Portrait of a Psychic / Intuitive

Many people ask me how I started doing this work.

As a child, my earliest memory is being 3 years old and telling my mother things that I could not have possibly known. I would tell her stories about ladies she socialized with and various relatives. At first she thought I'd 'overheard' this information, but then realized that the stories were ones that were shared when I wasn't there. I told her how the people felt, and about other people connected to them that I had never met. Eventually she became 'used to' my stories and knew I had something that was special.

Knowing things about people unfortunately brought sorrow to me early on in life when I 'knew' that my father was going to die. I was 7 years old. The day he died, my mother came to pick up my brother and me from elementary school. I already knew what had happened.

All though school, I knew what other people were feeling. Mostly I felt flooded by emotion, often reacting to feelings I'd 'picked up' from others. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I thought I was a basket case.

After these and many other experiences, I knew that I had to learn about what was happening to me. So, at the age of 17, through a series of highly synchronistic happenings, I began an internship with an Intuition specialist to learn about and hone my abilities.

During my training I began to understand some of what I went through as a child. I analyzed myself as I learned. To this day, I still work to sort myself from others' feelings. I am more conscious of it now and it is relatively easy to sort.

My training was 'hands-on' in that I worked along side my mentor as he consulted with clients. I watched, studied, learned and joined the consultation. I explored their energy field, their issues and complaints (with their permission of course). This was my best form of training. Eventually I began to take over the consultation sessions, slowly building my own clientele as I trained.

My abilities fall under several categories, clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient. Clairvoyant, meaning 'clear seeing,' is the ability to have visions or 'see' a psychic impression. Clairaudient, meaning 'clear hearing,' is the ability to 'hear' psychic information from another's energy field or from higher guidance. Clairsentient, meaning 'clear feeling,' is the ability to 'feel' or sense the energy field of another and experience psychic impressions in an emotional or physical way.

My brother has a similar gift. We like to say he has 'radar' or his 'antennas are on' because he just 'knows' things. My abilities are similar, but are enhanced in the realm of sensing what is taking place in a person's electromagnetic energy field. I am an Energy Intuitive, 'seeing', 'knowing' and 'feeling' others. Intuitives are not mind-readers. We are highly sensitive beings that have learned how to synthesize the information that we sense around us.

My training taught me to hone into the core of what is taking place in someone's energy field. This ability allows me to get right to the center of an issue. The source may be karmic memory (past life related), childhood patterns, emotional overwhelm, mental confusion, etc. It may even be emotion that source's from another person (like a child feeling a parent's feelings).

I actively read anything I could get my hands on about intuition, counseling techniques, self-help books, meditation, etc. I took training courses, earned a degree in psychology, went on retreats, participated in workshops, learned breathwork, I even hosted my own meditation group. I gathered tools, tips, techniques and methods to develop my own intuition and I began to teach others. My internship lasted 5 years and by the time I completed my training, I had a full client list.

People of every walk of life are interested in learning about their intuition. Mostly, they are looking for answers. They have questions within themselves, feel conflicted and confused---- without answers! Ultimately they want to feel better. They are looking for a way to feel better about themselves, get past their fears and begin moving forward in their lives. They want more and don't know how to get it.

During the coaching / intuitive counseling process, we begin sorting through the emotions, mental chatter and confusions. Collectively we analyze their current situation, the echoes of the past that are influencing them, and then develop an active approach to move forward and transform their lives.

My own intuitive energies come forth, guiding them and directing their inner quest. As intuitive messages come forward, I deliver them and help the client to surface the emotional / mental / physical / spiritual pieces involved to catalyze a transformation. The working plan of action may include various assignments and tasks for them to complete along with goals to work towards.

In this work, I promote active participation in clearing inner chatter and identifying old patterns. Intuition is an inherent trait within us all. Learning to listen to it, work with it and create life changes out it is a powerful experience that brings many rewards.

© 2005 Jodie Foster

Jodie Foster is a Clairvoyant Consultant and Intuitive Counselor who helps people make extraordinary transformations in their lives. Her work is uplifting, empowering and success-oriented.

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