Innovation: Wake Up Your People's Creative Genius

Successful companies have innovation in their blood. The single most important element in an innovative company is the creativity of their people. Creative thinkers don't win by conforming to a given set of rules. Rather they reinvent the game by asking the 20 challenging questions and following 20 breakthrough strategies.

20 Challenging Questions to Ask:

  • What if....?
  • What do you think about....?
  • What's the next step?
  • What can we do better?
  • How can we streamline?
  • What should we modify?
  • What should we replace?
  • What should we add?
  • What should we eliminate?
  • Can we make any new assumptions?
  • What will make it work?
  • What other ideas do you have?
  • What issues should we explore?
  • What patterns can you see?
  • How can we simplify?
  • How can we improve?
  • How will the customer benefit?
  • Have we forgotten anything?
  • What else?
  • Why?
  • 20 Break Through Strategies to Follow:

  • Innovate for today as well as tomorrow.
  • Focus on what you can reasonably do?and stretch a bit.
  • Make innovation part of the day-to-day operations.
  • Develop a company-wide innovation process.
  • Assign responsibility to one person or team for the innovative process.
  • Provide incentives if you want your people to be creative.
  • Reward the whole team, not just individuals.
  • Train everyone in your company's innovation process.
  • Focus innovation efforts on market needs & opportunities.
  • Target value and results instead of novelty.
  • Abandon old and the obsolete ways, but do so systematically.
  • Set high goals, but reward small improvements.
  • Focus on "new and different" as well as "better and more."
  • Ask, "Is this the right opportunity?"
  • Establish specific accountabilities and targets.
  • Understand that innovation can require long lead time.
  • Accept innovation is an absolute survival skill.
  • Keep innovating; today's success is built on yesterday's results.
  • Remember, innovation is both hard work and fun.
  • Start small, but START.
  • Marcia Zidle, the 'people smarts' coach, works with business leaders to quickly solve their people management headaches so they can concentrate on their #1 job - to grow and increase profits. She offers free help through Leadership Briefing, a weekly e-newsletter with practical tips on leadership style, employee motivation, recruitment and retention and relationship management.

    Subscribe by going to and get the bonus report "61 Leadership Time Savers and Life Savers". Marcia is the author of the What Really Works Handbooks - resources for managers on the front line and the Power-by-the-Hour programs - fast, convenient, real life, affordable courses for leadership and staff development. She is available for media interviews, conference presentations and panel discussions on the hottest issues affecting the workplace today. Contact Marcia at 800-971-7619.

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