Home Remedies, Treatment To All Ailments By Herbal Homemade Remedies

Given below the list of Best Home Remedies for all common diseases and conditions. Try these effective home remedies for a few days and see the results. If the symptoms do not go away, or you do not see any improvement, then you must consult your doctor.

Home Remedy for Abdomen Pain, Stomach Pain, or Stomach Pain Remedy: Take a ½ gram of Asafetida (Hing Powder - Indian Spice) & mix it with little water make a paste of it and fill up your Belly button (umbilicus), lie down for 15-30 minutes and you will release some gas for few times, after that you will be fine. Try this home remedy to get rid of Abdominal Pain and for more remedies check http://www.diseasesatoz.com/abdomen-pain-remedy.htm

Home Remedies for Acne, Acne Scars: Put egg whites all over your face (like a mask)... egg whites are driers and will remove all the impurities from your face. Leave it on until every spot is dry (depends on the type of skin you have) it works so well. use for 2-3 days or continue use. It works wonders for curing Acne!! For more information about acne see http://www.diseasesatoz.com/acne-home-remedy.htm

Home Remedies for Pimples, Blemishes: Garlic Juice with 3 parts water is an excellent cleansing agent. Raw garlic applied ( rubbed) on the face can make persistent pimples disappear without a scar with repeated applications. The external use of garlic helps to clear the skin of spots, pimples & boils. Refer http://www.diseasesatoz.com/pimples-home-remedy.htm for a complete list of home remedy for pimples.

Home Remedy/remedies for Arthritis and Arthritis home Treatment: Arthritis is the inflammation of the lining membrane. try this remedy for the treatment of Arthritis. Bogbean is an aquatic herb, very powerful herb special for rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis, anti-inflammatory. Since this herb cleans the urinary tract, drink lots of water. For more information refer - http://www.diseasesatoz.com/arthritis-home-remedy.htm

Athlete's Foot (Tinea Pedis) Home Remedy: Put a cup of vinegar in several quarts of very warm water and soak the foot for 15-20 minutes; repeat twice a day. (visit: http://www.diseasesatoz.com/athelete-foot-home-remedy.htm) This remedy will also kill fungus that has gotten under the toenails. It works great remedy for curing Athelet's foot infection . Vinegar is effective because it makes the pH slightly more acidic.

Backache Pain releif remedies at home: Everyday backaches we experience are due to faulty posture and weakness of the muscles. we at, http://www.diseasesatoz.com/backache-home-remedy.htm provides all info on backpain. Try this remedy for backache - Raw Potato is an ancient home remedy for backache, characterized by incapacitating pain in the lumbar region, especially in the lower part of the back. Application of raw potato in the form of a poultice has been found very effective in this condition.

Best Natural Home Remedies for Curing Bad Breath: We have solutions to bad breadth. see http://www.diseasesatoz.com/bad-breath-home-remedy.htm and use this useful remedy for curing bad breadth. Remedy: When you brush your teeth, use dental floss between the teeth. Mouthwashes and rinses can also help. Clean your tongue as well. A coated lounge can sometimes cause bad breath.

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