Relieving Hemorrhoids with Natural Remedies

Here are a variety of natural remedies that you can use to relief from your hemorrhoids. You can try one until you find one that works for you. Remember that every person is different and you need to find the remedy that works for you.

Cranberry Poultice

For relief of hemorrhoids within an hour, here what you canDo:

* Blend 3-4 tablespoons of raw cranberries

* Wrap a tablespoon of this blend or so in some cheesecloth

* Push it up against your anus and keep it there with some tight underwear.

* After an hour or so replace it with a new batch of berries and cloth.

Apply these berries twice and do it the next day if necessary.

Geranium-Lavender essential oil mixture

Combine 2-3 drops of lavender to one or two drops of Geranium with one ounce of almond oil. Place this combination in a dark brown bottle with a dropper top. After shaking this combination, use a few drops on your fingers and apply it directly on the skin surrounding your anus.

Garlic and Onions

Garlic and onions can be used as a suppository. Using themwill help to strengthen the veins, kill bacteria in that area,and reduce inflammation.

Peel a small garlic or onion. Reduce the size of the onion toa garlic clove size. Just before bed, push either garlic oronion just slightly into your rectum and not to far. Yourregular bowel movement will remove them in the morning.

Do not use this method if your hemorrhoids have been bleeding or are bleeding. Wait for this area to heal.

Liquid Lecithin

Apply liquid lecithin to the hemorrhoids 1 to 2 times a day.Do this for 2-3 days. Continue its use until you get the reliefyou want from your hemorrhoid condition.

Ice Pack

To get quick relief from hemorrhoid pain and swellingprepare an ice pack as follows:

Make your own ice pack by putting ice cubes or crushed iceinto a plastic bag. Wrap the plastic bag with a thin piece ofcloth. Place the ice pack into the hemorrhoid area.

You can also use the slim commercial ice gels pack. Cover itwith a thin piece of cloth and place it into the hemorrhoidarea.

Apply the ice pack for 15-20 minutes and then rest for 10-15minutes. Then, continue applying the ice pack for another15-20 minutes. Do this for 2-3 hours then take a rest for 2-3 hours and then start again.

Don't put ice or ice gel pack directly on your skin without wrapping it with a cloth. This is to avoid ice burning the skin.

Lemon Juice

You can make a lemon drink that can help you strengthencapillaries and blood vessels walls. Here's how to do it:

* Use an organic lemon since you will be using theouter peel

* Slice the lemon into 4 parts - don't peel the lemon.Use the whole lemon

* Boil the lemon in distilled water for 10 minutes in aglass pot with a cover.

* After it cools, drink one cup a day.

This is a powerful drink because the lemon's bioflavonoidsand Vitamin C will go into the boiling liquid. When you drinkthis you will get many bioflavonoids that you cannot get inany capsule or pill.

There you have it, six different hemorrhoid remedies that can give you relief from pain and inflammation.

Rudy Silva has a Physics degree from the University of San Jose California and is a Natural Nutritionist.

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