Yale University Researchers Reveal The 12 Most Powerful Words In The Human Language...

In this article, I am going to reveal a dozen words, which could change your life. Why? Because Yale University researches have identified the 12 most powerful words in the human language? proven to attract attention and stir emotion within their readers. Here they are...

• You

• Save

• Results

• Health

• Love

• Proven

• Money

• New

• Easy

• Safety

• Discovery

• Guaranteed

So how can these 'proven' 'new' words 'you' have discoveredbe used to generate 'results' and make 'you' more 'money'?It's 'easy.' 'You'll' 'love' the way you can 'safely'integrate them into your ads and sales letters. Plus,'you'll' 'save' thousands of dollars from burning a holethrough your pocket from ineffective advertising?'Guaranteed.'

Notice how easy it is!

Oh yeah, one more thing. Once you start implementing all ofthese words into your copy? you may just find that the extra'money' you make will help you to chill out. Consequently,many people find their 'health' improves as a result ;)

Let's look at how we can change a couple of headlines I've seen in ads and brochures lying around in my office around to incorporate these power words...

Headline 1: The benefits of advertising on the XYZ Web Site

Could change to: 'Discover' the benefits of advertising on the XYZ Web Site

Or: At Last... 'You' can 'discover' a 'proven' way to make more 'money' by advertising on XYZ's 'new' web site

Or: You'll 'love' this quick and 'easy' way of generating greater 'results' through advertising on XYZ's 'new' web site

Headline 2: Great places to stay. Fantastic locations and hot deals

Could change to: 'Discover' these safe places to stay. Fantastic 'new' locations and hot deals

Or: Who else wants to 'discover' a 'safe' and 'easy' way of finding fantastic locations and hot 'new' deals?

Or: You're 'guaranteed' to 'love' these great places to stay. These fantasitc locations are 'easy' to find and you'll 'save' 'money' with our hot new deals.

Can you notice how easy it is to incorporate the hot words into your ads and sales letters?

A word of warning: These words are a tool? although just as mildpainkillers are not a cure for cancer? they are not a curefor poorly thought out copy.

However they will certainly spice up your communications.

Yours in profits,

Scott Bywater
Copywriting That SELLS
Level 12 / 418a Elizabeth Street
Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
1300 88 21 91

Visit my web site for your complimentary copy of my ebook (valued at $29.95) and free subscription to my ezine "Copywriting Selling Secrets" where you'll discover how to write ads and sales letters that sell. And one's which put money in your pocket over and over and over again.

Here's the address: http://www.copywritingthatsells.com.au

Don't muck around. Go there now. You'll be glad you did!

More Resources

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