Thalgo's Oxygen 3-Defence Cream

We already know that the air we breathe has its negative effects on our internal system. Pollutants such as car fumes, dust and cigarette smoke are linked to the likes of severe allergies, breathing problems and even cancer it is then no surprise that the air we breathe wreaks havoc on our skin as well. The result is referred to as Asphyxiated Skin otherwise described as suffocated, smothered and sensitized.

Unfortunately we are exposed to these pollutants everyday in the form of Atmospheric Pollution such as car fumes, fumes from industrial origin, hydrocarbons, poor quality cosmetics, dust and volatile chemical products as well as Domestic Pollution which create free radicals such as 'black' cigarette smoke, certain furniture glues, certain paints, some forms of heating and waves from mobile phones. We already know these pollutants are deteriating the protective ozone layer so you can only imagine their negative effects on your skin. While it may be difficult and at times impossible to avoid these pollutants the great news is that with Thalgo's Oxygen 3-Defence Cream you have a helping hand and the stepping stone needed to begin the fight against Asphyxiated Skin.

Oxygen 3-Defence Cream is a genuine "bubble" of oxygen and protection against all sources of pollution thanks to O2 Protect, Thalgo's Oxygen 3-Defence Cream helps your skin to breathe and maintain its youthful appearance. Your skin is intensely moisturised, fresh and glowing with health.

How does it work?

Researchers have identified 3 types of free radicals caused by pollution which are aggressive to the skin. These free radicals are:

- ROS: Reactive Oxygen Species

- RCS: Reactive Carbonyl Species

- RNS: Reactive Nitrogen Species

While it has always been known that ROS and RCS are detrimental to skin health, RNS has only recently been discovered. Thalgo has jumped on this new found information creating Complexe O2 Protect an innovative approach to the fight against free radical damage. Complexe O2 Protect comprises of an algae extract, Haematococuspluvialis, combined with a peptide which creates a genuine shield for the skin with a triple anti-free radical protection. The result is skin that has rediscovered it's softness with reduced irritation, it is perfectly protected hence delaying the aging process. With Oxygen 3 Defence Cream ROS, RCS and RNS have been counteracted. Oxygen 3 defence cream also contains the active ingredient Lipomoist which intensely nourishes and moisturises the skin.

Who is it for?

Oxygen 3-Defence Cream is suitable for all skin types especially those suffering from suffocated and sensitized skin. It is an effective and ideal anti-free radical cream offering protection and hydration helping to prevent premature aging.

Application: Apply morning and night to face and neck after cleansing. For best results and ultimate protection apply after Oxygen SOS Serum.

Characteristics of Asphyxiated/Sensitized Skin

- Visually the complexion is dull with a greyish tinge. It lacks luminosity and radiance.

- Fragile, sensitized and irritated areas are easily spoted with these areas expressing signs of redness, tingling, itchiness and a feeling of discomfort.

- The skin is dehydrated and dry.

- The skins texture is generally coarse and rough to the touch.

So next time you find yourself looking in the mirror thinking and wondering where that youthful glow has gone, now replaced by a dull irritated suffocated skin, you don't have to wonder what to do about it. Thalgo Oxygen 3-Defence Cream taking you back to the you, you use to know.

Oxygen 3-Defense Cream is paraben-free, contains no mineral oils, no propylene glycol, no GMOs and no ingredients of animal origin.

RRP — $87

LaseMedics Price - $58

About the Author

Oxygen 3 defense cream helping hand and the stepping stone needed to begin the fight against Asphyxiated Skin.

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