Weight Loss Information

Low Carb Intelligence vs. Low Carb Stupidity

Remember that movie with Jim Carey, "Dumb and Dumber?" And remember the sequel to that movie, "Dumb and Dumberer?" Well, the low carb mania that is sweeping the globe today has reached a level beyond dumberer? It's more like dumberererer (try to say that five times real fast)There is an epidemic of "low carb stupidity" running rampant among millions of people throughout the world today - and fast food restaurants, food product manufacturers, supplement companies, and weight loss programs are capitalizing on it in a big way!The low carb diet is not inherently "stupid," however. It can be quite beneficial within certain parameters and under the right circumstances.

Myth: Gastric Bypass Patients Can Never Be Nutritionally Healthy

A common claim from gastric bypass detractors is that after surgery patients can never be nutritionally healthy and they must take daily vitamin supplements just to survive.It is a mistaken notion that weight loss surgery patients cannot lead a nutritionally sound life.

3 Steps Gastric Bypass Patients Can Take to Avoid Calcium Deficiency

Most Americans do not get enough calcium in their diets; the average daily intake is 500 milligrams shy of the RDI (Recommended Daily Intake) of 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams.Gastric bypass patients are even more unlikely to intake adequate dietary calcium and without supplementation they may become calcium deficient which ultimately results in osteoporosis.

The Dangers of Liposuction

One Reality TV show, The Swan, thrives on makeovers. Often viewed as tantamount to having a new life, a lot of people get giddy with the thought of undergoing a makeover.

Weight Loss Tips for a Swimsuit Body

Spring is here and swimsuit weather is just around the corner. If you're like many of us, you start panicking about all the weight you need to lose to fit into your favorite swimwear.

7 Little Known Facts About Cellulite

Cellulite is a condition for which cures are commonly sought. The lumpy, rippled skin which typically appears in the thighs and buttocks area known as cellulite is typically associated with a weight problem; however an individual need not be overweight to have cellulite.

Free Tips on Losing Weight

Here are a few free tips on losing weight that really work. Starting with your behavior, you need to start thinking thin and realizing that weight loss begins in your mind.

Easy Steps To Weight Loss

It can be intimidating to follow a weight loss plan, right? Sometimes there are so many rules, and so many major changes in your life required. Is there another way? Not just another diet or plan, but a whole different approach?Try Small Changes To Lose WeightIf a diet or a complicated weight-loss system is just too overwhelming, try making a small change instead.

Rating The Diets: A Mindless Exercise?

There has been a recent surge in the experts weighing in (pun intended) on popular and celebrity diets to rate them in terms of effectiveness, nutritional adequacy, and balance. Look at the latest crop of magazines, Internet news reports, and television specials.

Fat Is A Self-Inflicted Disease

I just came back from three days in Las Vegas. What an eye-opener!The biggest, most lavish buffets in the world attract the biggest, most expansive people.

Diet Fads: Supermarket Sheep

Eighteen or twenty years ago, I was into high protein, high fat, low carbohydrate diets, courtesy of the original Atkins Diet Revolution and, to an even greater extent, Stillman's Quick Weight Loss Diet (which I must admit I still prefer to Atkins but that's merely personal taste). At the time, every aisle was loaded with labels proclaiming Low Fat or Reduced Fat.

Brinks Unified Theory of Nutrition For Weight Loss and Muscle Gain

When people hear the term Unified Theory, some times called the Grand Unified Theory, or even "Theory of Everything," they probably think of it in terms of physics, where a Unified Theory, or single theory capable of defining the nature of the interrelationships among nuclear, electromagnetic, and gravitational forces, would reconcile seemingly incompatible aspects of various field theories to create a single comprehensive set of equations.Such a theory could potentially unlock all the secrets of nature and the universe itself, or as theoretical physicist Michio Katu, puts it "an equation an inch long that would allow us to read the mind of God.

Weight Loss Online -- The Fastest & Easiest Weight Loss Plan

My first article provided steps for fast healthy weight loss. This was followed by my easy weight loss plan.

Safe and Permanent Weight Loss Cannot Be Achieved in the Fed State

Weight Loss Axiom Number ThreeInsulin and GlucagonThese are the two major hormones that control energy metabolism in the human. They are much like yin andyang, hot and cold or happy and sad.

Easy Weight Loss -- 5 Steps to Lose Weight

Is it easy to lose weight? Yes. Losing weight is easy.

Fast Weight Loss - 7 Day Diet Program for Quick Weight Loss

Do you have a big event coming up? Perhaps you have a great dress that you bought in the hopes of losing ten pounds, but just haven't gotten around to losing enough weight to fit into it. In addition to supplements and other weight loss products, maybe the solution to your problem is a seven-day diet.

Rapid Weight Loss Tips - Lose Weight with the South Beach Diet

It's the American Dream: "If I could just lose a little bit of weight..

South Beach Diet - South Beach Diet Plan Information

Perhaps you've had them too, nightmares about rice cakes, granola, and eight glasses of water a day. Do visions of diet supplements, green tea and mechanical scales dance through your head? If so, you are not alone.

Diet Sodas & Losing Weight: Is Diet Coke Good Or Dangerous For Healthy Weight Loss?

Zero Calorie Diet Sodas: Good Or Bad For Weight Loss?Calorie-free diet sodas, like Diet Coke?, Diet Pepsi? or Diet-7 Up? seem very good for weight loss or maintenance, compared to their sugar-saturated counterparts. For example, just a cup of orange juice contains a whopping 110 calories.

Be a Loser: 50 Reasons to Get Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery is fast becoming a very popular way for obese and morbidly obese people to get and keep the weight off. America is the fattest it's ever been and they're even saying there is an "obesity epidemic".

The Tao of Weight Watchers Part Two

As I explained in the first part of this article, the Weight Watchers' Points system teaches you to budget the amount of kilo joules and fat you consume every day.How many points do you need to consume will depend on your weight, height and gender.

The Tao of Weight Watchers Part One

Weight Watchers inspired me to change my eating habits, lose weight, exercise and, indirectly, learn to cook healthy and incredibly delicious food.Now, I'm not affiliated in any way to the organisation, and I am not in their payroll.

Weight Gain = Poor Quality of Life

Gaining up to 20 pounds over four years can significantly decrease quality of life, according to a study in the Dec. 8 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Weight Loss Strategies

If you want any weight loss program to work you have to perform "Strength Training". It's absolutely imperative during the course of a lifetime not only for weight loss goals but also for general health and well-being.

Scientific Guidelines for Effective Weight Loss

If you have been dieting and haven't lost weight, stop! Don't even think about trying another diet, because it will produce the same results you have already seen.Below you will find "Scientific Guidelines" for weight loss that have always been around, but are not followed by the majority of weight loss programs these days.

Exercise: Essential

The only absolute truth in the area of exercise and weight loss is this: Becoming more physically active will burn calories, and as long as you don't absorb those calories back by eating more, you will lose weight. Getting active and getting your muscles to burn more calories is an essential part of a weight management program.

Even Gastric Bypass Patients Hit Weight Loss Plateaus

Sometime, during the phase of rapid weight loss after gastric bypass surgery, many patients may find their weight loss is stalled. Talk about discouraging.

Walking: Its Never Too Late to Lose Weight!

How did a thin person like me become overweight? My mother had probable Alzheimer's disease and I was her caregiver for nine years. During this time she lost the ability to read, understand television, converse with others, and the ability to speak.

Obesity and Fat Control Myths

- Are your ideas of obesity and fat control based on a myth? -For years we heard that a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet would keep us healthy and help us lose weight. And many of us jumped on the bandwagon.

Role of the Stress Hormone in Weight Control!

Eating when under stress isn't just about filling an emotional need. Your body has a system of hormonal checks and balances that actually promote weight gain when you're stressed out.

Obesity - How it Affects Your Health

1. Carrying around excess body fat will decrease your energy level.

Mediterranean Diet - Wonderful & Lousy Reasons for Losing Weight

Lousy Reasons to Lose Weight"I want to be a size 0.""You can never be too thin.

Diet & Weight Loss Tips: How To Stop Eating Junk Food By Finding Your Craving Hour

Even if you're not overweight, you still could have a junk food craving; especially if you're cooped up in an office building, working 9-5 and not exactly having the best day.If you're like almost anyone else, you've probably had your share of cravings for some kind of excitement or satisfaction in the form of junk food.

Dropping Weight Too Fast After Gastric Bypass: What If I lose Too Much?

Weight loss is so consistent and rapid after gastric bypass surgery many patients begin to fear they may become emaciated. They ask, "Will my body know when it's time to stop losing weight?" Patients fresh out of weight loss surgery usually find this question absurd - Impossible! Lifelong dieters don't become emaciated.

Lost Weight with Gastric Bypass & Now Youre Regaining - Fix It Fast!

I've talked to quite a few fellow gastric bypass patients recently and we all have one thing in common: About the third year after gastric bypass we get hungry. And we eat more.

Exercise Resistant Fat Removed with Liposuction

Liposuction works best with people who are a normal weight but have localized areas of excess fat. These spots are usually found in the buttocks, hips, thighs, chin, knees, love handles, or along waistline.

Weight Loss: Carbs? Or No Carbs?

Dietitians just plain don't like low-carb or high-protein diets.Whether it's The Atkins Diet, The Stillman Diet, The Scarsdale Diet or Eat Yourself Thin Like I Did by Nancy Moshier, a popular, new book that recommends a low-carb regimen, medical experts say these diets are not part of long-term weight maintenance.

Weight Loss Tips: Get Effective Weight Loss Tips!

Looking for Diet Programs on net is like looking for water in an Ocean. But trust me, looking for good Diet Program is like finding a pearl in the ocean.

On A Weight Loss Plan -- Lose Even More!

Plan to eat two to three hours and pack health snacks to go. People who skip meals, especially breakfast, are more likely to be obese.

Weight Loss Tips: Get Free and Effective Weight Loss Tips!

Looking for Diet Programs on net is like looking for water in an Ocean. But trust me, looking for good Diet Program is like finding a pearl in the ocean.

Theyre Wide, Theyre Here, Get Used to It

America's Obesity EpidemicAs the numbers of overweight Americans continue to skyrocket, one thing is clear: being obese is the true exception to the rule in a society governed by a culture of gluttony. You can't turn on the television or turn the pages of a magazine without being bombarded by tantalizing images of cheap, marginally nutritious foods.

What the Diet Industry Wont Tell You--6 Secrets Revealed

I am not a diet and fitness guru or an obesity expert. I'm just a normal person who was where you are today, overweight and hating it.

I Can, I Cant

One common question I receive is, "What do you do for maintenance?" It always takes me by surprise because the concept is alien to me. Maintenance? Granted, when I started this lifestyle, I would have loved to have some "vacation" waiting for me at the end, and I was certainly thinking about how I would "relax things" when I achieved my peak physique.

Diet Pills And Supplements

Losing weight is a struggle that many of us face every day. In the search for the best diet program, the subject of diet pills and supplements can be the foremost thought on our minds.

Diet Information - Dieting and Weight Loss Myths That Will Keep You From Losing Weight

You've heard them before and may even have believed some of them, but there are some dieting myths that are sure to hinder your weight loss efforts. Keep in mind the following facts when embarking on your weight loss journey: Some hard-core dieters will swear that drastically cutting calories will produce fast weight loss.

The Best Weight Loss Programs and Plans - Find Out About Them Online

Are you considering a low carb diet? If so you may be confused as to which low carb diet is the best. There is no easy answer for this question.

Low Carb Diets - The South Beach Diet, Atkins Diet, Zone Diet, and More

The low carb diet craze has become extremely popular amongst dieters. From diet books, free low carb diet plans, online dieting sites, and thousands of low carb recipes, low carb diets have produced favorable results for millions of overweight people.

Free Weight Loss Tips - Help For Beginning a New Diet

If you are about to begin a diet, the number of diet plans and products available may make it confusing to know which is right for you. No matter which diet you choose, here are some tips that may be helpful to you in your weight loss regimen:1.

Diet Pills, Products, and Dieting Supplements - Can They Help You Lose Weight Quickly?

Fighting obesity has become one of the most important issues on the minds of millions of people. Obesity is the cause of health problems and greatly increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and even death.

Dieting - Healthy Dieting Tips

If you are among the millions of people searching for a weight loss program that will produce quick results, here are a few tips and suggestions you may want to consider. There are many weight loss programs that promise rapid weight loss.

Dieting Tips For Fast Weight Loss - How To Jump-start Your Diet

Do you want to lose weight fast? While there is no diet that will allow you to eat as much as you want and still lose weight, there are things you can do to speed along the process. Good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are the most important aspects of any diet, but there are appetite suppressants and diet aids designed to help you burn fat and increase your metabolic rate.

Lose Body Fat by Choosing the Right Diet Plan For You

If you are overweight and searching for the diet program or weight loss product that will be the best suit your individual needs and help you lose the weight as fast as possible, you may be confused considering the numerous diet programs and free diet plans available to you online. When choosing a weight reduction plan, it's important to consider several factors.

Lose Weight Quickly And Easily - Weight Loss Information

For people that are obese, losing weight quickly can seem like a dream that will never come true. The fact is that if you want to lose weight quickly you must dramatically reduce the amount of fat and calories you consume.

Hunger Free Eating - How To Eat Less And Not Feel Hungry

There are many diets, all of which boil down to taking in fewer calories especially of the foods, which tend to lay down fat in the body.The reason most people become over weight is that they are eating foods that are high in calories and low in bulk and, that they eat too quickly.

Yoga As An Aid To Weight Loss

Yoga is wonderful for nurturing a state of mental and physical well being . It promotes a balanced and healthy lifestyle, and yoga techniques can be applied also to removing excess weight, thus bringing you an extra benefit, that is if being overweight is a problem to you.

Obesity Acceptance and Fat Acceptance: Different Labels; Same Dangerous Message

Obesity acceptance, also known as fat acceptance, has a simple, appealing message..

You Cant Lose Weight if You Listen to Your Family and Friends

I bet you already know all the health benefits for keeping slim. You have probably tried every diet; the Atkins, the Southbeach, the metabolic, the fruit, the water or just plain starvation.

Top 5 Weight Loss Strategies From A Top Level Personal Trainer

You are ready to shed those energy draining, body crippling, unattractive extra pounds and you are ready to make it permanent this time. You are on the right track because you've taken the most important step toward your goal.

The First Tragedy in a Lifetime of Weightloss

I am approaching 70 years of age very quickly and I have been dieting since I was thirteen years old.To look at me now you would not think that I have been a professional boxer or a marathon runner.

Fat Burning Tips

These fat burning tips can help you discover a fat burning secret that works well. The fat burning process is a matter of proper dieting and the correct exercise and training techniques.

Ephedra Is Back - But Is It Safe?

It's been called the world's oldest medicine, the miracle fat burner, and is known in some parts of the U.S.

Weight Loss - I Lost 40 Pounds

I did it without starving myself or taking pills. How did I do it you ask?Well, over a year ago a friend of mine told me about the South Beach Diet.

Maintaining Your Weight Loss Momentum Away On Vacation

Going away for your holidays will also bring with it a good supply of temptation on the food front, unless you are on a survival course, climbing a mountain or camping in the wilderness on limited rations. The chances are you will be at a hotel, and if you have chosen a good hotel, it is likely there will be good food, often as much as you want.

Holiday Wearing A Weight Loss Halo

You may have read the old stories about how much weight people put on during the holidays. Well, not surprisingly, those stories are at least partially true.

The Dirty Little Diet Secret

Have you ever wondered how actors stay in such great shape? You know they couldn't starve themselves all the time, because you can see their weight fluctuate from movie to movie, depending on the role they're playing. The fact is Hollywood's slim and slender are hiding a dark secret from you, their adoring fan.

More Resources

Can Eating Certain Foods Help You to Lose Weight?
The best way to lose weight is by consuming fewer calories than you expend or conversely, by expending more calories than you consume.Experts have discovered that certain foods can actually help you to lose weight without the stress of dieting or exercise.
The Secrets Behind Successful Diet Tips Explained
Digestion is a chemical process. Our body combines different types of foods in our stomach using chemical reactions.
Gastric Bypass Surgery - Just The Facts
Gastric Bypass surgery is becoming increasingly more popular for the morbid obese. In order to qualify for the surgery, you must have a body mass index of more than 40, which usually translates to being 100 or more pounds overweight.
No Low Carb Diet Progress? Sleep In To Get Thin!
If your low carb diet is going nowhere, maybe its time to get more sleep. In a paper presented at the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, researchers found that people, who got little sleep, got fat.
The Myth of Spot Reducing
There is no such thing as spot reducing. Any fat you lose comes off in the same proportion it's stored in your body.
Compulsive Eating Signs
Compulsive eating is characterized mainly by periods of impulsive bingeing or continuous eating. Purging (vomiting or laxatives) are not present, but there may be intervals of repetitive diets or fasts.
Diet Pills And Safe Weight Loss: A Quick Guide To Diet Pills
Serious diet pills are intended for people who are overweight to the point of being considered obese. Therefore, they are known as anti-obesity drugs; and should not be used for quick, temporary weight loss.
Diets May Have Long Term Side Effects...Do You Know What They Are?
To see the "low carb" diets on the way out is a somewhat reflective process, not that I was an advocate of ketogenic diets at all unless you have Adolescent Epilepsy, but bringing the "low carb or ketogenic diet" into the forefront of our American Society meant that more people were being educated about obesity, food and eating. This acknowledgment about food was astounding and became overwhelming , causing restaurant chains and some farmers to really suffer from these trendy diets, people have lost farms that have been in their families for years , businesses that lend job and economic stability to an area, have gone out of business or lost business, all on a dietary whim, with no research done on the side-effects of "not eating" what these diets restrict.
5-Step Weight Loss Program for Permanent Weight Loss
Every Journey Worth Taking Begins with a Single StepHere are five easy steps to gain control of your weight loss efforts. Start at the beginning, then take small steps, each and every day and you'll climb that mountain.
The Evil of Carbohydrates (?)
In recent years, carbohydrates have been labeled as the nutrition 'bad guy' because of the increases in insulin that occurs during metabolic processes. The secretion of insulin is dependent primarily upon the concentration of blood glucose - an increase of blood sugar brings about an increase in the secretion of insulin.
Theres Still Time for Your New Years Resolution and Lowering Body Mass Index
This year, we all made some of the typical New Year's resolutions. We want to quit smoking, spend more time with our kids, and drop a few pounds.
How Slimming Down Can Add More Cash in Your Wallets
Are you unhappy with your current weight but aren't "motivated" enough to do something about it?Well then..
Hispanics and Obesity - The Worrying Truth
What is the link between Hispanics and obesity? Are people of Hispanic origin more prone to obesity than others?Respected Hispanic trend watcher Jaun G Tornoe feels there is enough anecdotal and scientific data supporting the link between Hispanics and obesity to raise warning flags?One of the culprits he identifies is the huge choice of cheap, fast food and sugary drinks on offer to newly arrived Latino immigrants, many of whom come from extremely deprived backgrounds?Fast Foods and Obesity - a Warning From a Friend..
Are You a Binge Eater?
Ever wonder if you have a serious problem with binge eating?In a recent issue of the Harvard Mental Health Letter, I read a feature article about the treatment of bulimia and binge eating.Bulimia is defined as 2 or more episodes of binge eating (consuming a large amount of food in 2 hours or less) at least twice a week for 3 months.
7 Ways to Stop Nighttime Snacking in Front of the TV
Stop Being Influenced by Food Ads on TVThere is much in the news today about obesity and you can be assured that the food industry fully intends to place the blame squarely on the individual, despite the fact they spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year in an effort to entice us to buy more and more of their products. Children are especially vulnerable to the advertising for cereals, snack bars, crackers, cookies, candy, and fast foods.
How Water Can Help You Lose Weight Fast
Here are the 4 things you need to know about water that can help you lose weight fast:1. Drink plenty of water.
Hoodia - An Elixir that Fights Obesity Part 1
Humanity is always in search of a wonder drug that ends all physical ailments. While it is a wishful thinking yet, there are areas where the dream is almost accomplished.
Is Your Goal Really Weight Loss?
Are you ashamed of your weight? Do you have a goal weight that you want to reach through weight loss? I'd say so, it's been pushed into our brains many times over and over again that "weight loss" is what we want to accomplish. There are weight loss guides, weight loss supplements, and many other things that push "weight loss".
Acupuncture Weight Loss? Plus 5 Step Weight Loss Plan
I remember back in my senior year of high school - my best friend since 5th grade was living in France. He wrote that they didn't like Americans much.
Quick Weight Loss Secrets
The Secrets have been in our family recipes, some even date back as far as 3000 BC. For years our Ancient ancestors have been using natural herbs and spices to heal and cure, even to take the weight off.

More Weight Loss Information:

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Weight Loss Diets with Negative Calorie Foods
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What Obesity Debate?
This is a perfect example of how on-line weight loss "experts" can confuse and harm the American consumer..
The Truth About Losing Fat On Your Stomach
Do you know anybody who does not wish to get rid of the fat on one particular area of their body? I have not met anybody like that!"If I could only get rid of my big belly"! "Oh, I wish my thighs were slimmer"! Does it sound familiar?Even skinny people are often unhappy with the excess fat in some areas of their body. We've all seen those skinny men with huge bellies!This common problem is accompanied by a widespread belief that you can lose the fat on a "problem area" by exercising that particular area.
Excess Weight - Is It Going To Kill You?
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Low Carb Beer: Not So Skinny
Low carb beer and lite beer are two different animals. Both feature lower calories and both are ostensibly for weight loss.
The Simplest Diet Plan Ever - 3 Easy Steps to Healthy Living
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Warning: Dramatically Improve Your Health In Just 27 Days!!!
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Making the Food Pyramid Work After Weight Loss Surgery
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Cleansing the Body for a Detox Weight Loss!
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Lose Weight & Achieve A Healthy Metabolism By Balancing And Adjusting Your Meals
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Facts You Need To Know About A Low Carb Diet
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Weight Loss With Water
It's calorie-free, inexpensive and easily obtained - yet few people follow the old fashioned advice to drink eight glasses of water a day.Most people drink when they are thirsty, but usually not enough and certainly not when trying to lose weight.
An Introduction to Tummy Tucks
Abdominoplasty, or "tummy tuck" is a major surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the stomach and tightens the abdominal muscles. Many people who are unable to achieve desired results with traditional diet and exercise seek a plastic surgery tummy tuck.
Breakfast and Weight Loss
Some people think that skipping breakfast will help them lose weight. It won't.
Court Overturns Ban
In December 2003, the FDA incorporated an ephedra ban making it illegal to sell any products containing ephedra. The ephedra ban was put in place after investigation of several allegations that ephedra caused serious health problems, including death.
Slimming Solutions
Here are 5 solutions to slimming:1. Set Mini-Goals: Try setting short-term or "mini" goals to help you achieve your goal of shedding the excess weight.
Obesity as an Issue Today and the Half Ton Man
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