How to Double or Even Triple Your Net Profit Selling on eBay

eBay Search tips and secrets

This is an example of how I used the Ebay search tab to triple my sales and profit in 1 month!

I had found a great supplier of computer liquidation products using my Ebay Power seller Cloning techniques. I was excited to be selling over $1000 a day in these products (laptop parts and accessories). I noticed I had a lot of repeat buyers, which is a great thing. I would test the products and I shipped them fast, and emailed tracking promptly. These are the keys to building great feedback.

I was searching ebay for new products and ideas one night when a light went off in my head! I decided to check the sales history of the eBay buyers of my products, I assumed they were using them in their computer repair shop. "Important lesson on Ebay I have learned over and over!" Do not assume anything such as if a product will sell, what price it will sell for, what the ebay buyer may do with the product. Keep an open mind and you will not limit you profit opportunities.

I went to the Ebay search tab and I typed in one of the ebay user's ID that purchased products from me. The user id is available in any ebay listing. Then I clicked on the ebay search option and chose by bidder and entered their ebay user id, when I searched last 2 weeks of eBay purchases, I noticed the bidder was sourcing a lot of laptop components from many different ebay sellers. I thought to myself they are buying a lot more parts than a standard computer repair facility would use, so I then decided to check and see what this Ebay user was selling. I found a very profitable business option at this point.

The ebay buyer of my laptop parts was selling complete laptop systems. It took me 2 seconds to figure out what they were doing, they were sourcing the individual parts from Ebay sellers such as myself, then combining the components together and selling a complete laptop on Ebay. So then I checked the ebay seller's completed auctions and noticed he was selling the completed laptop systems like hotcakes for $650-900 depending on the specs, I used the search technique to add up his parts cost it was around $300, Wow! He was making over $350 per laptop Guess what, I shifted gears that night and started putting the laptops together myself I tripled my profit and sales volume in 1 month. As you see search search search! Use this same principle to research history or sales activity on any product or service

Ebay gives you access to the sales secrets of any successful seller

Key point

Create an Ebay account just for selling products

Create an Ebay account just for buying products

You can have multiple sales ID's or accounts on Ebay I highly recommend this, you can see from my search examples you don't want to give potential competitors a view into your buying sources on Ebay, I have used this technique to find successful Ebay sellers sources on Ebay and on the internet. The sales history is there use it.

Sales history of any product on ebay is available to you with a few simple clicks from your mouse. Go to the Ebay search tab then choose competed auctions, you can also use this technique to search sellers completed auctions.

The beauty of Ebay is the completed sales information on any product. When the item sold, how much did it sell for, how many were sold, this information is priceless and in normal business situations this would be a guarded secret In the past if you were entering a market you would buy market research from a business consultant for thousands of dollars to find only a tiny sliver of what is available at you fingertips through ebay searches.

Tim Gilberg is able to provide information and insight from a unique perspective - that of someone who is actually doing what others just talk about. Ebay Power Seller Platinum Status was Attained by Tim Gilberg, which is one of the highest sales levels attained selling on eBay. Tim is active on Ebay and as well as consulting and working with other Top ebay Power Seller's to give you real life in use insight, not theories.Visit Tim Gilberg at his website Make Money on eBay

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