Basic Intuitive Timing for Business and Life

"There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries." [William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar]

It has been said many times that timing is everything. However which timing to use can be so confusing. Many systems, many ideas, many concepts.

One basic, simple system that I have seen work thousands of times, is to use 2 parts of the lunar cycle.

The first is the period from the New Moon to the Full Moon, and the second is the period from the Full Moon to the New Moon.

The Waxing Phase:

The New Moon is the darkest phase of the Moon, but it also marks the beginning of the two-week period when the Moon moves away from the Sun and increases in light.

New Moons are optimal times to set new intentions. One cycle is ending, another is beginning.

If we take this principle and put it into our own lives, the waxing Moon is a period to plant seeds, either by taking action to launch a new idea into reality, begin a new relationship, or just admit to yourself that you want to make a change. The important thing about the New Moon is that it's a time to take first steps. The waxing Moon is a time of spontaneous and instinctual action.

The New Moon is the first phase of each lunar cycle. Use this phase to go within to plant your intention or "seed vision" for what you want to grow, create or transform in your life for this lunar cycle.

At this time, all of the power of the Sun (Spirit) is encapsulated in your seed vision and planted deep underground in the subconscious womb of the Moon (soul). Solar and lunar energies come together and magnetically pull in the same direction to provide the thrust for this new life. In general, this is a period of instinctive, youthful, and essentially unconscious activity. Since all is hidden from light at the dark Moon, dreams and waking inspirations often hold the answers.

The New Moon is a powerful time to start new projects. It is the time to take action. First have a clear intention and take action from that intention.

The second part of this cycle is the period of time between the Full Moon and the New Moon. The Waning Phase:The Waning Moon phase (between the Full and the New Moon, or when the Moon is diminishing in light) favors completion, letting go, and finishing things off. This is not the time to begin new projects, since the energy of the cycle is diminishing and you will be less likely to follow through once the next lunar cycle begins. It is a time to share and distribute the insights, profits, and other gains from your actions. Clear your life of unfinished business now. Declutter your workspace, do that paperwork you've been putting off for sometime and complete any unfinished projects. This will clear the way and free you to take advantage of new opportunities at the next New Moon.

If during this time someone proposes a new idea or project, it may be best to let it simmer until the next New Moon. Many new ideas are discarded or not followed through when they are generated during the late lunar cycle. The New Moon generally brings a new perspective on things, new information and new opportunities. It is best to wait until then for important new initiatives.

The simplest way to understand both timing cycles is to use the New Moon to Full Moon time for action, and the Full Moon to New Moon time for reflection and planning the next action phase.

Most calendars have the New Moon and Full Moon dates listed on them. Try this timing in your business and personal life. It will attract great success to your work and personal life.

Christopher Stewart is a Medical Intuitive assisting others in their healing process. His work is compassionate, uplifting and empowering. You can visit Christopher's website at for further information and to schedule a private consultation. You can also look for frequent updates to his blog at:'s Guidelines: You may freely publish this article online, in email newsletters, or in print so long as the resource box and byline are in tact. Author would appreciate a notification, however that is optional.

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