10 Simple Ways to Naturally Increase Your Energy

1. Eat protein at every meal: One of the most important ways to keep your blood sugar balanced and energy levels high is to include protein at every meal, breakfast and snacks included. The best protein sources include fish, organic meat, chicken, eggs, yogurt, and whey protein powder. Consider making a healthy smoothie for breakfast or snacks using Paleomeal or other healthy organic whey protein, frozen fruit, and some almond milk.

2. Limit sugar and caffeine intake: Might sound bizarre but sugar and caffeine give you instant energy, but a few hours later, and in the long term, they will only make you more tired. Sugar, fructose corn syrup, and caffeine weaken your adrenal glands, which in turn are responsible for your energy levels. So, by consuming sugar and caffeine, you are weakening your body's natural energy system. You must wean yourself off of these! Try having one cup of green tea instead, and if you must sweeten your food or beverage, try using Xylitol.

3. Take nutritional supplements. Eating a "perfect" diet does not give us enough key nutrients, such as Carnitine, CoQ10, magnesium, B-complex, and Omega 3s, for optimal energy levels. Taking supplements is necessary to ensure adequate amounts in your system and to cover any deficiencies. On my site you can see in more detail what each nutrient provides.

4. Check for food intolerances or allergies: Most people with low grade food allergies and sensitivities are unaware that they have them because the symptoms are as subtle as low energy and difficulty losing weight. Some of the most common food sensitivities are to wheat (gluten) and dairy (casein). If there is a food you love and eat single every day, try eliminating it for two weeks and see if your energy increases.

5. Check for yeast overgrowth in the intestines: Gas, bloating, and carbohydrate or sugar cravings are often caused by yeast overgrowth which in turn causes low energy levels. A nutritionist can help you determine whether this may be the case, or you can take a Candida questionnaire assessment. Limiting refined carbohydrates and taking supplements to combat Candida can remedy this problem and renew your energy.

6. Make sure you do not have any medical conditions that can cause fatigue. These include low thyroid function, low iron, high iron (hemochromatosis), and a range of other ailments which can be determined by blood tests.

7. Get enough sleep! We all need different amounts of sleep to wake up feeling rested. Figure out how much your body needs so that you are able to wake up without an alarm clock.

8. Don't exercise too much or too little. Either one can cause low energy levels. If you are a stressed, don't pick a stressful form of exercise such as running or aerobics. Instead, try Pilates, Tai Chi, yoga, lifting weights, or walking. Exercise should leave you refreshed, not wiped out. You must include exercise into your routine at least three times a week.

9. Maintain emotional stability. This is important to avoid sleepless nights, which stresses the body. Our emotional health is important in order to avoid the stress and worry that often leads to reduced sleep quality, and affect our energy each day.

10. Don't work too much. If you work long hours and have a stressful job, make sure to schedule leisure activity on the weekends rather than more work.

Annika is a Certified Nutritionist. She completed her B.A. at Swarthmore College, PA, in a Psychology Pre-Medical curriculum. She later attained her Nutrition Certification (CN®) through American Health Sciences University, CO. Since 1995, she has been working in the nutrition industry and as a nutritionist.

Since June 2000, Annika has owned and operated Rockwell Nutrition, Inc., offering top of the line, professional brand nutritional supplements, as well as private consultations to individuals requiring customized eating and supplement plans for their health concerns and goals. She has become skilled at using diagnostic tests including diet analysis, food allergy testing, blood tests, and hair analysis to help asses the best treatment options for women's health and conditions including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, weight gain, low energy, and gastrointestinal ailments. Annika's specialty is her customized health programs which are unique for each client.

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