Freelancers Can Jump-Start Your Publicity Initiative

If you find that your progress is blocked by a lack of time or experience, consider hiring a freelancer to jumpstart your project.

Writer's block got you down? Don't let it. Every town has a freelance writer who can help you get a release or article written quickly. Or you can search for one nationally on one of the free classified ad sites like Craig's List.

A good freelance writer can take your information over the phone and create the piece that you are looking for.

True, writing is not rocket science, and you can do it yourself. But if you find you're procrastinating, put a writer on your team. You can pretty much rent 'em by the hour or the project, so you'll pay only for what you need.

Placing a story, just like writing one, is more common sense than rocket science. But if you're stuck for time or want a professional boost, consider a freelance publicist. Local freelance publicists usually have good contacts with local media, and they are easy to find.

These well-connected pros can bolster your media outreach just by working for a few hours a week or month. Like freelance writers, they usually charge by the hour-you don't have to pay a monthly retainer to work with a publicist.

Ned Steele works with people in professional services who want to build their practice and accelerate their growth. The president of Ned Steele's MediaImpact, he is the author of 102 Publicity Tips To Grow a Business or Practice. To learn more visit or call 212-243-8383.

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