What A Ghostwriter Needs To Do To Earn Top Dollar

The huge demand for writers online is really for ghostwriters. A vast majority of the available online writing jobs for an online writer are for ghost writing projects.

When a website or blog requires content, they will want a ghostwriter to churn out the content for them. In fact the demand for good ghostwriters online is so huge that it is unlikely to be met any time soon.

Note that the huge demand is for good ghostwriters, not just any ghostwriter who does not add value to a client's site or put any money in the site owner's pockets. Unfortunately there are so many ghostwriters online who do not qualify to be called good ghostwriters. Because there is such a huge demand, many of them still end up getting jobs here and there. But you need to be good ghostwriters to get consistent repeat business and thus make a good income from your ghostwriting. You need to understand very clearly what most clients looking to hire a ghostwriter want.

So what are the specific qualities webmasters are looking for in ghostwriters?

A Good Ghostwriter Must Write To Bring In The Traffic

Much as most people would wish it to be different, the fact still remains that over 75 per cent of the traffic that successful sites receive, will tend to come from search engines. Meaning that no ghostwriter in their right mind can afford to ignore search engines.

In simple terms, the way to attract traffic is to use popular keywords where you are guaranteed of a high ranking in the leading search engines. There are various online tools that will help a ghostwriter to fulfill this important task. They include Wordtracker.

A Good Ghostwriter Must Find The Words That Will Portray The Right Image

Image is what sells, more so in the rapidly increasingly crowded online market. A good online ghostwriter will make an effort to find the words that will portray the right image for the particular website or e-commerce online enterprise they are writing for. Experience is critical in winning client confidence in most businesses. If this is the most important attribute prospects will be looking for in your client's business, then your content will need to reflect this. Making wild sweeping claims that anybody can make will not do it. But selecting the right words that will lead to the implications and conclusions that you want to point your client's prospects towards, will be the most ideal.

A Useful Ghostwriter Will Identify The Resource Box That Will Get Response

If your clients decide to make the smart move of posting the articles you ghostwrite for them at other websites so as to create links pointing back to their site, then the resource box will have to be the most important tool at your disposal. Read the following detailed article I wrote on resource boxes at;


A Good Ghostwriter Will Need To Know Which Google Adsense Keywords Count The Most

If your client is among the growing number of site owners posting Google Adsense PPC ads at their site as an extra income stream, the right keywords will be a critical contributing factor to success. This is because the Google Adsense ads that appear at their site will totally be based on the content and especially the keywords used. Most keywords will attract only cents for every click the site owner achieves from their traffic. Yet other keywords will attract ads where a single click is worth $100.

In other words, it is the content that is even more important than the volume of traffic in deciding how much a site owner earns from Google Adsense. A ghostwriter who understands this and is skilled enough to deliver will be invaluable to any site or Webmaster.

Christopher Kyalo makes a good regular income from online writing. Visit his writer's blog; http://100grandonlinewriters.blogspot.com He can be reached at strongwallafrica at yahoo.com

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