Quantum Biology and Its Uses for Aromatherapy

Bel'Air has brought in cutting edge medical technology from Europe and America, in the form of "Quantum Xrriod C.I System", to allow distributors to understand their health conditions using the most advanced medical therapeutic method. Without the use of computation segmentation and test strips, you can have access to more than 300 health statistics for your body within a few seconds, such as stomach problems, extent of toxins within the body, immunity functions, etc. You do not even need to go through blood tests or X-rays; all you need is to place your head, hands and feet on the device and it will be able to test for any abnormalities pertaining to liver functions, cancerous signs, spinal construction, etc. Professional medical practitioners will also advise you on the kind of Bel'Air essential oil to use to create the most accurate and effective medical therapy results.

The Functional Properties of the Quantum Xxroid Consciousness Interfaces

The "Quantum Xxroid Consciousness Interface" (QXCI) is a high-speed biofeedback system designed by renowned quantum biology expert Professor William Nelson, using quantum physics and chaos mathematics as solid theoretical base. Its 20 years of experimental validation is enhanced by recent practical assessment in Europe and America.

The Use of QXCI in Bel'Air Aromatherapy

The areas covered by the QXCI include the nervous system, the spinal energy level, the lymphatic system, the digestive system, the immune system, mental and emotional condition, basic energy level, body fitness, organ retardation scan, allergy scan, nutritional condition test, tonic products test, etc. We can use Quantum Xxroid biofeedback to develop a full understanding of all kinds of ailments that affect the body. Coupled with advice from professional medical staff, the device is able to match essential oil properties with our body conditions, using Bel'Air essential oils as the recommended remedy to improve our physiques, emotions and mental health.

QXCI has the following unique features:

Speed: Coupled with high-speed computation, it extends the original speed of human bio-response (1/100 second) to the maximum. This also means that in the ideal situation (when the diagnosis subject has normal biofeedback), the device can feedback data at a speed of 100 parts in one second, complete 8600 components of diagnosis in 3 seconds and instantly relay the results of the diagnosis. Accuracy: Uses numerous practical examination results as comparison, such as comparing subjects that produce positive response to test for bacteria and virus infection with the diagnosis of the device for the respective infection, or comparing subjects identified as having high uric acid in the blood stream through blood test with diagnosis using the device. These statistical averages have proved that alignment is as high as 90% (including medicinal test results).

Safety: The health agencies of technologically advanced countries in Europe and America including the US, Canada, Germany, Britain and Hungary have approved its use having vetted its usage safety.

Effectiveness: More and more journals have strongly advocated the use of devices to support many kinds of special therapeutic methods such as nervous system energy balance, electronic acupuncture, organ system auto meridian therapy, colour therapy, music therapy, linguistic therapy, detoxication function, plant frequency reproduction function, using artificial intelligence feedback to complete the Chakra balance of the human body, brainwave balance function and nervous linguistic procedural therapy, etc. It serves to attain effective energy balance.

Objectivity: The operator of the device does not come into direct contact with the test patient, reducing possible human errors incurred during treatment in traditional acupuncture due to differences in applied pressure, accuracy of position, moisture of skin and the experience and knowledge of the practitioner. The use of the device is highly objective and has removed the imperfections of previous acupuncture devices. Versatility: The device can be used for research purposes, individual health, promotion of preventive medicine, physiological adjustment, diagnosis of slow-progress illnesses and all kinds of medical therapy.

Nur Syahid, a Natural Aromatherapist, specializes in Bio-Tech Aromatherapy including oxygen therapy, ozone therapy, health aromatherapy.

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