5 Tips to Jump Start Your Weight Loss Post-Pandemic

((StatePoint) With the New Year right around the corner, new survey results suggest that 2023 will finally be the year that Americans bring their health back into focus.

According to a recent poll of 2,000 U.S. adults aged 30 and above commissioned by Nutrisystem and conducted by OnePoll, two in three Americans credit the past two years with teaching them how important their health really is. And 71% believe the pandemic has taught them to be more observant of their health. The poll also revealed that two-thirds of Americans said weight loss is a “top health goal” for them over the next year.

However, for many, losing weight can seem like a difficult task. The truth of the matter is it doesn’t have to be. Courtney McCormick, corporate dietitian at Nutrisystem, offers the following tips to help you take that step toward a healthier you.

1. Keep healthy food in sight

Having healthy food at arm’s reach can make losing weight easier. A Cornell study found that women who kept a bowl of fruit where they could see it weighed an average of 13 pounds less than those who didn’t. Plans like Nutrisystem deliver healthy, portion-controlled options right to your door, making it even simpler to make good choices.

2. Give yourself a bedtime

Children aren’t the only ones who need a bedtime! Adults need a set bedtime as well to be productive the next day. Setting a certain bedtime and sticking to it will also help your body get the rest that it needs to burn stubborn fat. “Not having a good night’s rest can lead to craving sugar and fatty foods, which can also lead to weight gain,” says McCormick.

3. Work out in 10-minute sets

If you’re short on time or have back-to-back meetings, working out in intervals of 10 minutes three times a day creates more flexibility in your busy schedule. Doing this creates long-term healthy habits that will help you lose and maintain weight.

4. Drink more water

What’s not to love about water? It’s hydrating and keeps your body healthy. Water aids digestive health, regulates body temperature and even aids in losing weight and maintaining the weight loss. This is because water helps you stay full between meals and avoid unnecessary snacking. In fact, feeling hungry is often a sign that you’re actually thirsty and it’s time to get hydrated.

5. Forgive a slip-up

Mistakes can actually help you understand what is healthy for your body. Having a slip-up allows you to consider the progress you’re making in your weight loss journey and be able to hold yourself accountable when making future healthy decisions.

For more great tips, visit Nutrisystem’s The Leaf, at leaf.nutrisystem.com.

There is no better time than now to focus on your overall health and wellness goals. When you are geared with the tools to succeed, living a healthier lifestyle is easily achievable.

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