Landscaping & Gardening Information

Hydroponics Gardening - An Introduction To Hydroponics Gardening For Beginners (Part 2) Plant Needs

THE BASICS OF HYDROPONICS.What Do Your Plants Need?All plants need the correct conditions in order to grow to their full potential.

Hydroponics Gardening - An Introduction To Hydroponics Gardening For Beginners (Part 3) Lighting

THE BASICS OF HYDROPONICS.An Introduction To Indoor Plant Grow Lights.

Orange Perennials For Your Garden

Perennials are wonderful because, they bloom year after year. Sometimes, I forget that I even have them planted and then they spring up to my surprise and delight! I like to add some zip to my garden with flowers that are orange in color.

How to Control Poison Ivy

Poison ivy is found throughout southern Canada and most ofthe United States except Alaska and Hawaii. It is readilyfound along road sides, fences, railroads, and streams.

Garden Sheds - More Than Just Storage

You may already have a garage or shed in your garden or backyard and its possible that you haven't even considered the prospect of adding a garden shed at all. Any garden implements could easily be stored in the garage or utility area.

Butterfly House in the Flower Garden

Whenever you decide to look for a butterfly house for your flower garden, you first have to determine what it is you actually want. A search for butterfly houses will yield two different types.

Organic Roses in the Flower Garden

Many people believe growing their flowers and vegetables organically is healthier for them and their environment. It is natural that you may wish to grow your roses this way also.

Hydroponics Gardening - An Introduction To Hydroponics Gardening For Beginners (part 4) Environment

THE BASICS OF HYDROPONICS.The Success or Failure of Your Plants Depends On Their EnvironmentThe environment, or climate, in which your plants are grown is one of the most important factors affecting your end results.

The Home Garden

The garden should be near the house and away from trees. If it's some distance away from the house, it will not be as well looked after, nor will most use be made of vegetables grown.

Simple Lawnmower Maintenance

Do you have trouble starting your lawnmower up in the spring? Before deciding to take your lawnmower in for repair, try these few simple suggestions. After completing them most of the time your lawnmower will fire up and run like a champ.

Ladybugs, Ladybugs, Come to My Garden

Ladybugs, also called lady beetles or ladybirds, can be a gardener's best friend. The ladybug's bright coloring brings welcomed cheer to the garden, as well as helping with pest control.

Theme Gardens

Flower gardens are for enjoyment. They provide you with visual beauty, the joy of working with soil and plants, and the pride of showing others what you have created.

Themes of Shade

A Shade Garden can be created in any of several different types of shade. It can be in the mottled shade that comes from a broad leaf tree to the deep dark woods mentioned in Robert Frost's "Stopping by A Woods on A Snowy Evening".

When to Plant Vegetaibles

Planting times for vegetables and other annual plants vary from species to species. In much of the United States the prime consideration is the date of the last spring frost/freeze.

Lawn Care Business Owners - Dont Buy Yourself A Job

Most businesses consist of the owner only or the owner and a few employees. The owner continues to do the same activity whether it is labor or crew management for many years.

Green Thumb Gifts: Beyond Gardening Gloves

Ahh, spring! It has sprung! Gardeners (and budding gardeners - no pun intended) have begun the quest for a weedless lawn, or a bountiful garden. But if you're looking for gifts for someone with a green thumb (or someone with green thumb envy), consider the situation first.

With Outdoor Lighting You Can Enjoy Your Garden Into The Evening Hours

It is a beautiful evening and you are relaxing on your patio, enjoying the cool summer air. The flowers are blooming, the lawn is green and lush, everything is perfect, if only you could see! We spend so much time and money on our backyards, decks and patios, and then the sun goes down and we must abandon these beautiful oases.

With So Many Choices For Patio Furniture, Finding The Perfect Set To Complement Your Yard Is Easy

There is nothing more relaxing than kicking back with a cold drink on a hot summer day. Or unwinding with a big backyard barbeque with all of your neighbors.

Teak Patio Furniture Is The Perfect Choice For Your Terrace

You have spent hours of time and quite a lot of money on getting your back yard just right. The trees are lush and green, the flowers are blooming and everything looks beautiful.

The Ivy League

Parthenocissus tricuspidata is commonly known as Boston Ivy, Cottage Ivy, or Japanese Ivy. It covers the exterior walls of a number of prestigious northeastern universities and is probably responsible for the term "Ivy League.

Build A Simple Planter Box

Love flowers, but don't have the space -- or the desire -- to plant a garden? You may want to try making your own flower box, which can be just about any size you wish.This planter box is built with a top and a bottom exterior frame; then you affix cedar panels to the frame and add bottom panels.

Spice up Your Garden with Rare Flowering Bulbs

Any experienced gardener knows the secret to a beautiful garden is in the bulbs. Flowering bulbs are usually quite hardy and undemanding and can provide the most amazing shower of spring and summertime colors.

Greenhouse Buying Guide - Choosing The Right Greenhouse

When choosing a new greenhouse for your garden there are several things to bear in mind if you are going to get the most from your choice. A wrong decision can prove costly in the long run so be sure you know exactly what you need before you buy.

How to Rid that Lawn of Thatch!

You know that brown patchy debris in a lawn that accumulates ontop of the soil but below the grass line? That's thatch.Thatch consist of grass clippings, grass stems, roots, and otherdebris that either decomposes or accumulates on a lawn over time.

Plant A Simple Tea Garden

Materials Needed1 decorative clay or metal planter1 package of clay pellets (approx. 30 pellets)3 packets of organic tea leaves seeds (YOUR CHOICE) Grow-rich or nutrient-rich potting soil (ASK YOUR NURSERY FOR THE BEST RECOMMENDATION FOR YOUR AREA)Directions1.

How to Grow Cucumbers

The versatile cucumber (cucumis sativus) is tasty pickled, in a salad, as a salad, in a sandwich, or just eaten raw. How to grow cucumbers depends largely in part on how you plan to eat them.

How to Grow Bamboo

Bamboo is a mysterious and elusive plant that baffles taxonomists who try to contain it within a botanical class and gardeners who try to contain it within a limited garden space as they learn how to grow bamboo. For many years, bamboo was thought to be a primitive grass but recent DNA testing has shown it to be one of the most highly evolved forest grasses.

How to Grow Avocado

Fruit gardening and vegetable gardening is a very exciting venture. Growing Avocado's was one of the challenges I took on as a hobby fruit and vegetable gardener.

How to Grow Basil

Today there are sprays, scented candles, plug-ins, and even discs that promise to freshen your air by putting a variety of aromas into your home. However, when you know how to grow basil, you can have enough variety of fragrance to package your own potpourri! The most commonly grown basil is the annual, ocimum basilicum that carries a minty fragrance that smells like? well, it smells like sweet basil.

How to Grow Asparagus

Asparagus is a perennial plant with erect, edible stems and tiny branches that bear even tinier flowers that become red berries that contain the black Asparagus seed. Formerly in the Liliaceae family, botanists have realized that Asparagus is in a class by itself and have repositioned its 120 species in the Asparagaceae genus.

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