Sample Outline
Many companies wish to expand and a few wish to use franchising as a method of expansion. Not a bad idea, but one must consider the importance of the fine details.
10 Hiring Tips for Small Business Owners
As a successful small business owner,you're accustomed to long hours; non-existent holidays and weekends spent working.When was the last time you went to your dentist? When was thelast time you had an uninterrupted night out with your partner?Whether your goal for 2005 is to find more time for family orpersonal enrichment --like attending classes and conferences --you'll want to consider bringing on some help.
Sample; Territory Reduction Policy for a Franchise Company
I propose this thought on the subject of Franchisee territory reduction based on performance for a Mobile Business Model. Please read the sample policy below as it explains the reasoning and methodologies considered to extend brand without risking underdeveloped territory.
Carwash Manual Sample Outline
Car wash businesses are unique to other businesses. In fact they are about as unique as the many different type of vehicles one is asked to wash.
You Are Invited
Business card size works well for invitations to special events.What do you visualize when you think about invitations? More than likely you are thinking about a wedding or a party.
Simple Business Tactics Are Your Key To Success
In a world full of complications sometimes we overlook the simple things in life. We are so busy trying to work out our twisted problems that we miss out on the simple secrets to success.
The More you GIVE the More you GET
Why give freebies?We have all seen freebies at trade shows and we have all probably seen the person that goes from booth to booth collecting as much of it as possible. There is always someone that only goes to get the free stuff, but then again there are also people that go there to learn about new products or services.

More Small Business Information:

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Pressure Washing; How to Bid Concrete Cleaning Jobs
Remember the cleaning business is all about time ratio to money. You want to be making at least a $1 a minute when doing concrete work at a minimum and aim for $100 to $200 per hour if you can get it.
Setting Prices - Pricing Your Consulting Services
THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PRICINGIn case you hadn't noticed, people can react very differently when faced with the same price for a product or service. In fact in most cases, we'll never actually know what is in their minds when they consider a price and then decide to respond to it in certain way.
Taking Stock
Back when I owned an inventory-based business, one of my better customers had a clever barb in his repertoire. If we were out of anything he needed in his order, he would say "You know, this would be a great place to open a supply house.
The 5 Habits of Highly Successful Small-Business Owners
Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a business that consistently grows and another that struggles just to make ends meet? Or why a business that was started in a basement of a home can outperform some of the best-run "big" companies in sales and profits?Two businesses, operating in the same marketing arena and selling the same products or services, can have extraordinarily different results. How can one business continually grow and prosper, while the other struggles? How can one business owner run a highly successful business while still spending a good portion of his or her time away from the business on trips and vacations with the family, and another owner work day and night only to see his business fail?Such questions have always intrigued me.
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Build Credibility, Value, and Trust on a Shoestring
Setting priorities in your business? Your first job is to sell. Selling is - writing the orders; receiving the cash; feeding the beast.
Janitorial Cleaning Service: Getting Started
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A Business Plan Is Not Worth A Cracker To A Struggling Business - A Plans The Last Thing It Needs
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More Business Card Uses
Why would you use an event pass?Event passes are often used as giveaways to entice people to attend some event. You will find that most time-share companies will have passes to be used to attend their spiel, plus they also give away other goodies.
Three Big Barriers To Small Business Marketing Success
When you feel like you're always busy working on your business, but not getting where you want to go, it can be frustrating trying to figure out how to get your marketing on track. It can easily become a "not seeing the forest for the trees" feeling.
Work is a Four Letter Word
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Temporary Staffing Agency: How to Start
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10 Hiring Tips for Small Business Owners
As a successful small business owner,you're accustomed to long hours; non-existent holidays and weekends spent working.When was the last time you went to your dentist? When was thelast time you had an uninterrupted night out with your partner?Whether your goal for 2005 is to find more time for family orpersonal enrichment --like attending classes and conferences --you'll want to consider bringing on some help.
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Tips For Successful Home Show Businesses
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Starting is the Hardest Part
You can't imagine how many people ask me how I did it. To turn my back onto convention, to turn a deaf ear on the people who wants what is best for me, to snub my nose at people who thinks I am making one of the biggest mistakes in my life?etc.
11 Things Small Business Owners Can Learn From Punxsutawney Phil
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A Lesson From "The Apprentice" That Can Make You A Master
I have to admit, I was curious. When I saw previews of a new show called "The Apprentice," it made me want to at least watch the premiere to see what was going on.
Home Based Franchise Case Study
Here is an interesting case study of a company, which franchised mobile car wash units. It started with the humblest of beginnings indeed.
Canon City, Colorado - Good for Small Business
Canon City, Colorado is known for it's 6 Prisons; State and Federal, women's prison and juvenile. It is also home to the First Colorado Territorial Prison.