Appreciating and Communicating Your Value

It's a common scenario. Although the specific circumstances may differ, the challenge often remains the same: we professional women seldom understand our true value. Perhaps it's because we continue to be paid, on average, less than men to only then have to prove ourselves by doing more. Or, perhaps it's because we've been taught from our earliest years to value the humble individual--the Mother Theresa who gives, but never takes.

Successfully selling our candidacy to a prospective employer by communicating our ability to make a difference in the achievement of an organization's mission--our value--depends on our willingness to uncover and package our gifts, and to serve them up on a sparkling silver platter. Following are three simple truths you can incorporate into your "silent script"-the self-talk which guides your thinking, as well as your behavior, throughout your career development.

1. You are unique

"Everyone has an MBA.a BA.a HS degree."

"Everyone is a team player.a effective communicator."

Erase any self-talk leading you to believe anything less than the honest truth, which is that you are a unique individual. No one else knows everything you know, can do everything you do, or deliver in the manner that you do. The fact is, not everyone really is a team player, a natural leader, or an effective communicator, so explore the things you do well, and claim them as your own.

2. You are an achiever

Everyone has a unique definition of success. Exploring your priorities, beliefs and ambitions can help you arrive at your own criteria and uncover the value in all of your personal and professional achievements.

3. You are a worthwhile investment

Whether it's "selling" yourself to a prospective employer, "marketing" yourself for a promotion, or deciding whether or not to invest in your own professional development, be confident in the knowledge that you are a worthwhile investment.

After all, your unrealized ambitions await you.

Action Steps:

1. Identify those things you do well-your natural strengths-and present them as a unique package only you offer.

2. Explore your unique definition of success and measure yourself using your definition, not those of others.

3. Clearly understand your worth, and communicate it to others.

About The Author

Susan Eckert, MA, CCM, CPRW is Principal of Advance Career & Professional Development which offers affordable, comprehensive career support. Visit her website at for information regarding free services which include a free resume evaluation, monthly career advancement newsletter and 1 hour career coaching session.

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