I Want To Create...

What would you like to create? A peaceful life, a successful life, a good life, a sculpture, a piece of art, a book? What is it that you would like to create? Whatever you want you can achieve it. All you have to do is follow your natural compass. Remove the rubbish that takes you off course and let the natural you come through. It is not the case of adding new behaviours to create what you want. No. It's a case of moving the obstacles out of the away and let the natural you come through.

One of the biggest obstacles of all to being creative in life, to reaching your potential: is conformity.

As Shakti Gawain says: 'We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or other peoples model'.

Just think for a moment. How much do you conform?

The world of work wants you to conform more and more. The computerisation of systems has taken away the creativity of individuals and made you conform. Individual creativity of employees has almost disappeared in favour of conformity.

The clothes you wear. Isn't there a strong push to get you to be similar if not the same as everyone else.

The food you eat. Don't you feel that you are being told what to eat and where you ought to eat it. Which restaurants are fashionable, which food is good for you. What supplements you 'ought' to take.

So its not surprising therefore that in our family lives and our lives in general we have become slaves to conformity. The habit and behaviour of conformity, wanting to be the same, is stopping you from touching your creativity.

To reach your true potential, to open up your creativity you must start by having:

Trust in yourself.

Having trust in yourself is about listening to the real you, your feelings, your heart and becoming the person you really are capable of becoming. The you, who has been hidden for years and would really like to show the world how good you are.

Now, what are the first thoughts that come into your mind to stop you achieving this aim and objective? Often the first thing that stops you having power over your day to day behaviour is the one who sits on your shoulder or the voice inside your head that constantly nags like a oppressive parent. It's whole aim is to sabotage your efforts. To destroy your self esteem.

? you ought to do ??..that will never work

? you should do ???what do you think your doing

? that will never work Forget it.

? how do you think that's going to pay the bills

? you must be mad don't you remember what happened last time

Remember there is another voice that you can tune into. A voice that is full of encouragement and hope. Every time you are faced with 'you can't do ..??? reply with Of course I can do this??.I have the skills.

The role of the inner voice is no more than getting you to conform to the labels people have put on you. Your job is to reach your potential. Release your creativity. So why listen? Tell yourself and everyone else I can do it?Of course I can??I am following my aim and objective in life. I am like a seed. With a little nurturing and the right environment I can mature into a beautiful flower. I have done it before I can do it again.

Just think for a moment:

when was the last time you successfully handled difficulties that occurred in your life?

when were you thanked and congratulated for doing a good job?

what responsibilities do you have in your life that you successfully deal with?

what do you like about yourself. What are your qualities?

when in your life have you felt loved?

Remember conformity stops you from being creative. Stops you from leading your natural life. As you learn to overcome conformity and start to believe in your strengths then you have the first step in living a more creative and fruitful life. A life which is naturally yours.


Instead of where there is a will there is a wont.

I now believe where there is a will there is a way.

To improve your intuition, initiative and energy levels please go to:http://www.desktop-meditation.com. It's free.

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