Politics Information

Politics Information

California Attorneys and Politicians

California Attorneys and politicians are to blame for the energy crisis and blackouts and the ones, which will come this summer too. A simple study of finite capacity scheduling would have yielded the necessary tools for the CA state government to figure out what was actually feasible.

Workmens Compensation Lawyers, Lets Raise Minimum Wage; No Lets Not, Say We Did, We Have

The debate to raise minimum wage in California is totally negated. The debate holds no weight because workmen's compensation rates are completely out of control there.

Seattle Lawyer and Financial Freedom

We are destroying our freedoms and slowing innovation, due to our belief that we can regulate morality by laws, that we can protect the most ignorant or mentally challenged individual in society by making a law; hardly possible. We have systematically allowed over burdensome laws to be made which support no freeman in this period only give work to 'wordsmithers' who claim to be helping us as they help themselves to our hard earned money.

Conservation of Water in Big Cities

Water Conservation in larger cities is less of an issue publicly than in smaller cities, yet in reality it is more important in larger cities to conserve to allow smaller cities to exist. This is ironic, however truth because a small city that saves a lot is a mere drop in the bucket to the amount of water a big city can save when each person saves only a small amount, because those little amounts are multiplied by the masses into true water savings.

Silicon Valley Brain Drain; Bad Trade Policies, Why?

We have brain drain issues in Silicon Valley, we have taught so many students from India, Pakistan, China all kinds of heavy duty industrial high tech studies and research and now that they cannot find jobs, many will be going back to those countries to work and with them all our technology. Brain fart? You teach them nuclear physics and you assume if they go back they will make paper dolls or something? Try nuclear weapons dummy.

We Do Not Have An Upside Down Trade Deficit Because We Cannot Compete

Our trade deficit is directly proportional to our attacks on US Businesses and Entrepreneurs. We do not have an upside down trade deficit because we cannot compete.

Retirement Age Will Have To Be Raised Since People Are Living Longer

With people living longer we have some problems as those with pensions will be receiving monies much longer than anticipated. They will be using hospitals and need care longer and all of this will cost us more.

The Politics of American Public Education and Why Dramatic Progress Still Eludes Us

The current political efforts aimed at improving the American public educational system appear to reflect Einstein's definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over again hoping for different results - than truly creating sustainable change. Until, we begin at square one, sustainable educational achievement will not happen and the limited resources of time, people and taxpayer's dollars will continue to be depleted.

Eurovision Song Contest - Kiss My Butt Neighbours

Tonight I resigned myself to the fact that this is the last Eurovision Song Contest I shall ever watch. In fairness the only reason I did watch it was due to media reports mentioning that steps had been taken to try and mitigate the blatant vote rigging that takes place each time the contest is aired.

Maryland Lawyers and Politicians Want More Regulations

We know that in Maryland, which some call "Merry Land" due to its completely liberal skew that Sarbaines Oxley laws were born. These laws no matter what anyone will tell you, have done more to upset our trade deficits with China than any other single factor.

Maryland State Legislator wants to kill jobs and small business

Last year a Maryland State Legislator whom I presume never owned a small business of any type suggested that franchises in the state needed to be audited every year. This would be every fast food restaurant, small business service van franchise or dog groomer in the state, which was a franchised outlet.

Smelter Closures In America Hurt Our Industrial Output

The United States is losing its industrial capacity quite rapidly. Some environmentalists call these "old industries" and say we do not need them anymore; that we want clean industries.

The Senate Filibuster: The Hulk Plan and the Nuclear Option

The partisan feuding in the U.S.

Boston Bankers

Many people make a lot of money in war. In WWII we know that Prescott Bush was involved with Brown Bros.

Mommas, Dont Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Lobbyists

For many years now, I have been the proud holder of jobs that my parents found very difficult to explain to their friends. Now, when a well-meaning acquaintance asks "what does your daughter do?" they try to explain that I help people understand how to communicate with elected officials.

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