Weight Loss Tips From a Woman Who Lost 50 Pounds

(StatePoint) Life is full of memorable events – both big and small. But sometimes, when you don’t feel your best, those moments can seem like a blur. With her upcoming wedding approaching, Audrey B. was determined to enjoy this special time in her life, but there was one thing standing in her way – her own self-confidence.

“I no longer felt comfortable in my own skin,” says Audrey. “I knew I needed to focus on my health and wellness goals so that I could feel my best in time for my wedding.”

And that’s just what she did. By the time her big day rolled around, Audrey had lost 50 pounds. “I can honestly say I’m happier and healthier than ever before. And now I actually enjoy eating healthy and staying active,” explains Audrey, who found success using Nutrisystem.

If you have an upcoming event in your life or you’re simply looking to commit to a healthier lifestyle, these simple tips, which helped Audrey on her weight loss journey, may help you too.

Use Portion Control. Did you know that over the last few decades, portion sizes in restaurants and at dinner tables have grown? That means oftentimes you’re eating more than you need to, which can hinder your weight loss efforts. With Nutrisystem, meals are perfectly portioned and set you up for success so that you’re not overindulging.

Add Veggies to Every Meal. The key to losing weight and keeping it off is to replace high-calorie, low-fiber foods with low-calorie, high-fiber foods like vegetables. High-fiber foods can help you feel full faster so it’s important to add them to every meal. Vegetables are great for snacking too. For example, try grabbing a bowl of carrots or slices of bell pepper instead of potato chips.

Drink More Water. Water has so many benefits, from increasing energy and relieving fatigue to boosting your immune system and of course, promoting weight loss. Water can help you feel full and potentially eat less. In fact, sometimes a glass of water is enough to curb what you thought was hunger. If you have a hard time reaching your water intake goal, you can use an app, like Nutrisystem’s NuMi, to send you reminders and track what you consume.

Get Moving. A key part of living a healthier lifestyle is making sure you move more. One of the most simple and effective exercises that can be done anywhere is jumping rope. It’s not only a solid cardiovascular workout, it’s great for challenging your coordination and stamina. No matter what exercise you choose, moving your body for 30 minutes per day can have great benefits. You can even break that 30 minutes into three 10-minute sessions to make it less daunting.

If you have a transformation story like Audrey, visit story.nutrisystem.com to share your journey with Nutrisystem for a chance to win a share of $50,000. For more great tips and other success stories, visit leaf.nutrisystem.com.

There is no better than time now to focus on your health and wellness goals and boost your overall confidence. For Audrey, she admits to feeling more self-assured than ever before as a result of prioritizing her health, “I now have confidence that I didn’t even know was possible.”

More Resources

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