Acne Be Gone! Say Bye Bye To Pimples

If you're a TV-watching kind of person, you've probably seen a lot of commercials about acne-fighting creams and pills that you can use. Maybe these types of products really do work, but maybe what you really need, are a few easy and natural tips, in order to get rid of those blemishes.

Acne can be caused by dirt and germs transferred to your face via your hands. Hands are breeding grounds for various types of germs and then when you touch your face, these very germs get into your pores and cause acne pimples. Avoid touching your face to prevent this, or if you must touch your face, wash your hands thoroughly first.

Add a toner to your skincare routine to prevent acne breakouts. In addition to your normal washing routine, adding a toner after cleansing can help balance the Ph levels of your skin. This can prevent your skin drying out or becoming too oily, and will stop breakouts before they occur.

Try to avoid keeping your face in the sun. Tanning on your face is a sure way to develop acne and also, to make any acne that you already have, worse. This can cause the skin around and on your breakouts, to shed a ton more than the rest of your skin, too.

To avoid getting acne, you should drink a lot of water. Drinking enough water allows you to sweat: sweating helps clean up your pores and get rid of the oil that causes your skin to break out. Make sure you drink at least eight glasses of water a day, especially in the summertime.

If you like natural cures, consider apple cider vinegar. Many acne sufferers swear by this technique. Make a toner out of the common kitchen ingredient, by mixing one half cider and one half water. Apply it to your face after your normal cleansing routine. As with any acid (which is what vinegar is) start with less and work your way up to more, so as not to dry out your skin.

To keep your skin healthy and control your acne, be sure to get enough sunshine. Sunshine is what stimulates the production of vitamin D, which is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Spending just ten minutes outside every day, even when it is cloudy, can increase your vitamin D production and help clear up your skin.

One widely known skin care treatment for acne is Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera comes from the innards of the aloe vera plant. The gel like substance contains many amino acids and vitamins that are beneficial to skin repair, such as Vitamin E. Simply apply to the skin after regular cleansing and watch the results.

If an acne sufferer must shave afflicted areas, he or she should do so lightly. Shaving irritates the skin and can slice open pimples. Both of these effects can exacerbate an acne problem by spreading infectious bacteria and making nearby skin more susceptible. The lightest possible touch should be used when shaving acne trouble spots.

Counteract the antibiotics you are taking with probiotics to effectively get rid of acne. Many people take antibiotics to help with their skin problems, but these pills also get rid of the bacteria in your body. This causes acne because you can't expel waste as well, and it comes out through your skin instead.

For those who have have chronic acne breakouts, it is important to see a doctor. Sometimes acne can be caused from a condition, including hormonal disorders. If that is the case, the doctors can help to treat the problem, which in turn can help reduce the amount of acne breakouts one has.

Vitamin A keeps your skin healthy and can help fight acne. While you can get vitamin A through supplements, it also occurs naturally in many foods. Liver is a great source of the vitamin, as are spinach and carrots. Vitamin A is also plentiful in orange fruits, like cantaloupe and apricots.

If you have troublesome acne, do not try to get a tan, either outside or in a sunbed. As you may know, direct sunlight is not always beneficial to acne. UV rays you are exposed to in a tanning booth also have a negative effect on acne. If you suffer from acne, tanning is a bad idea regardless of how you do it.

An important tip to consider concerning acne is to know why pimples and acne swell and contain puss. This is important to know because these are healthy reactions, showing that your body is fighting the infection. The swelling is caused by a mass of white blood cells, and the white puss is the result of those white blood cells doing their job then dying off.

Applying hydrocortisone or products that contain it will reduce the redness and swelling associated with acne flare-ups. Care must be exercised, though, because hydrocortisone is a fairly harsh treatment that can irritate and damage skin. This damage makes skin vulnerable to the spread of acne. Hydrocortisone should be used sparingly on isolated trouble spots.

To help treat excessively oily areas of the skin, which can be prone to acne, try a potato facial. Cut a raw potato into thin slices and place the slices in oil-rich areas of the face, such as the forehead and chin. Gently rub the slices against the skin so that the potato juice saturates the skin. Leave the potato slices on face for at least twenty minutes, then gently rinse the face with water.

Perhaps you've seen those TV ads and decided to go another route or maybe, you've even tried them before and have learned that they do not work in all cases. Whatever your reasons for reading these tips, just know that they will work if you implement them, so study and apply what you've read here.

About the Author

I am the content writer for acne treatment and for the site

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