Advertising Information

The Bud Light Hangover

Anheuser-Busch InBev is the world’s largest beer company with over 400 global brands. Among these brands is one of America’s leading light beers, Bud Light, known for its sophomoric, fun, and outlandish advertising characters like Spuds McKenzie and the Dilly-Dilly knights.

Small Business Failure -- a Marketing Approach

As many inexperienced business owners might admit, starting a new business is no easy task, there are many things that could go wrong however, in order to make things work you need to think and act in a positive way.

Website Promotion For Small Business

It’s been said that 96% of businesses fail within their first 10 years of operation. With that in mind, will you be part of the 4% that succeeds?

The benefits of using press in your recruitment advertising campaign

If you're trying a recruitment advertising campaign, you'll want to get the press involved. You can't really just put up some signs and hope that people come to you.

Internet Advertising : What is an Advertising Website?

Logic will tell you that if you receive more visitors to your web site, you will also receive more paying customers.

Advantages of Promotional products at sports events

Sports crowd comprises captive and fanatic audience. Audiences that feel happy utilizing free sample they receive.

Online Advertising : Choosing Your Advertising Mode

In order to succeed with your new web business online, you must have good traffic volume.

Property and Travel Advertising

If a company is looking to market for tourism there are certain places that it should look into advertising.

Why Advertising with a Specialist is a Must

It is best to leave the work to the experts – and advertising is no different. Hiring professionals is beneficial for a number of reasons.

Most Popular Classified Listings

Things are not like they used to be. The writing is on the wall for most all of the paper newspapers; it is just a matter of time before they all disappear just like nearly all of the pay telephones did.

Where to Advertise and How to Slash the Expense

Advertising is and should be the major focus of any business.

The Ultimate Instant Research Tool

You may have heard recently about Google's new product Trends. I read about it in various blogs and feeds so I checked it out. For the first five seconds I just sort of stared at it. "Ok, this is neat, but so what?" I thought. Then it hit me in a huge way.

Engagement, Or Lack Thereof

First, thanks to the good folks at Yahoo! for their Long and Winding Road summit series they presented here in Dallas this morning. They are a class act and man are they on brand. My name tag looked professionally printed and my name was even in the Yahoo! approved font.

We've Blown Up The Media Department

In our last post we talked about Yahoo! and OMD's findings of their recent consumer purchase pattern and behavior study. In it, Mike Hess mentioned a term that made me stop and think: Channel Planning.

Are Automotive Ad Spending and Corporate Losses Related?

What a week for news. First, Jan Thompson, Nissan's VP of Marketing for North America sets the trades ablaze with her assertions that manufacturers are over spending per new vehicle retailed and that their timidity in embracing new media is partly to blame.

Tracking Your Advertising and Marketing Dollars

Are you getting the proper return on investment of your advertising dollar? Do you feel that your marketing dollars and advertising expenditures are getting the results that you want?

Local Advertising - The Biggest Mistakes

When it comes to small business marketing and advertising, I am amazed at how many local advertisers squander their money. I wish I had the money they wasted. I'd be a rich man.

Custom Banners

If you can’t find a banner that meets your needs, and can custom design your own. You can customize your banner and distinguish yourself from hundreds of banners seen everyday. You can then submit your specification to a banner production company; they will produce it for you.

Advertising and Marketing on a Small Budget; Delivering the Message

Many small businesses or even large corporations do not understand that you can market your wares on a relatively small budget. It is all about delivering the message to the target customers or target market and the more inexpensively and more efficient you can do that the smarter you are and the better marketer you will be.

Advertising Disruption Strategies; Competing for the Customer Mind Bandwidth

Is your company heavy on the advertising and marketing side of things? Are you able to insure that your customer is indeed getting the message? Are you properly getting the word out and are you able to make sure that your customer or target-market it indeed absorbing this message?

Why So Many Construction Contracting Businesses 'Do It Hard'

Many building contractors start their own contracting business for one major client. This leads to all sorts of problems for them because they are usually excellent tradespeople but not always good business people and generally have no, or very little, marketing experience.

Five Tips Guaranteed to Reduce the Cost of Your Yellow Pages Advertising

When you read your Yellow Pages contract you will see initials for various items success as BLN, WBLN, WFL, and ABLN. Most of these items cost between $ 7 and $34. Do you ever ask your sales Rep “what the heck is this?”

How To Easily And Quickly Create A Successful Ad Copy To Market Your Products!

Professionally presenting your products in an ad copy can make the million dollar difference in your results.

How to Create Product Names that Sell and Tell

What’s in a Name? Does a Rose by Any Other Name Sell as Sweet?

Advertise, Advertise, Advertise

Many people sign up for affiliate programs with the hopes of making some serious money. They advertise a few places and then wait for the money to start pouring in. When it doesn’t, they blame it on the program and quit.

New Tendencies in the Art of Advertising

How to sell things has become a science more than an art in the last few decades. Crowds of people of different professions work hard to find the way to be ”different”. They use all their creativity to be appearing.

Advertising Strategies - Alternatives to Print, Alternatives Within Print

Is print advertising headed for extinction? No way, but I am seeing more and more companies pulling dollars from their print advertising budgets and moving them into other alternatives.

Is Your Business Card Hurting Your Business

If you have bought into the practice of "image or personal marketing," it's time to take a fresh look at what today's consumer really wants. The 80's and 90's were the decades of image and personal marketing. Marketing experts advised Realtors® to prospect using a personal brochure.

The Point of Commercials is to Get You To Do Something?

In business the point of an advertisement or a commercial on the radio or TV is to teach you to do something; either to get you to buy a product or make a decision.

10 Easiest Ways to Advertise your Arts/Crafts Business

1) CREATE A WEBSITE. This will act as a Portfolio and lists all the items you created and want to sell.

The 5 Biggest Mistakes in Direct Response Radio Advertising

How do we know what the 5 Biggest Mistakes are?

Silicone Bracelets for All

Customized silicone bracelets and wristbands are a great way to advertise, and seem to be becoming a very popular way to get a message across. Many companies are seeing the value of using customized silicone bracelets as a twist to word of mouth and viral marketing strategies.

Radio Advertising Commandments

I'd like to discuss the many uses of Radio. Sort of the 10 Commandments Of Radio Advertising. This will take up several pages, for sure, so I'll start by asking the most obvious radio questions.

Stock Photography

Stock photography is images that can be used by advertisers, magazines, publishers, graphic designers, web designers, calendar and greeting cards companies, and television and film producers for commercial purposes.

Humor and Advertising Don't Mix? You Just Don't Have a Sense of Humor!

Sex, money, and religion. What do they all have in common? They are the three subjects that are most powerful when getting a person’s attention. However, when it comes to developing catchy advertising, I can add another subject to that list: Humor

Where in the World Is...?

With Internet use spreading across the globe, one advertising message no longer fits all. Believe it or not, Asians, Europeans and Latin Americans account for more than 60 percent of all Web traffic, and the percentage is climbing.

How To Advertise Your Internet Business and Drive Traffic and Sales for Pennies

We have all seen advertisements promising targeted traffic and massive sales, but most of these are scams and rarely do they produce the traffic and sales that are promised.

My Boogers Itch - Good Marketing or Not?

If you've driven through Atlanta - or perhaps throughout the South - you've seen large, attention-getting signs proclaiming (among other things) that someone has gas. ???

Thinking of Having Your Vehicle Wrapped?

Some businesses are exploring the idea of this fast-growing medium of vehicle wrapping as an effective advertising tool. Small businesses, large corporations, media outlets and others that want to attract attention are turning to vehicle advertising as a means to that end.

What Ad Agency Media Buyers Won't Tell You

Those of you familiar with my personal history know that I have a strong background in, and affinity for, digital marketing. Now that my bias is fully disclosed, I’m going to tell you what most traditional ad agencies will not…that the digital medium is far and away the most powerful, cost effective and measurable form of media available today.

More Resources

Top Jingle Companies: What to Look For, What to Expect
The internet offers you the opportunity to seek out jingle companies and listen to their jingle samples online. Your success depends upon a thorough evaluation of as many companies as possible.
Whats On Your Business Card?
A professional business card says more about youand your business than any other tool in yourmarketing arsenal. You need a card that looksgood, tells what you do and makes it easy tocontact you.
The Graphic Problem
Digital printing has revolutionized the sign industry. Current printers can reproduce an image at 1440 dpi (dots per inch) at virtually any size.
Advertising Inserts
One of the best and easiest ways to advertise without having to worry about shelf life of those who would most likely use your services or buy the products from your small business is to use inserts in your local newspaper. A marketing piece might also be to insert our flyers in the daily newspaper.
How To Tell If An Advertisement Costs Too Much
People say it all the time: "This advertising costs too much!" They practically go into cardiac arrest when they see how much the advertising for certain media in certain markets is going to cost them. It is pretty easy to get sticker shock when you see that a sixty-second radio commercial on a popular Los Angeles station could cost you a thousand bucks.
Creditability In Advertising
I recently saw an ad taped to my mailbox, mind you, my mailbox is shared by many residents of my area. The postal real estate is typically reserved for flyers of lost dogs, cats, small children, etc.
Nine Power Words To Punch Up Your Ads
As every professional politician and public relations man knows words have the power to entice, persuade and motivate people into a specific course of action.There are certain words that I refer to as "Power Words" that I learned, back in the dawn of time, when the dinosaurs still roamed the earth.
Advertising on a Budget -- Part 2: Thinking Small
This is the second article of a three-part series. I'm illustrating the marketing challenges of a small business, PrescottWeddings.
Raising Funds For Your Nonprofit Using An Annual Direct Mail Program
A good annual direct mail solicitation program can produce unrestrictive operating funds for your nonprofit organization year after year. And such an annual direct mail program, if done right, should produce more funding for your organization each year.
Change, or Reinforce?
Do you know about the distinction - and it's a useful one - between communication that tries to reinforce and communication that tries to get change?If you follow politics you'll already be familiar with this idea: Incumbents send messages that reinforce existing voter behavior, while challengers call for changes.Any thoughtful marketing communication (and political communication is marketing communication) will be strongly influenced by this distinction, which affects not only the content, but also the presentation, and perhaps even the medium.
Imprinted Promotional Items - Their Many Marketing Applications
There are many uses for promotional items. This means that they are just not used as freebies for a grand opening special.
How You Measure Yourself Is How You Motivate Yourself
One of the keys to strong positive mental attitude is what you compare your personal performance to. Do you compare your sales results to the top producer in your industry? Do you compare your basketball playing ability to Michael Jordan? Do you compare your last presentation to a speech delivered by Ronald Reagan or JFK? Or do you compare your results today, to those you had yesterday? Sports, sales, and the media teach us to compare our success against that of others, living or dead.
A Quick And Easy Way Of Getting More Customers From Every Single Ad You Write... Guaranteed!
FACT: Most people don't spend anywhere near enough time on creating a strong, compelling headline.Which is why many copywriting experts.
Buying Radio? Read This and Dont Waste Your Money
Pay close attention and make it work the best for you.No doubt you've listened to, and then quickly deleted, messages from account execs from your local radio stations.
Prove It! - Give Your Marketing and Advertising More Credibility
Your marketing and advertising won't be effective if your potential customers don't believe the claims you make. So how can you prove your that you can do what you say you can?Tone it down.
How to Make a Fortune from Unique Resistance-free Advertising
One of the most powerful offers you can use in your advertising is the word Free.But, you may well ask? how can I make a profit giving my products and services away without charging for them?Which is the exact reason why you need to understand the 'LVC Formula' which stands for the Lifetime Value of a Client!Here's how it works.
The Art Of Fear Free Advertising
Is fear of failure an issue when you commit valuable money in advertising?Well how about if I showed you a way to remove this fear and you know that you would be able to spend money advertising KNOWING you would get a return?Is that a valuable lesson?Course it is!So, how do you do it?The answer is testing!It's simple really..
Why Hire an Advertising/Marketing Consultant?
As a business owner, you have the option of taking several different approaches to handling your Marketing and Advertising. You may choose to handle the responsibility yourself, with the idea that no one understands your business quite the way you do.
How To Create A Better Brochure
Having a quality brochure makes a positive impression on a potential customer. It gives the appearance that you're serious about your business.
Boost Headline Believability With Specifics
Don't use vague generalities in your headlines. Be as specific as possible.

More Advertising Information:

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Getting the Most Out of Your Networking Group
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Advertising Inserts
One of the best and easiest ways to advertise without having to worry about shelf life of those who would most likely use your services or buy the products from your small business is to use inserts in your local newspaper. A marketing piece might also be to insert our flyers in the daily newspaper.
Attention-Grabbing Fixes that Make Your Yellow Page Ad Leap Off the Page
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Heard A Good Radio Ad Lately? Neither Have We
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The Art Of Fear Free Advertising
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Bad Seduction - Advertising Techniques That Dont Work
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