The Effects of Diet on Infertiltiy

Overwhelmed by studies, research and the constantly changing diet, nutrition and food recommendations? With so many conflicting opinions and studies it's a full time job trying to keep up with the do's and don'ts.

Here are? not just five, but six... of the top basic lifestyle changes that Cynthia Stadd, Director of Nutrition Services at The Berkley Center, recommends to proactively promote and prepare your body for conception and a remarkable family life!

Greatly reduce or eliminate caffeine and coffee altogether. It is a vasoconstrictor which can impede blood flow.

Establish a whole foods based diet that's easy to incorporate into your busy lifestyle. Include whole vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and minimal animal protein. Consider scheduling a consultation with a nutritionist to discover which fresh whole foods you should choose for your body type including quantities, shopping tips and food preparation techniques for maximum health and digestion.

Drink plenty of water and avoid sugary liquids. The new high energy, vitamin and natural food drinks on the market may seem like a healthy alternative but they might not be as good for you as you think.

Avoid chemicals, additives and preservatives. Get educated on how to read food labels, recognize the artificial sweeteners to stay away from, and get acquainted with some natural sweeteners you may never even have heard about. Start increasing your fertility quotient with powerful dietary and nutritional counseling.

Limit your dairy intake. Find out the scary correlation between cow's milk and reproductive health. Get the latest information on hormones, organics and soy? and how they may be affecting your reproductive health.

Curb unhealthy cravings. Here's a simple solution you can start using tomorrow. Eat breakfast! Skipping breakfast can make cravings worse so start your day right and don't miss the most important meal of the day. When working with a dietician you'll learn lots of reasons and cures for unhealthy cravings including other emotional factors that may be keeping your body from conceiving.

Proper nutrition is very important from the perspective of reproductive health. A registered nutritionist will provide you with a list of foods and beverages which you should abstain from and a list of foods and beverages which you should partake of. Following these guidelines are important for your health in general and for your reproductive health in particular. She will walk you step by step through your own personalized nutrition and fitness plan and will also give you quick lifestyle and nutritional tips to break free from cravings that can reduce your chances of conceiving.

Your nutritionist will also guide you in managing any chronic health problems, help you attain your healthy, ideal weight, help you understand how your lifestyle choices impact your ability to conceive, help you create balance in your life as your prepare for parenthood, assist you in developing a manageable, doable exercise routine, reduce and manage stress on a day-to-day basis and support you in your journey to conception.

About The Author

Dr. Mike Berkley has been treating fertility disorders since 1996 with amazing results. He works exclusively in the area of reproductive medicine and enjoys working in conjunction with some of New York's most prestigious reproductive endocrinologists.

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