Landscaping & Gardening Information

Gardening Tips and Tricks for Late Autumn

Preparing for the Winter Months: Gardening in OctoberWhen you feel that first solid bite in the breeze and you see the songbirds winging their way south, and the trees are bursting with fire-laden hues, you know you can't be spending the weekend curled up by the fireplace with a good book. Not for long.

Plants, Birds, Love and Deer Hate

Hi Friends;This is the second year in a row I am dealing with a woodchuck.That's a ground hog to some.

Imagine Your Own Orchid Garden In A Pond

Who doesn't love to hear the water rushing and flowing through a very pretty orchid garden in a pond? Yes, this does not have to be only a dream. You can make it a reality.

16 Lawn Mower Safety Tips

1. Always read the instruction manual before operating your lawnmower.

Budget For Your Garden

Have you ever thought about how much it costs to maintain your garden? Most people never give it much thought - spending the odd day in the garden when they have time and impulse buying plants at the local nursery.But if you're serious about saving money and adding value to one of you're most important assets it's worth thinking about the ongoing costs associated with garden maintenance and how this can be minimized.

Garden Makeover On A Budget

There's been a huge increase in the popularity of garden makeovers. Teams of people come in and transform your garden in less than a day.

Liner Ponds versus Folding Preformed Ponds

IntroductionSo you've decided to build your very own backyard water garden. You are in the process of actively planning out your design, and you're visualizing the end-result.

Slugging It Out In The Trenches

In an effort to introduce a shaft of sunlight into a particularly gloomy conversation, I recently asked a gardening acquaintance of mine to explain the difference between a slug and a snail.For the next twelve minutes and seven seconds, this horticultural monomaniac held forth on the most minute and inconsequential differences between gastropod molluscs with rudimentary or no shells and gastropod molluscs with well developed spiral or whorled shells.

Cannibals on the Porch

No, ghosts of the Donner Party have not started haunting my porch, nor have others of the human type I may have reference to. I am speaking of cannibals in the insect world of which there are many, but two in particuIar that make me stop and wonder.

Everyone Loves Flowers

Flowers Truly Reach Your Soul.Flowers are a heartfelt, natural way to lift our spirits.

Roses - Creating Beautiful Cut Roses

Many gardeners like to enjoy their roses twice - first in the garden, then indoors as cut flowers. By choosing the right roses, cutting them at the proper time of day, and conditioning them after cutting, you can enjoy your cut roses for the longest possible time - up to five days or more after cutting.

Fall Garden Planning - Garden Plans for Next Spring and Ordering by Mail

It's August, the weather has cooled a bit here and the summer monsoons where I live in New Mexico have begun. The kids are starting back to school and I feel the onset of fall.

You Say Tomato I Say Mosquito

Gathering tomatoes or other fruits of the garden might not sound like a dangerous occupation, but with terrorism running rampant these days, even a walk thru the garden can require pre-emptive measures. In fact if you left the screen door open for a minute or so and heard a whiny frequency accompanied by a slight tickle it may already be too late, if that slight tickle was the allergic reaction of your skin cells to the Culex, Aedes or Anopheles mosquito, one of the several species that prefer humans, and are capable of transmitting microbial organisms to living cells.

Make Your Fresh Cut Roses Last Longer!

Women adore getting flowers, most especially roses, as it is a symbol of love and affection. Price of roses vary from state to state and flower shop to flower shop.

The Truth About Tulips

Roses may be beautiful but Tulips are magnificent. The huge colorful blooms we associate with Holland make stunning bouquets.

Commercial and Residential Flagpoles

The world's tallest unsupported flagpole is located in Amman, Jordan. Erected in 2003, the carbon steel pole juts 416 feet into the sky and weighs a staggering 190,000 pounds.

Low Maintenance Teak Furniture

In all likelihood you have heard of teak furniture and have wanted to know why it's such a big deal. This article contains some simple info regarding the building material that seems a little mysterious, even has a weird sound to it, but dominates the market of outdoor furniture.

International Flower Delivery

As our global community continues to expand we often find ourselves with friends and families who live in countries outside of the U.S.

Patios And Garden Pavers

Is your concrete or asphalt driveway an eyesore? Do you need to create an attractive retaining wall? Although most people use garden pavers to create patios, driveways and other hardscaping elements are often created using garden pavers, as well.More and more homeowners are tearing up their cracked and stained concrete or asphalt driveways.

Flowers Wilting? Tips for Making Your Flowers Last Longer

We all know one disadvantage of flowers is that they don't last very long. While they are here they bring happiness and warmth to any dull decorating space.

Are You Being Taken Advantage of when Ordering Flowers Online?

Did you know that you can send flowers many different ways on the internet? With a few different options of delivering and ordering flowers online, you must be aware of security and safety of your personal information. Not only that, but you could be left with disappointing flowers for your event if you choose the wrong online florist.

How to Attract Birds to Your Backyard Paradise For Less Than $100

Like many Americans, you may find bird watching to be a fascinating hobby. At the same time, perhaps you wonder how you can attract regular visitors to your yard without busting the bank by purchasing expensive foliage, feeders, and food.

Suet Facts and Tips

If you are like many people, backyard birding is a hobby for you whether you actively encourage visits from birds or not. One way to attract birds is to put out suet -- beef fat -- and watch the crowds stop by and devour the treat.

A Garden Pond in Your Landscape - Want Water in Your Yard?

A Garden Pond in your Landscape - Want Water in your Yard?Thought about adding a garden pond? Should you?Here are the pros and cons to consider:On the pro side:A garden pond adds an entirely new dimension to your garden!Where before the living things were limited to plant life,the pond will have fish (must does not need to).The water will attract birds and other animals which makefor wonderful watching and viewing.

The Flower Garden in August

Our flower garden in August can be brimming with activities we can do at this time of year, as we can for most of the year. We have some flower gardening tips to give you and some experiments to try.

Perfume Your Garden and Home with Gardenias

One of my favorite plants is the large white-flowered Mystery Gardenia (gardenia jasminoides) that grows to about 5' tall and wide. The perfume-like scent adds an exotic feeling to gardens.

Working with Landscape Contractors

Having a beautiful and functional landscape is every homeowners dream. Hi, My name is John C Wilkes III and I have worked in the landscaping industry for over a decade.

The Benefits of Landscaping

How much have you thought about landscaping? Do you know that a beautiful and well put together lawn has many benefits? Landscaping is lawn art and, like any other art form, it takes time, patience, and research to get your methods just right. So, what other benefits does landscaping provide besides just being "pretty"?Firstly, landscaping can add value to your home and surrounding property.

Developing the Perfect Landscaping Idea

Using landscaping ideas can be an effective way to attract wildlife, such as birds, to your yard and neighborhood. Thoughtfully placing bird feeders or houses around your yard can make it an inviting environment for different types of bird species.

Landscape Design

Landscaping is a wonderful pastime enjoyed by many. It provides a natural beauty and needs no ornaments or other attractive items to help achieve its magnificence.

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