Weight Loss Information

Diet Tips - Common Sense Rules

We, as a society, are always trying to lose weight. Some of us are concerned about a lot of extra weight, and some of us are trying to lose that pesky unwanted ten to fifteen pounds.

Weight Loss: The A Factor - The #1 Secret to Sticking to Your Weight Loss Program!

Twenty years ago, I did not expect to accomplish what I have in the fitness world. And I surely didn't dream about writing best-sellingbooks or think my story was worth retelling.

Diet Pills And Safe Weight Loss: A Quick Guide To Diet Pills

Serious diet pills are intended for people who are overweight to the point of being considered obese. Therefore, they are known as anti-obesity drugs; and should not be used for quick, temporary weight loss.

Weight Loss Plateaus -- 7 Easy Steps to Overcome It

Have you ever experienced this scenario before?"I have successfully lost 15 of the 25 pounds that I want to lose, but now I am stuck at the same weight even though I am faithfully controlling my food intake and doing my exercises. What happened? Is the diet not working anymore?"Yes, many women over 40 start off their weight loss programs full of excitement and determination, and indeed you do see the pounds dropping off over the first few weeks.

Living with Your Diet

Recently, I was reading about a diet plan where you throw everything out of your pantry. Although this sounds like great news for the supermarkets, over the short-term, this leaves very few choices for you to actually eat.

7 Useful Tips That Will Help You Lose Weight

1. Increase your fiber intake.

Commit To Cardio Exercise For Permanent Weight Loss

Everyone is looking for the secret to losing weight. Everyone wants it to be easy.

Read Food Labels To Lose Weight

I was at the grocery store the other day, doing my weekly shopping and reading food labels like I always do, when and acquaintance came up and said, "Why are you reading labels? You can eat anything you want with all of that exercise you do!" I have to say that this is probably one of the biggest misconceptions that people have.I talk to many people who are frustrated because they are working out and not losing weight, or not seeing the results they want.

Eating On The Run For Weight Loss

"I'm too busy!""I'm always on the run." "I never leave my desk during the day.

Record Your Meals To Lose Weight

Are you one of the many people who feel frustrated because you think you eat well and exercise regularly, but you just can't seem to lose weight? If so, a food journal is a great tool to help you reach your weight loss goals. It will help to determine any patterns in your eating habits, it will force you to be accountable for what you eat, and it will help you to see where you are consuming your "hidden" calories.

Food: The Proof Is In The Portion

We are a large people. 65% of us are overweight, 30% actually obese.

Five Really Tough Dieting Tips

If you are losing, trying to lose, or think you need to lose, weight, you are probably as sick as I am of those "easy" and "quick" diet tips that NEVER work!The following tips are neither quick nor easy. They are tough, uncomfortable, and demanding (but they work).

Were Cave Dwellers Ever Fat?

In our mind's eye, we see our ancient ancestors as they have been depicted in paintings, stories, films, and scientific recreations. Small, wiry, hairy figures surrounding a huge beast, poised for the kill.

Diet: Are French Fries Really A Vegetable?

The government, nutritionists, doctors, and dietitians implore us to eat 5 servings of vegetables a day. Considering that a serving is only half a cup, a decent-sized side of vegetables and a big salad does it for the day.

Overcoming the 7 Roadblocks to Maintaining Weight Loss

1. Become aware of what you are eating.

The Lies You May Have Been Told About Ephedra, and How They May End Up Improving Your Life

Losing Weight quickly and easily has become one of the main goals of many people today. So, with all the information out there, where is the best place to find what you're looking for? I believe it is here, as I will explain.

The Type Of Food and Nutrition That Can Help You Lose Weight Fast

The following are diet tips that can help you shape up and lose weight:1. Try and adopt a vegetarian diet.

7 Diet Tips For Rapid Weight Loss

1. Quit snacking in between meals.

Have You Tried These Weight Loss Tips?

The following are weight loss tips that you can start applying today..

Eating Habits That Can Help You Lose Weight And Stay That Way

There are certain eating habits that can make you gain weight and make you lose weight. The tips below are design to help you lose weight:1.

Six Secret Tips That Can Help You Lose Weight Fast

1. Include in your diet things that contain more water like tomatoes and watermelons.

How Water Can Help You Lose Weight Fast

Here are the 4 things you need to know about water that can help you lose weight fast:1. Drink plenty of water.

You Dont Have to Stop Eating Out Because You Are On Diet

Diners have become more health-conscious the last few years, andnow want healthy choices whether eating at home or at theirfavorite restaurants. Luckily, the restaurant industry has beenquick to accommodate the demand, so you'll find you have manyoptions to "eat healthy" these days.

The Effect Of A Low Carb Diet On Your Insulin Level

The underlying principles of low carb diets are based on the role of insulin in our body. There are three basic units the body uses for energy: Fats, Proteins, and Carbohydrates.

Glucagon and Aging - Breakfast How Not To Start The Day Part III

A question from one of our readers:Dr. Mericle,With respect to burning "fat" energy in the mornings before eating, what if you are not a long distance runner? The average person is not, particularly someone who is overweight.

Is Diet Confusion Stopping You From Losing Weight?

Diet advice - a million "experts", hundreds of snake-oil miracle pills, and an infinite number of human bodies make losing weight the subject of controversy and confusion.The diet program that worked miracles for your best friend does nothing for you.

Developing Mental Toughness For Permanent Weight Loss

Losing weight and keeping it off is much more than eating right and exercising hard. In order to lose weight and keep it off, especially in today's stressful society, you must be mentally tough.

Lose Weight and Keep it Off Permanently Without Fancy Diets

For years the experts have been telling us that diets do not work, and my experience in the field for almost twenty years confirms that. Yet every year several new fad diets and supplements emerge, claiming they have the answer, and making people rich.

Is the New "High-protein Low-saturated Fat" Diet the Answer to Weight Loss?

The heated debate, within diet circles, that began a few years ago and continues today is over the effectiveness of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate, type diet versus its counterpart, the high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet.To the delight of the Atkins diet enthusiasts, recent studies have suggested that a diet high in protein and low in fat has a greater effect on diet induced thermogenesis (calorie burning) than a high carbohydrate low fat diet.

Exercise Resistance! - The Secret Barriers that Prevent Weight Loss

Getting started on an exercise program is one thing. Stayingon it is the bigger challenge.

Eat Out and Lose Weight -- 25 Easy & Healthy Tips for Dining Out

Diners have become more health-conscious the last few years, and now want healthy choices whether eating at home or at their favorite restaurants. Luckily, the restaurant industry has been quick to accommodate the demand, so you'll find you have many options to "eat healthy" these days.

Weight Loss and Diet Programs - The Real Skinny on What Works Best!

Have you ever wondered with all the weight loss programs offered today, why we are on the verge of a diabetic andobesity epidemic? Have you ever thought that maybe doctorsand gym owners would rather you not know the right way tolose weight? Think about it? If we did, whose pocketwould it hurt? On the other hand, maybe they just are not motivated enough to explain it us? Worse yet, maybe they don't even know how to help us long term?Twenty years of health club management, fifty thousand hoursof paid personal training sessions and working with some ofthe most famous people in the world tell me; we are focusingon the wrong things. What does it take to stay on an exercise and eating program? The answer may surprise you.

Dont Be Misled. The Best Attitude and Action for Weight Loss

Weight loss can be one of the most difficult things to accomplish. Today's media and the marketplace can sometimes make the effort of weight loss even harder.

Learn The Basics Of Weight Loss

Have you been surfing the web trying to find a way to lose weight? Are you looking for the perfect solution to your weight loss desires? If you have done much surfing, I'm sure you've found thousands of sites offering to provide you with the BEST weight loss solution. Are they all the BEST? Do they all work wonders? Will you never have to worry about weight loss again?Before you spend lots of hard earned cash on weight loss pills and potents, and hours and hours trying to find the perfect solution to your needs? Let's examine some basic facts about why we gain weight and why we lose weight.

Want To Lose Fat? Eat More of This

If you've been working out with weights for any length of time, you know the importance of supplying your body with frequent feedings of quality protein so that your body will be able to have the necessary building blocks to build muscle in the shortest amount of time possible.How much protein should you be consuming each day? Well, that debate has been raging for many years.

5 Tips For Weight Loss

Are you ready to lose some weight? Perhaps you're surfing for the magic pill that will vanish your weight away. Maybe you're simply searching for the right information to help you lose and keep the weight off.

Burning Fat vs. Burning Calories

To lose weight and get in shape you must have a good diet and exercise regularly to burn fat. The first thing you must understand about exercise is that just because you are burning calories does not mean you are burning fat.

The Truth About Dieting And Weight Loss

You may not like what I'm about to say, but dieting alone will not help you to lose weight. Watching your diet alone is not going to yield results unless it is coupled with proper exercise.

Foods That Help Burn Fat

Foods that are high in fiber and protein are the best kinds of food to consume if you want to burn fat around your waistline and tone your abs.Below you'll find a handful of foods that will help you reach your weight loss goal.

Diet Soda: New Study Shows Relationship Between Diet Soda and Weight Gain

A very interesting story was reported recently by WebMD.com.

Little Weight Loss Goes A Long Way

From driving up your blood pressure and cholesterol, to increasing your risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and more, there's no question that being overweight is more than just a cosmetic problem - it's a serious threat to your health.At the same time, if you're like most folks, even the thought of embarking on a 20-, 40-, or even 100-pound weight-loss plan can seem like a mountain that's impossible to climb.

Child Obesity - Who is to Blame?

As we look around at the current generation of children, one can notice more and more that child obesity is becoming a serious problem. A combination of technology, alternative forms of entertainment and poor food choices have greatly changed the path at which our children are taking toward the future.

Weight Loss Methods

On the market at any given time, there are hundreds of weight loss methods. You will no doubt see hundreds of commercials in your time for a weight loss drug, a weight loss plan, or an exercise machine.

The Results Of Being Overweight

Being overweight is no laughing matter. For those who are obese, it often starts as a young child.

The Real Challenge Of Weight Loss

Weight loss is never easy. Although this is stating the obvious, it is nevertheless very true.

Know How Many Calories To Cut For Permanent Weight Loss

It is not recommended to lose more than 1 pound per week for healthily weight loss. The reason for this has do to with the issues which quick and drastic weight loss can have on your body's metabolism and muscle mass.

How To Lose Weight and Stay Thin

Diet is one of the most controversial subjects around. Bring it up at a party and I can guarantee you'll have everyone's interest whether they're talking or not.

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #6

I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. You're embarking on your own journey and you astound me because you want something more, something that surpasses what you currently know.

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #5

Wow! You must be on fire by now burning and churning up those calories on your way to your ideal weight. I know that taking steps to better your life is not always easy.

Losing Weight - Stop Focusing on the Carrots!

What do I mean by that?Well, carrots are good for you and I encourage all of my clients to eat them - as well as all the other veggies - whenever they can. The problem I find with most of my clients looking to lose weight is that they are focused on the wrong things.

The Simplest Diet Plan Ever - 3 Easy Steps to Healthy Living

You've heard the popular advice on weight loss diets. Cut thefat! Cut the carbs! Cut the calories! Eat a balanced diet! Buthow can you cut though all of the confusion, and eat a dietthat's balanced and healthy?Here's the advice from nutritional science:Cut the JUNK fats: Most people do not need an ultra low fatdiet.

Obesity is Big Business

Obesity and overweight, weight reduction and weight management therapies, miracle weight loss pills are everywhere. Open the newspaper, switch on the T.

Finally, Natural Weight Loss Availalble, Judge Lifts Ban on Ephedra

April 14, 2005 federal judge Tena Campbell of the federal district court in Salt Lake City Utah reversed the ban on ephedra.Ephedra is an herb used over 5000 years ago to treat several disorders, such as asthma and bronchitis.

No Excuse on Getting in Shape

America is getting more obese every year. Even our children are becoming dangerously obese, even though we are more self conscious over our appearance.

How Green Tea Can Help You To Lose Weight

Green tea has been highly valued in Asia for centuries for it's medical properties. In the recent years green tea benefits caught the attention of western scientists.

Weight Loss: Weight Loss is All in Your Mind!

"The kind of thoughts that you plant in your mind, determine what you produce in life." Letting negative thoughts rule your mind can never make you achieve your goal.

A Diet Made For You Will Make All The Difference

To achieve your goals you need a diet that takes into account who you are and what you want.People diet for lots of reasons, and with lots of aims in mind.

Doc, I Know My Arthritis Will Get Better If I Lose The Weight?. But How Do I Do It?

First? establish realistic goals. Start with a target you can hit?say? "OK, I'd like to lose five pounds in one month.

Zone Diet Weight Loss Program

The Zone Diet as a weight loss program has been discussed in detail by Dr. Barry Sears in his book The Zone: Revolutionary Life Plan to Put Your Body in Total Balance for Permanent Weight Loss.

Vinegar and Weight Loss

The Sour Truth-------------------------- Question: I had a baby 6 months ago and would like to lose some weight. I know that if you're nursing, you're not supposed to diet.

Trans Fat: Whats That!?

Learning the jargon is part of the weight loss journey. Depending on the weight loss or healthy eating program you are on, you will learn lots of things about food and their ingredients.

Burn More Fat With Insulin Control: The Secret Weight Loss Switch

If you're serious about losing weight and getting fit, you might be interested in what I'm about to tell you. If you're like most people who don't have time to do cardio exercise and weight training for a few hours a day, then you need to read on.

Warning: Dramatically Improve Your Health In Just 27 Days!!!

You don't realize it, but in the next few minutes you're going to learn how to drastically sculpt your body and reach an all-time high level of fitness in just 27 days!If you're like me, you'll probably be tired of all the hype present in today's fitness industry. You'll most likely want a no-nonsense guide to achieving Your personal health goals NOW.

Weight Loss: Its Not About the Numbers, Its Your Approach!

Today obesity, diabetes, and heart disease run through us at epidemic levels. Why? The answer lies not in thethousands of different kinds of diet, weight loss and workout programs offered, the answer lies in the approach.

LapBand Surgery: The Rules of the Road, Part 2

The Constant Quest for Restriction; Not enough vs. too muchRestriction.

More Resources

The Simplest Diet Plan Ever - 3 Easy Steps to Healthy Living
You've heard the popular advice on weight loss diets. Cut thefat! Cut the carbs! Cut the calories! Eat a balanced diet! Buthow can you cut though all of the confusion, and eat a dietthat's balanced and healthy?Here's the advice from nutritional science:Cut the JUNK fats: Most people do not need an ultra low fatdiet.
Spare Muscle Mass and Power, Lose the Fat
The goal of many athletes and exercisers is to "get cut" or to lose excess fat while at the same time retaining muscle mass and power. Unfortunately, it is not possible to lose copious amounts of fat without incurring some loss of muscle mass.
7 Power Packed Tips to Help You Lose Weight & Gain Optimal Health
Did you know that what you're eating could be making your body toxic? I mean so toxic to point that your body is unable to metabolize food. These little critters, called parasites, feed off of foods that have sugar and yeast.
The TRUTH About How to Lose Weight
The huge companies stealing your money by promising impossible results if you just drink their shake, take their pill, or do 10 minutes of exercise on their wiz-bang machines are abusing your trust in the name of profits and market share.The real truth is that most (if not all) the products they're peddling are worthless - to you, that is.
Motivation the Key or the Curse?
"Life would be perfect if only I was thin." That one thought passes through the minds of millions everyday when they think of weight loss.
The Key to Weight Loss: The INSIDE OUT Factor - The #1 Mindset in Changing Your Weight Forever!
WHAT DOES BEING FIT REALLY MEAN?The "INSIDE-OUT" approach to fitness differs from that of conventional wisdom. Most programs work on diet and exercise alone.
How to Do the Atkins Diet Right?
Let me tell you something - if you are doing the Atkins Diet, you might be doing it WRONG. I have been on diet forums for years, have consulted thousands of people on low carb diets, and I am seeing it again and again.
Weight Loss Product Warnings -- How to Spot Bad Pills
There are numerous ways to make a bad weight loss product look good. How to Spot Bad Pills is the first article in a series on evaluating weight loss products.
Read Food Labels To Lose Weight
I was at the grocery store the other day, doing my weekly shopping and reading food labels like I always do, when and acquaintance came up and said, "Why are you reading labels? You can eat anything you want with all of that exercise you do!" I have to say that this is probably one of the biggest misconceptions that people have.I talk to many people who are frustrated because they are working out and not losing weight, or not seeing the results they want.
Finding a Weight Loss Program
Getting involved in Weight Loss Program can be intimidating for a beginner. It can also be hard to know where to start.
Help for Sugar Cravings
Many people have asked me what foods they should eat in order to cut down on the sugar cravings. And in the past I've always had to say "I don't know.
Do You Know These Tricks To Help Conquer Food Cravings?
Food cravings are crafty -- they appear from nowhere and hit you just when you least expect them, don't they?And the critical thing is that the way you respond to your food cravings might just make or break your success at weight loss and maintenance.That's why you need simple ways to deal with cravings whenever they pop up.
How Green Tea Can Help You To Lose Weight
Green tea has been highly valued in Asia for centuries for it's medical properties. In the recent years green tea benefits caught the attention of western scientists.
Hypnosis for Weight Control - Why Diets Dont Provide a Long-Term Solution
One of the difficulties with dieting is the well known yo-yo effect. You get all enthusiastic, go wholeheartedly into the new diet, lose some pounds; then after a few weeks, or a few months, the enthusiasm starts to slip, you've done really well, and you want to give yourself a treat or a day off, then that day happens once a week, twice a week, three times a week and the treat happens once a week, once a day, three times a day.
The Importance of Vitamins when Dieting
In our quest to get that "perfect" body, we actually tend to lose our focus on the real things that should matter to us, such as our health and well-being. Thus, we end up not only neglecting our insides but possibly our relationships with others as well.
Confessions From A Fat Doctor
I never intended to get fat! I am not exactly sure how it happened, but there I was a 6'2" thirty-four year old pushing close to 270 pounds. My cholesterol was high, my triclecrides were high, and my blood pressure was high.
Aerobics Imposters
In health clubs, they run classes that call themselves "aerobics". As you will come to see, they are neither aerobic, nor are they the best way to lose the excess fat.
Why Do All Diets Fail?
There's a dirty little secret in the diet industry. The sellers of weight loss programs won't admit it, but no weight loss plan works for everyone.
Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #7
Well, look at you go! You keep moving closer and closer towards your goal. How extraordinary are you? Do you want to know? You are the most extraordinary person on this earth!! To quote Wayne Dyer, we are human beings having a spiritual experience.
Are You Ready To Lose Weight?
I know, I know. What a crazy question!Considering that we've all tried so many diets until we can give calorie counts in our sleep - where do I get off asking a question like that?But bear with me please.

More Weight Loss Information:

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Motivation: Keeping the Fire Going in Your Fat Loss Plan
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Losing Weight - Stop Focusing on the Carrots!
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Say No To Obesity
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From Fat to Fit: Read One Womans Amazing Weight Loss Story
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