The Second Most Important Element of Your Ad... after the Headline

Hi {FIRSTNAME Friend},

Next time you're flicking through your local newspaper, take a good hard look at the ads. And notice how many of them give you a compelling reason to pick up the phone and get in touch with them now. You'll need to look closely because?


But why is a powerful offer so important?

Listen: People will only give your ad a few seconds. If you're lucky enough to catch them with a strong headline? then they'll read your ad? but if they get to the end of it and there's not a dynamite offer to knock their socks off, they'll turn over to the next page? and your opportunity is gone? FOREVER.

You need to apply offers differently based on the type of business you operate?

1. A service business with a high value product (solicitor, accountant, real estate agent, consultant, copywriter) could offer a FREE REPORT of some sort. Here's some examples:

Free Report Reveals How To Make Your Assets As Secure As Fort Knox And Deter Any Scumbag From Taking Everything You've Got (solicitor)

Free Report Reveals How To Sell Your Home Faster And For A Higher Price (real estate agent - for generating listings)

Free Report Reveals How To Write Ads And Sales Letters That Practically Make People Line Up And Beg You To Take Their Money (copywriter)

Get the idea?

2. A business which has products which customers keep buying over and over again (e.g. ice cream shop, grocer, restaurant, hairdresser etc) would approach things a little differently. Here's some examples:

Anyone who says there's no such thing as a Free Lunch hasn't read this letter

Free Ice Cream? simply present this offer in our store before (date) to collect yours

Free Haircut to introduce you to our new salon

Now you may well wonder? how can I make any money by giving everything away for FREE. The answer is simple.

You must identify the lifetime value of your customer. That is, how much does the average client invest with you over a lifetime.

To work it out, you need to identify:

a) Your average sale
b) How many times the average client purchases from you in a given year
c) How many years a client stays with you

For instance, if a hairdresser's average client...

- Gets a haircut from them 10 times a year.
- And stays with them for 3 years
- And spends $40 on each visit

That's 20 visits at $40 a pop = $1200. At a 50% profit margin, each client is worth $600 to them.

Suddenly a free haircut on a day you're not busy anyway... doesn't really seem so much does it?


Scott Bywater, Copywriting That SELLS

Visit my web site for your complimentary copy of my ebook (valued at $29.95) and free subscription to my valuable ezine "Copywriting Selling Secrets" where you'll discover how to write ads and sales letters that make people line up and practically beg you to take their money.

Here's the address:

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