Management Information

How to Attract the Best Candidates for Your Business

As most business owners know, one of the most valuable assets your enterprise needs to thrive is top-notch talent.

6 Secrets of Business Growth Success

The future of your business may become may depend on 6 little growth secrets that many businesses have used in the past though not in a matter that creates rapid growth. So how do you create quicker revenue or profit growth with your business?

Scheduling Accounts Receivable

The accounts receivable schedule is a listing of the customers making up the total accounts receivable balance. Most businesses prepare an accounts receivable schedule at the end of each month. Analyzing the accounts receivable schedule may help one identify potential cash flow problems

Am I Providing a Safe Working Environment for my Staff?

Health and Safety is a very in depth and complicated subject, the aim of this article is to highlight a few of the legal issues a business owner should consider if they want to improve working conditions.

Website designing- the most important areas to consider when designing a website/webpage!

The website designing company which you choose to use will be able to do this for you, as this is something which they are very familiar with. A great tip to creating that website is to reply on friends who are well-versed in web designing

Benefits of Management are Essential for Business

Benefits Management refers to the management of benefits obtained from various change programs undertaken by an organization. The function of Benefits Management is to: determine the benefits that each project would provide to an organization; maximize the benefits for a project; and at the end of a project determine whether the predetermined benefits have actually been obtained.

Make your Sales Team the Best with Excellent Sales Training

When you are looking to build a sales team that continually meet targets and go that extra mile you need to make sure that they receive quality training, otherwise you will have a team that occasional hit their targets and rarely get above this.

No One Wants To Hear They Have An Ugly Baby

Gas is up over $4.50 a gallon, transportation costs are going through the roof, your employees are struggling to keep their homes and your customers are scrutinizing every cost on their invoices. I think it is safe to assume our economy is in trouble.

Things to think about before hiring an accountant

Locating a good honest accountant is not as simple as you would think. The majority of us looks in a local directory and chooses the first one who answers the phone. You should never employ anyone so easily; you might end up spending years with the same accountant so choosing one that suits you is crucial.

Make Your Protege an Organizational Disciple

Each year organizations around the world spend billions of Dollars, Euros, and Yen, to train new employees. Unfortunately, organizations lose billions when they lose those people on whom they spent all that training time and money.

Title Proliferation

I have recently been doing quite a bit of work in the European Community and more particularly in the UK. One of the things that I've found interesting is that many of our European brethren are not familiar with the term "C-suite executive".

Managers Must Attack the Process, Not Just the Problem

A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to accompany a manager on a tour of his physical facilities. As we walked around the yard and through the warehouses, the manager spotted several housekeeping issues that disturbed him. Each time this happened, he would seek out an employee, angrily point out the problem and tell him to take care of it.

Inventory Costing

There are several ways to determine the value of your inventory and each type of valuation has benefits. The most common type used by small businesses is average cost or weighted average costing. This is based on the average cost of identical units

Three Ways to Improve the Way You Talk to People Who Work for You about their Performance

Talking to people who work for you about their performance is one of the most difficult tasks in the workplace. But, there are three quick changes to the way they talk about other people's behavior/performance that will dramatically improve the odds of a successful outcome.

You Are The Boss

If you are the owner of the company, or head of a department, if you have employees that fall under your direction, than you are the boss. And bosses are not just one of the gang. It is important for you, the company and your employees to have a clear demarcation between you and them.

One No-Cost Step to Employee Motivation

If you are like most people, you immediately start spouting off ideas about incentive programs, raises in compensation, or other actions that YOU intend to take. Unfortunately, that approach is ALL WRONG!

Commercial Office Space - Don't Waste Your Money

Commercial office space is unnecessary when you first start out in computer consulting. Unless you have a very compelling reason for renting commercial office space, save your money. You're much better plowing that money back into marketing and promotional expenses.

What is Professionalism? Are You a Professional?

Let me start this write-up with a question, what is Professionalism? Are you a Professional? Different people must be having different views on this subject and the chances are that all of them are logically correct.

Your "Hello Tunes" and Your "Interview Calls"

I hope that people on other side will not take this write-up as an intrusion into their private life. We all have write to select the things that we like and want to live with that includes the type of music that we like; songs that we sing; locations that we like to travel to; people we like to meet; cities, we like to go to; cloths that we like to wear etc etc etc and such things forms the part of our private life.

Management Advice From Leaders Of Canada's Fastest Growing Companies

Profit magazine ran an article that compiled management advice quotes from leaders of Canada's fastest growing companies. The quotes were just randomly posted on the pages without stating the name of the person that said the quote.

Time Registration - More Than Just Overhead

One of the many differences between project management and operational management involves the use of time registration. Time registration is the basis for project management to function properly, whereas for operational management time registration is not often used.

Hypnotherapy for Business Development – Leading by Example

So you thought hypnotherapy and business development make a rather odd couple, right? One is all about strange utterings and exaggerated facial expressions, while the other is about being cool, calculated and professional.

Wise Business Management Consultants Write Children's Books

Business Management consultants should learn how to write children's books because so often in business when we are trying to mentor other business leaders, MBA students or small-business owners we find that they do not nearly have the mental faculties to handle the business world.

Increasing Human Productivity: Trust the "Squidgy" Factor

Once when I was working for Corporate America, my supervisor happened to catch me playing solitaire on my computer. I froze mid-mouse-click, a deer in the proverbial headlights.

One of the Productivity Roles of an Advisor

The advisor is productive in a variety of ways. Different advisors -- either internal or external ones -- will dedicate their time according to a certain preference. Communication is said to be one of the most important skill of the advisor.

The Additional Task of an Internal Advisor

The internal advisor can be a specialist of any field in (the) organization. The accountant is one of the most common examples we all know. The accountant prepares the financial figures and is more than anyone else up to day with the roundabouts of the organization.

Risk Management

Every business carries an element of risk. Therefore, managing risks is crucial process in many organizations. Depending on the business, steps can be taken to reduce the frequency and intensity of risk. Risk management is a process or group in an organization that takes management action to reduce risk.

Top Consultant Asks: Can A Distributed Workforce Save Fuel?

The other day I came across an online issue of Foreign Policy magazine, and its author said there are two ways to dramatically reduce oil consumption:

Motivation & Rewards: You Can't Buy Trust

As a manager, I really question the value of motivating people through reward systems and other motivational techniques. I don't think managers should approach people by trying to "motivate" them. Instead, I think we should be trying to engage them.

Who's Plundering your Plumbing Business?

If you occasionally feel that you are working for nothing, chances are that you are.

Preparing Financial Projections and Pro Forma Statements

It is critical to your business success that you prepare realistic forecasts of your future business performance. You need to forecast your operations for three to five years in order to guide your business growth. You will need realistic forecasts to support your business plan if you need a loan or investor funds. The elements of and influences on pro forma statements include:

Payroll Management - Start Planning Now

Payroll management is an issue that is never too early to start considering. Obviously, in the early stages of your business, your payroll management will consist of paying yourself. As your business grows you will have to concern yourself with compensation for you and your employees.

The Advice Process Starts With a Question

Obviously, the advice process starts with a question? But who will pose the question. Is it the advisor or the one, let’s say the manager, who is asking for an advice?

Knowledge Management Tools

A variety of software tools have come into existence for the management of knowledge. These tools generally provide features such as intranet, logged chat, search, FAQ lists, personalization, database maintenance and so on. All these supposedly help the process of knowledge sharing within an organization

The Difference Between Management and Leadership

A 27 year old manager named Justin who attended my seminar at the University of Wisconsin asked why his employees didn’t accept his authority, even though he had been given the official title of General Manager. He was taking over a trucking company from his father and thought it was because of his age, or the fact that his father founded the company.

Knowledge Management

One of great challenges for any business is to learn to efficiently and cost effectively leverage knowledge on an enterprise wide basis. We have all heard the saying that “knowledge is power”…we’ve all also heard the refinement of that saying which states that “the application of knowledge is power”.

That's Not Leadership - Is It?

If I asked you what leadership looks like, what would you say? I like to think that we've grown beyond the superficial image of the 1950's--the handsome white male with the strong chin; the tall, athletic build; the thick yet well-manicured mane of dark hair, contrasting so dramatically with the piercing blue eyes.

The Prime Directive: Does Your Company's HR Function Lead or Fail to Lead?

The July 17, 2006 issue of Businessweek carried a terrific column from Jack and Suzy Welsh entitled, “So Many CEO’s Get This Wrong” that describes how HR should function and the mistakes that corporate HR makes.

The Golden Rule For Business Owners

Do you remember learning the Golden Rule as a child? You probably heard it a thousand times. ‘Do unto others as you would have done unto you.’ Powerful words.

Penalties of Doing Business as a Corporation in a Sea of Political Correctness

Often we find that when running a non-profit foundation or non-profit business that there are less regulations involved. Some say that non-profits are inherently inefficient like government. You see there are penalties of doing business as a Corporation in a Sea of Political Correctness; too many lawyers and bureaucrats creating barriers to forward progress.

Running Low on Passion? Time to Refuel!

When was the last time you were really excited about something in your life?

Influencing and Communication

If you have an interest in moving up in the company, having your projects approved, or simply enjoying a more pleasant working environment, consider taking a few minutes to learn how communication techniques, such as projecting an air of friendliness at work, can work to your advantage.

Is Management Like Ice Cream?

Every day a new management or self-help book arrives at bookstores across the country promoting the benefits of the latest fad or buzzword in organization management. Newspapers and magazines feature consultants who have helped themselves and others succeed using an emerging business technique.

Will Black Belt Training Help My Career?

It is no wonder that this question is still pertinent. You may not see many trained Black Belt professionals working from home nor are they running around from pillar to post.

Mistake Proofing or Poka Yoke

Thrashing out mistakes in manufacturing engineering was developed by the Japanese as a tool of mistake proofing that helps reduce waste in areas such as time, energy and resources. The idea stresses on producing zero defects as a part of a quality tool kit to prevent human errors.

Lean Information Systems

It is the information age without any doubt. This is because information is available to everyone faster and easier. But this doesn’t mean all this information is required or useful. We still have to use this information effectively and efficiently in order to create value to the system. Lean manufacturing concepts can be used in streamlining your information flow.

It is Easier to Increase Sales than to Cut Costs

We are constantly hearing about the importance of cutting costs to get a business back on track. I certainly believe that we should spend wisely, but serious cost cutting is killing some companies who could direct their efforts in a more productive manner that would benefit their company, their investors, and their employees a lot more. That is increasing sales.

Top 7 Ways Generation X Differs From Booomers

No, they’re not from Mars, but Generation Xers are dramatically different from the Boomers. Here are the top 7 difference you’re likely to see between Boomers and Xers in the workplace.

The Highway That Makes Turnarounds Possible

Product life-cycles are shortening, with new products hitting the market faster and faster. At the same time, consumers are spending more time on the Internet looking for products and services, and seeking out suppliers who can deliver them with maximum value at a competitive price

The Importance of a Drug Free Workplace and Creating a Drug Testing Policy for your Business

Drug abuse in the workplace is a serious problem that affects the status and output of American businesses. $100 billion a year is lost in revenues and production or spent on insurance claims, paid sick leave, theft and accidents due to drug use

The Business Of Global Asset Management

Global asset management gives you an active investment management platform for your business. Management of assets is for institutions, private clients, and intermediaries. Global asset management delivers outstanding results to you and your business by giving your clients access to great investment talent all over world.

Super Results Come From Super Selection

Results come from taking action but great results come from taking the right action.

Problem Employee? - Hold A Counsel Interview

A Counsel Interview is a practical approach to dealing with staff problems - and all such situations. Issues rarely solve themselves and therefore it is essential that managers recognise that a problem exists and then solves it as rapidly as possible, because an unhappy employee will not be working at optimum performance levels.

How to Lead an Effective Meeting

Leaders determine the success of every event. Here's how to lead a meeting.

Whom Do You Invite to a Meeting?

The success of your next meeting depends upon whom you invite. Here's what to consider.

It's More Than Just a Presentation

Your presentation reveals a lot about you. It shows your ability to plan, communicate, and think. Here's how to make a good impression the next time that you speak.

Time Management - Benefits

Time management offers a lot of benefits like saving time, reducing of stress and eliminating of cramming. Furthermore managing time helps us to stay motivated while we avoid procrastination. In order to have success in time management you have to set up goals that work, while having an awareness of those goals and prioritizing your list of goals

Write an Annual Report on the Business of Your Life

Every major business prepares one.

Protect Yourself from Meetings

You check your computer and (surprise) someone has scheduled you for a meeting.

What to Do When Your Boss Talks Too Much

What do you do if your boss takes up your time talking about other people in the office? You may dislike hearing gossip, and you want to complete the work on your desk.

Uncommon Energy Savings

Here are some easy things that you can do that will save energy.

Succesful Management of a Diverse Workforce

Employees of the modern era consist of a community with different ethnic backgrounds which has led to new techniques for managing a diverse workforce. Not too long ago, the high profile projects were reserved for a select few people from a common background.

Staff Motivation

I’ve been promoted at work recently and I realize that one of the key skills I need to have is the ability to motivate my staff, especially when big projects crop up and a lot of extra time and overtime is necessary

Ten Critical Success Factors for Successful System Selection Projects

1. Have a business case - What are the motivations or benefits anticipated? What is the return on investment?

Make Writing Meeting Minutes Easy

Some people think that minutes are unnecessary.

How to Make Sure Your Ideas Appeal to Everyone

You will be more effective delivering presentations when you use gender neutral speech.

Top Consultant Says: People Should Know Where They Stand!

Yesterday, FORTUNE interviewed retired GE CEO Jack Welch, whose management principles have been coming under attack, recently.

The Power of the Written Word

This article will focus on the acquisition of knowledge through learning by reading. While there are certainly numerous other ways to learn (experience, classroom instruction, digital learning, etc.) I am a huge fan of the benefits of professional development gained from good old-fashion reading.

Optimizing Strengths

Yesterday, I received this encouraging note from a friend of mine who is a very successful entrepreneur:

The Only 3 Ways To Increase Your Business

Would you like to increase your business? In Jay Abraham’s book, Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got, he says there are only three ways (or a combination thereof) to increase your business and make more money. They are:

Janitorial Liability: Protecting The Owner Of A Cleaning Company

Let’s face it, running a janitorial company is not easy. It’s not glamorous. And, at time’s, it’s not very profitable. But, when you add the ever lingering possibility of lawsuits by your employees and customers and worker compensation claims, you begin to see why a lot of company’s don’t make it past their 3rd year!

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