Politics Information

Politics Information

Accessibility Requirements for Fair Housing

PolicyFederal Fair Housing accessibility requirements for new multifamily buildings should be written in building code language certified as Fair Housing compliant by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD should be vigilant in compliance education and assistance as is NAHB.

How Senator Sarbaines and Oxley Destroyed America

You have probably heard of the Sarbaines Oxley Law (SOX) on corporate governance to make corporations totally transparent. And the voters and investors wanted this law so they could know which companies to invest in so they could make 20% per year on their money, which they damn well feel entitled to.

Chinese Ministry of Information Internet Registration Laws

China maybe stopping some of the SPAM coming into the United States by getting tough on Internet users. Currently about 30 percent of all SPAM comes from China.

Globalism and a Conspiracy

The globalist's are the new breed, the new generation if that is what I can call it. The new internationalist might be better.

The U.S. Department of Justice vs. the Realty Industry, and Its Effect on Consumers

From the National Association of Realtors' Virtual Office Website policy, to laws and regulations in individual states across the country, the U.S.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act Was created on July 30th 2002, by Senator Paul Sarbanes and Representative Michael Oxley, who drafted the bill. It followed a series of high profile scandals.

6 Steps to Destroy the American Infidels

The United States has enemies, which call the country the land of infidels. They have been plotting ways to attack.

China has the Answer to Environmental Dead Zones

Recently scientists have been watching the exponential growth of marine life dead zones off the coasts of human civilizations. In China there are dead zones now, which are over 250 kilometers in radius off the coasts of Shanghai and Beijing.

China Finds Humans to Test Bird Flu Vaccine On, in Qinghai

China is serious about breaking into the bio-tech field and has a vaccine to stop H5N1 Bird Flu strain. Recently they admitted over 160 people died and today they now admit it was actually 460 people.

911 Could Have Been Prevented, Was It Bush's Fault?

September 11, 2001 could have been prevented. We could have stopped that International Terrorist Act had we just employed a few simple tools.

Elliot Spitzer Blows Chunks

This is the beginning of the end for the man who would be king. Mr.

Elliot Spitzer, are the Rats Leaving the Ship

Are the junior attorneys in the Attorney General's office leaving the ship yet? Are the New York State Attorney General Office's up and coming prosecutors and lawyers jumping ship as to not be caught in the future demise of Elliot Spitzer fall from reputation? We will see as Elliot Spitzer starts to lose all his cases that the attorneys in his office wish to distance themselves from the New York Attorney General's office.It is common knowledge that rats and rodents often leave the ship prior to it sinking.

Environmental Economics, Stream of Thought

Entrepreneurs can clean up the environment if we would let them. Look at Fred Smith's Brilliant plan to challenge American Ingenuity paid off.

Liberal Agenda and Communism; Lance Rants

If we go hog wild towards the liberal agenda where everything is equal and everything is fair and it does not matter if you produce or not or have any productivity all you're still entitled the same amount of potatoes, then you will find every American in line for said potatoes. Think of this unemployment lines of 2000 as our inability to live within reality as we listen to podium pushers promise us the world of unattainable dreams, of an unreachable utopia for the impossible price of FREE? Oh really since when? Quite frankly it cannot exist without the commitment, integrity and teamwork that built this country in the first place.

Political Correctness got you down?

I hear it all the time; you can't say that. But why not, I just did you see? Besides it's the truth isn't it? They say; "well yes, it is the truth, but you cannot say that!" Do you sometimes believe it is all a bunch of crap? We have the PC police running around telling you what you can and cannot say now? Wow, I know there is a law about how you are to do just about everything you do, but now we have unspoken laws about things you cannot speak of and it is all a big secret? And do not ask what these things are you cannot even mention it.

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