How Not to Fail With Your Graduate Jobs Interview Technique

By John Bult

Bookstores are making tons of money selling titles like 101 Interview Questions and Answers. The problem is that plenty of people have read these books, and some have memorized the answers, word for word. But because most applicants for graduate jobs are nervous, they would probably forget everything written in the book the minute the interviewer starts asking questions. Your upper hand is how well you understand how interviews are conducted. It's not just about answering questions the interviewees throw at you. It's also about asking questions, learning about the business and easing away the employer's fears about you.

If you are asked to come in for interviews for graduate jobs, it's because you are qualified for the job. The job is already yours, if you can erase their uncertainties about you. They might say that your resume is too perfect and they will be skeptical if you can actually do the job required. They will also think that you might not stick around long enough to finish a project given to you, or that you might not get along with the other staff members.

If you can convince them that you are a loyal and skilled worker with an agreeable personality, you will come out with a job offer. If however, you just sit there answering questions and not bothering to find out more about the company; your prospective employer will end up second guessing if you are really interested in the ir graduate jobs at all.

When the interviewer starts asking questions, look them in the eyes. Smile and answer truthfully without breaking eye contact. They will be impressed by your confidence. There's also a big possibility that this question will be asked - "how do you see yourself in five or ten years". Most applicants will describe their future in the company, moving up the ladder and taking over their bosses' jobs; or give out answers straight from the books. Keep in mind that the reason why you're being interviewed for the position is because it was vacated by someone else.

Surprise the interviewer by saying, "I see myself doing the same job, but with improved skills and an increased salary." This will spark their interest and will ask what you mean. By giving this kind of statement, you make it clear that you understand that they want a person who will fill in the position for as long as possible. On one hand, this could prove disastrous as the employer might think you have no ambitions or goals in life. Redeem yourself by saying that you would like to stay on with the company for as long as they need you and that you want learn all the ropes before you consider applying for a promotion beyond the intial graduate job.

Remember that an interview is a two-way street; answer questions and show an interest about how the company operates. Ask questions pertinent to the business or industry. Consider inquiring about the people running a business. And most importantly, try to take away their doubts about you. You don't have to memorize answers from self-help books, you only need to be yourself and impress the interviewer with your skills.

John Bult runs an internet jobs board for people looking for graduate jobs in the UK

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