Insurance Information

7 Misconceptions About Medicare

There’s no way around it: Medicare is confusing. While this government-sponsored health insurance helps millions of Americans each year, it also comes with many requirements, guidelines and questions.

Are You a Medicare Rookie? Pros Can Help You Find Right Plan

Roughly 4.4 million Americans will reach the age of 65 in 2024, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. While age is just a number in some respects, this particular birthday marks the time when Americans become eligible for the federal Medicare health insurance program. And if you’ll be hitting this milestone soon, you’re in good company, as athlete, entrepreneur and philanthropist, Earvin “Magic” Johnson will be doing the same.

5 Tips for Picking a Health Plan This Open Enrollment Period

For many Americans, it’s time to pick a health plan for the coming year, or revisit current coverage to ensure it’s still a good fit.

4 Misconceptions Homeowners Have About Floods

Many people look forward to spring when the weather warms up and flowers start to bloom, but it also marks the start of the peak time of year for flash flooding in the United States.

What to Know Before Switching Your Car Insurance

The pandemic has impacted nearly every industry and aspect of our lives, including automotive production and driving habits.

Considering a New Insurance Plan? If You Rely on Costly Prescription Drigs, It Pays to Read the Fine Print

Over the next few weeks, thousands will select insurance plans for 2022, whether on a state exchange or through their employer.

Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help During Open Enrollment

On November 1, open enrollment for coverage on the Affordable Care Act's exchanges began in most states. That may be a daunting prospect. A recent survey found that most Americans admit to feeling "completely lost when it comes to understanding health insurance."

Insurance Flip-Flop Hurts Vulnerable Seniors

The vast majority of seniors have at least one chronic condition, and more than two thirds have two or more chronic conditions -- so choosing the right coverage is important.

Open Enrollment is Here. Don't Go Through the Process Alone

It's time to sign up for health insurance. Between November 1 and December 15, millions of Americans will head to or the online exchange in their state to shop for coverage for 2019.

Surety Bonds

Surety bonds are responsible for fuelling today's business world. Contracts that are issued across many different industries are often secured by the issuing of surety bonds. Without these bonds, customers would not be able to have a guarantee for the proper delivery of goods and services.

Are You Covered For Disability?

As Americans deliberate out-of-network co-pays, dental coverage and other choices during open enrollment, they often overlook disability insurance -- a potentially devastating financial mistake.

Mandate Will Change How We Buy Insurance

Both the House and Senate versions of the proposed health care bill include an individual mandate, which will require most people to buy health insurance. Luckily, those who find themselves shopping will be able to find affordable options -- both bills make it impossible for insurance companies to deny coverage or to charge exorbitant prices to those with pre-existing health conditions.

Cutting Health Care Spending Without Cutting Health Coverage

During these tough economic times, as America continues to look at cost cutting options, many people will be shopping for a health insurance plan. It's important to know that there are health plans that are affordable and are a fit for you and your family while still offering the coverage you need to protect your family.

Free or Low-Cost Health Coverage Helps Kids Get in the Game

Each fall, school and community athletic fields are filled with four-year-olds taking their first kick at a soccer ball and high-school seniors practicing in hopes of reaching the state championship football game.

Minimize Retirement Risk With Permanent Life Insurance

With persistent economic uncertainty, retirement worries plague many Americans. Instead of dreaming about their golden years, workers may be haunted by the possibility of a retirement where the idea of not having enough money may not be hyperbole.

5 Ways to Save Money on Health Insurance

The overwhelming mass of uninsured Americans is firsthand evidence that health insurance is too expensive -- as if we didn't already know.

Prepare for the Unexpected With Supplemental Insurance

From managing chronic conditions to coping with sudden diagnoses or accidents, maintaining the health of you and your family can be expensive.

What You Need to Know About Renters Insurance

If you are thinking about renting, there are many questions that might be on your mind, such as whether you'll have a good landlord, what your neighbors will be like and how you'll come up with the money for your security deposit. With all this to consider, it can be easy to overlook the obvious -- like renters insurance.

Childhood Cancer Survivor's Guide to Health Insurance

There are approximately 50 million uninsured people in the U.S. Of those uninsured, young adults are among the highest groups without health insurance. For childhood cancer survivors, however, going without health insurance is not an option.

Ways You Can Save Money on Health Insurance

The overwhelming mass of uninsured Americans is firsthand evidence that health insurance is too expensive -- as if we didn't already know.

More Resources

Health Insurance Plans - Benefits to Different Plans & Providers
Health insurance plans vary in their coverage and prices. The more coverage offered, the higher the premiums.
The Need For Life Insurance
A person needs to reexamine their life insurance needs every few years because as our life events change so do our needs.When starting a family, a person needs to consider starting a life insurance policy.
Disability Income Insurance Can Meet All Your Financial Needs
Disability income insurance can cover you in the event of a severe accident or illness but, it really depends on how much disability income insurance you purchase as to whether or not it will be able to meet all of your financial needs. The greatest number of families have no form of disability income insurance.
10 Ways To Save On Car Insurance
For most people car insurance is a the single largest insurance expense after health insurance. Rates are high and are forever climbing, at least it seems that way.
Insure Your House
When we talk about insurance the thing you have to remember is that always the price of your house must be higher then the value of the mortgage. This is not a hard thing to take care of if you like your house and care about the quality of your life.
Finding a Discount Car Insurance Broker
Discount car insurance brokerTimes past finding a discount insurance broker was important and offered you access to many different outlets for your needs. Today that's no longer the case as finding a discount insurance broker doesn't really provide you with any benefits or advantages as it once did.
Home Insurance Terms
Home insurance, or even homeowners insurance, is an insurance policy that combines insurance on the home, its contents, loss of the use of the home (additional living expenses) and, typically, the more individual possessions of the homeowner, as well as liability insurance for accidents that can transpire at the home.The cost of homeowners insurance scales upward depending on what it would cost to replenish the home, and which extra "riders", meaning extra items to be insured, are bound to the policy.
Risk Retention Groups RRG
In response to a hard insurance market in the mid 1908's, Congress passed the Liability Risk Retention Act of 1986. The legislation was intended to simplify the regulatory process for affinity groups such as doctors, real estate developers etc, who wanted to find an alternative to the and unavailability high cost of certain types of insurance coverage.
Types of Homeowner Insurance
There are 6 different types of homeowners insurance in general that are consistently utilized. Of these HO-3 is the most usual policy then it is followed by HO-4 and HO-6.
Alternate Risk Transfer (ART) - Insurance Strategies
Risk ManagementAlternate Risk Transfer is a fancy way of saying alternate methods of insurance and risk management, of which there are many. From the most basic alternative of going without insurance (self-insuring) to so-called "program business captives", there are a wide variety of strategies from which to choose.
Medical Bankrupticies: What You Can Do To Protect Yourself
First the bad news: about 2,000,000 personal bankruptcies each year are caused by unexpected medical expenses. Of all those people, 1,500,000 have (or had) health insurance before they ran into difficult financial straights.
Are You Running the Risk of an Uninsured Business? Beware & Get Business Insurance
Human life is precarious and so are the activities they indulge in. So it is not just the human life that needs to be protected but the work that he does - his business etc.
What is Life Insurance?
Life Insurance is an insurance policy that provides an agreed amount of cover over an agreed term, so that should you die during the policy term, a lump sum is paid out. Life insurance is considered as the cornerstone of financial planning.
New Jersey Car Insurance - What Do You Need To Know About It?
When purchasing New Jersey car insurance there are many decisions you will have to make. You need to understand what kind of car insurance coverage you need and how much you can afford to pay.
Everyone Wants The Cheapest Automobile Insurance Quote
When you are looking for an automobile insurance quote, the first thing you usually do is pick up the phone and start calling the various insurance companies in your local area. Then you have to wait for them to call you back with a quote, which quite often is very similar to what you are already paying.
Sisters Are Insuring Themselves: Finance is the New Feminism
According to a study by LifeSearch, the number of women in the UK buying life insurance in the UK has doubled over the last six years. As women are increasingly closing the gender related pay gap and even becoming the main breadwinners in a household, they are also becoming more vigilant about their finances and less financially dependent on their partners.
Life Insurance Whole Life or Term Life - Find Affordable Life Insurance
Life insurance, whether you need term or whole life, can be a major expense. We all know the importance of having adequate life insurance.
What is Pet Health Insurance?
Pet Health Insurance can give you the peace of mind that you are covered against unexpected vet bills. Having a pet can be a costly affair when you consider such expenses as food, vaccinations and checkups.
Is Life Insurance Comparison Really Necessary?
When you want to purchase a life insurance policy, you really do need to do a life insurance comparison. This is to ensure that you get the best possible rates and the best possible life insurance for your needs.
What To Do When You Suffer An Injury On The Job?
For over 30 years I have been representing injured workers in workers compensation proceedings and there are some basic errors that injured workers make time and time again.First, it is common for injured workers to ignore a serious injury for a day or even for a couple of days.

More Insurance Information:

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Affordable Life Insurance!
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A Free Term Life Insurance Quote Is Only Easy To Obtain
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Health Insurance Plans - Benefits to Different Plans & Providers
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Choosing Buy-To-Let Property Insurance
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Whole Life Insurance - Whole Life Insurance Information
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Sisters Are Insuring Themselves: Finance is the New Feminism
According to a study by LifeSearch, the number of women in the UK buying life insurance in the UK has doubled over the last six years. As women are increasingly closing the gender related pay gap and even becoming the main breadwinners in a household, they are also becoming more vigilant about their finances and less financially dependent on their partners.
Everyone Wants The Cheapest Automobile Insurance Quote
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Cut Business Insurance in 8 ways
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Need A Car Insurance Comparison? Dont Have Time?
If you decide not to do a car insurance comparison and simply renew your insurance at the same rate, you could be paying away needless amounts of your hard-earned money. By doing a car insurance comparison, you could get a cheaper rate than what you are presently paying.
Are You Overpaying On Your Home Insurance Policy?
For many consumers the cost of daily living is becoming increasingly higher. High gas prices, rising automobile costs and the cost of buying a new home can be very troublesome.
Health Insurance And Insurance Brokers
If you are in the market to purchase your own health insurance coverage you can save yourself precious time and money by shopping and comparing policies right online. Sites dedicated to giving you quotes on various types of insurance make it very easy for you to get an idea of what your coverage and costs will be.
Is Your Auto Insurance Company Rated?
Several national rating institutions rate insurance companies. Do coverages, rates, and service vary from company to company? Why can you pay less with one company than another can for the same coverages? Choosing the best insurance company for you is a crucial financial decision.
How To Negotiate A Settlement With An Insurance Claims Adjuster
You and I. M.
Poor call centre performances driving motorists online for insurance
In their efforts to cut costs more and more finance companies are looking to use offshore call centres to provide their customer services and administration. This is especially prevalent in the insurance industry, where it seems as if there is a newspaper announcement of previously UK based services migrating abroad every day.