What Service Do You Need to Make your Book Sell?

Whether you are just starting or almost finished with your print or eBook, you wonder, "What step to take next?" Who can help me find the right publisher? Who can partner with me to make my book a solid seller? Check out your choices to be sure you get what you need.

Many writers think that all they need is a good editor and their book will be ready for publishing and promoting.

Maybe you think you don't have enough time to write it yourself? A ghostwriter can take over and finish the research and get it out.

Think about another choice: Bookcoaching. Before you write too many scattered chapters consult with a coach who knows your book category, who your market is, and where to find them.

Your book coach also knows what makes up a saleable title and can help guide you to write a great seller by knowing your thesis, your audience, your "tell and sell," and the correct introduction. When you incorporate these essential "hot-selling" points before you write many chapters, you will then write a compelling, organized, easy-to read page turner.

Don't hire a ghostwriter before you know exactly what you need to write, publish, and promote a great-selling book.

If your book is almost finished, you must hook your potential readers with the solutions you know will serve them. Knowing your audience before you write the book helps you write focused, organized, and compelling copy. Do you know the rules for writing a saleable book? Too many "I's" and linking verbs like "is" and was" slow readers down and make them bored. They want vital verbs and specific nouns. If they don't receive multiple benefits, they will put your potential great book down and won't recommend it to friends or associates.

You already know that word-of-mouth works, yet takes a year or more to really get up steam. Many authors quit too soon because they don't know how or don't want to promote their book. An experienced book coach can give you the real picture before you put time and money into your book. She can also make you aware of easy marketing and promotion that takes only a few hours a week at home or in the office. And, you can delegate it all to an assistant.

Maybe, you just want to get your book done. An editor can fix your grammar and even your disorganization, but can an editor help you get your book published and promoted, and know which way is the best for you?

Think about what you want--a saleable book whose audience will flock to it because it totally helps answer their questions or solves their challenge. And, entertains too. Editors are not trained to think about the benefits your book will give your audience. They don't know how to market as you write. Check with your book coach who will point out your brilliance and show you your benefits and features in ongoing phone and email sessions.

Remember that only benefits sell. This is the end result your reader gets after reading your book. Results sell. Features such as what's inside the book-steps, charts, tips, interview, pictures, or quote explain, but do not sell.

When you don't know why your audience should buy your book and you can't tell them in a few sentences either in print or in person, they will back away and keep their wallet or credit card inside their pockets or purse.

Hire your editor after you contact a book coach. When your chapters do not have a consistent format with questions posed as headings and answers in the copy below, a line editor cannot make your work sell just by changing a few sentences. Even a developmental editor needs format to help make your book the best it can be. Even a ghostwriter will need this format.

If authors want their book to succeed, they need to choose the right partner.

Judy Cullins, 20-year book and Internet Marketing Coach, Author of 10 eBooks including "Write your eBook Fast," and "How to Market your Business on the Internet," she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, The Book Coach Says...and Business Tip of the Month at http://www.bookcoaching.com/opt-in.shtml and over 140 free articles. Email her at mailto:Judy@bookcoaching.com

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