Neroli: The Fragrance that Exudes Contentment

One whiff of this unique fragrance will be enough to make anyone feel immensely contented. Particularly effective for insomnia and depression, it lingers in the air, leaving a sweet exquisite scent behind. Just light an essential oil lamp in your bedroom and it will relax your spirits, balance your mood and relieve any work-related stress and worries. With the fragrance of Neroli, only good dreams will come your way.


An Italian princess had a great passion for the scent of this orange blossom. The neroil flower was thereafter named after her, Princess Anna-Marie de la Termoille, the countess of Nerola. It was very highly valued in Italy by the people of Venice. They loved neroil flower tea. Flower blssoms were scattered on the surfaces of distilled water, which was then used to cleanse their bodies. The neroil flower was also often used to prevent heatstroke and pestilence. In Hungary, this orange blossom became a component of the water in the 18th century.

Boundless knowledge about the orange fruit has existed since the first century. However, it was only until the seventeenth century that orange blossom essential oil was developed and a century later that the neroil flower was introduced to the world with the fingered citrus essential oil.


There are three types of essential oils that can be extracted from the orange tree. Neroli oil is extracted from the flower, Orange oil from the fruit and Petitgrain oil from the leaves. Originating from Huanan in China, northeastern India and central Asia, the main area where orchard trees are grown is currently the Mediterranean. Italy, Tunisia, Spain and Paraguay are some of the countries that specialize in producing the essential oils. However, the highest quality oils come from those in France. Other places which produce oils of good quality include South Africa and Haiti.

To produce one kilogram of neroli essential oil, two tons of flowers are required. As such the price of neroli essential oil is extremely expensive.


Typically, the colour of the neroli essential oil is yellow. Its therapeutic properties include antiseptic, sedative, preventing spasms, cleansing the body of toxins, balancing the body's systems and soothing the spirit.

Neroli essential oil can aid in treating emotional illnesses like depression as well as cure insomnia arising out of anxiety. As for neurotic depression, massaging the temples and neck with neroli essential oil will result in a feeling of relaxation and subsequently, calmness.

Because of its mildness, it is ideal for use in baths, massages as well as skin care. The oil also encourages skin cell growth, rejuvenating the skin and thus is commonly used in perfumes and skin care products.

Relaxing the body and mind, soothing the heart and soul

Belair's neroli essential oil is extracted from all-natural orange blossom essence and gives off a light fruity, sweet scent. It has the capability of making you feel as if you are in an orchard surrounded by thick dense orchard groves. You will feel perfectly happy and relaxed, with all worries completely forgotten. It adds elegance to your home, and also a sense of safety and contentment. Let the scent of neroli essential oil release all the tension and fatigue from your work. It is just the perfect remedy to sooth your troubled heart and relax your tired body and mind.

More Resources

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