eBook Solutions

Free Information Products inundate the web these days. eBook performance denotes miraculous sales and marketing procedures abound. Procedural documentation of a marketing article can be referred back to an eBook sold on your website. While most entrepreneurs may be seeking positions working at jobs online, others are actually seeking independent careers they can start working from home. An eBook representing a new method of business development, touting an ingenious financially beneficial business one can start on a shoestring, and proclaiming vast amounts of dollar success will sell well on any site, promotes well as a marketing article, and reprints well on other people's websites as a loss leader to bring traffic back to your site with a reference and signature ad.

What does it cost to bring traffic to your website? Can you make a dedicated profit by giving away an eBook that cost you only the time to create it?

Some interesting suggestions for marketing your eBook include:

1. Promote portions of your eBook as marketing articles with your signature and a reference back to your whole eBook. (Remember not to give away the secret of your book in the articles.)

2. Encourage publication of portions and excerpts from your eBook along with your special signature referring buyers back to your eBook and website.

3. Make extra profit selling updated versions of your eBook after you publish the FREE eBook online for readers to read. Be sure to include examples of excerpts from the updated version to encourage them to purchase your book.

4. Promote your eBook as a buy in for other web developers to promote their websites. Encourage them to give it away, as you give it away. Encourage readers to also purchase the updated version of your eBook.

5. Locate other people's eBooks and promote them on your website. Buy rights to eBooks for sale on your website. Create packets using a collection of similar titles to sell eBooks on your website as part of your content and product.

6. Create saleable reports from the data used to create eBook. Sell reports through advertising spots on your website promoting FREE reports. Use portions of your eBook to promote your monthly newsletter. Use portions of your eBook IN the monthly newsletter.

7. Show prospective clients sample pages of your eBook. Sample pages create interest, offer basic information about what is found in the eBook, and promote sale of reports.

8. Develop a "come back theory" to encourage return traffic to your site. Build a market people will come back to purchase or review later.

9. Make your eBook available off line.

Use your eBook to create multiple high earning income streams, promote your website, develop your clientele, and balance your on line business. By writing several eBooks serving your topic, and introducing your clients to your way of doing business, promoting your values and work style, you increase your own popularity and visibility online. This process defines your brand and brings you back to the homes of your clients. Once they begin to recognize and understand your business brand, you become more visible and highly competitive with any other source they have for any given product.

Jan Verhoeff combines 27 years of service in the Free Enterprise domain and a lifetime of education in business development to bring expertise and understanding of basic business principles to new business owners. An expert in the field of business development, Jan presents conceptual information through publications, live presentations, and Power Launch, a weekly live conference chat for business developers.

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