Five Characteristics of a Great Leader

By Rebecca McClain

No doubt you've heard the phase, "He (or she) is a natural-born leader." But the truth is that leaders are created, not born. Although one might be born with leadership qualities, those attributes must be developed in order to become a truly effective leader.

I won't forget Oprah Winfrey's response to a question concerning an incident of alleged sexual misconduct by one of the school matrons at her girls' academy in South Africa. A reporter asked how the incident could possibly have occurred. Oprah's response was that, "The buck always stops with me." She could have shifted the blame to her administration but, instead, she took full responsibility. In a time of crisis, she demonstrated the traits of a true leader.

We are all leaders in some aspects of life; in our home, on our job, in our church, in our community and so on. A leader is someone who displays guidance and influence upon others that translate into positive results. It is a fact that leaders are known to have their own leadership style, but there are some common attributes that separate great leaders from the status quo. We'll examine five of these characteristics below. Highly effective leaders:

1. Have excellent people skills. A true leader is in tune with the needs and temperaments of others. He (or she) is a good communicator; an especially good listener. He is open to the opinions of others and is genuinely concerned that their voices are heard and resolutions provided. As a leader, it is important that you are able to handle situations involving sensitive matters and emotional issues.

2. Are committed to learning. You don't have to have an IQ of 150 to be an effective leader. A commitment to lifetime learning is critical, particularly in your area of leadership. There are also tools you can use to enhance your overall intellectual effectiveness, such as reading to increase your vocabulary and a number of brain games.

3. Admit their mistakes. One of the most admirable attributes of a leader is the ability to admit mistakes. Since leaders, such as Oprah, are faced with so many responsibilities and challenges, it is inevitable that things will go wrong. Admitting a mistake is not a sign of weakness but of confidence. It is a belief that the mistake is simply a bump in the road to a higher goal. The sign of a great leader is not that he avoids making mistakes but that, when he does, he learns from them.

4. Inspire / empower others. An effective leader is able to change the outlook in a gloomy situation. Positive thinking and motivation in the face of adversity is the single most important trait for any leader.

A great leader doesn't just delegate responsibilities. He is engaged in helping others yield positive results by equipping them with the necessary resources to get the job done. His knowledge, experience and trustworthiness are the hallmark of his ability to move others into action.

5. Lead by Example. A great leader isn't just a figure head that stands for, "Do as I say and not as I do." In order to lead by example, you must build trust and win the respect of the people you lead. You must not give advice to others if your own words and action are not in alignment. A truly effective leader is a role model that practices what he preaches.

Are you an effective leader? You certainly have the potential to become one. We have all been given that ability, but it's up to us to choose to become great leaders in our own sphere of influence. I invite you to evaluate your leadership quotient and take measures to develop your innate leadership abilities to the fullest.

Rebecca McClain is founder of Life Treasures LLC, a life enrichment company. As an entrepreneur, author, speaker and life coach, she is recognized as an expert in personal and professional success.

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