Your Home is a Toxic Waste Dump!

Did you know that the household and beauty products that you purchase at your local store are unhealthy for your family? You probably don't know this because the chemical and manufacturing industries don't have to provide us with this information. Of course, many of these chemicals were originally intended to enhance our lifestyles. However, you really need to know that these "life-enhancing" products are actually polluting our health and environment. Your continued good health depends upon knowing this truth. This way you can limit your exposure to these toxic chemicals.

One of the largest indoor pollutants that is found in our homes is formaldehyde which is found in antiperspirants, mouthwash, toothpaste, floor waxes, and furniture polishes and causes allergies, cancer, immune system failings, and asthma.

Another major indoor pollutant are phenols. This pollutant can be absorbed by both your lungs and your skin and result in caustic burns, kidney and liver damage and hyperactivity. Phenols are found in acne medications amd mouthwash.

Some other items that you need to be cautious of include Dawn Dishwashing Detergent which is the #1 cause of accidental poisoning in the USA, Tide which contains lye is the #1 polluter of our homes, and Off bug spray contains DEET which causes seizures. Other products to beware of include Lysol, Fantastik, Formula 409, Pine-Sol, Pledge, Spic & Span, Tilex, Ajax, Speed Stick, Secret, Johnson's, Joy, Windex, Palmolive, Shout, Spray & Wash, Palmolive, Lever, Irish Spring, Jergens, Crest, Listerine, Arm & Hammer, Colgate, Scope, Old English and Dove. As you can see, these are a lot of major brand cleaners and beauty products.

What exactly do these products do? They can cause a list of symptoms including: a delay in the onset of puberty, cancer, excessive fatigue, heart palpitations, insomnia, night sweats, hormonal imbalances, unusual skin rashes, swollen glands, digestive problems, nausea, diarrhea, muscle and joint pain, heart disease, irritability, aggression, impaired memory and concentration, auditory and visual perception, the onset of allergies, asthma, birth defects, and noise intolerance. They can also adversely affect the nervous system reducing emotional well being, mental alertness, coordination and other functions associated with intelligence. Toxic chemicals also increase the symptoms of any existing conditions.

Your home is a toxic waste dump! The average home contains 62 toxic chemicals. Less than 2% of these chemicals have actually been tested for long-term effects. Now that you know the truth, I encourage you to start doing something about it!

Brenda Hoffman is a home-based professional from Pennsylvania. She began her adventures in home-based business over 7 years ago after receiving a degree in psychology.

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