Fruits, Juices, and Food for Relieving Hemorrhoids Part II

Eating the right kind of food and following good eating habits will speed up your healing of your hemorrhoids. If you have a diet that is hard to digest and moves slowly through your colon, then, expect to have constipation which will encourage formation of hemorrhoids or prevent the their healing.

Here are some foods that will help give you relief from hemorrhoids

Use the following foods to help reduce hemorrhoid bleeding:

* Alfalfa

* Dark green leafy vegetables

* Blackstrap molasses

* Flax seeds - are high in omega-3 oils, which reduceinflammation and pain. They are also high in fiber.

* Lima and butter beans are high in iron, which help tobuild more blood. If you have bleeding hemorrhoids,adding lima beans to your diet would be a goodchoice.

*Sweet potatoes provide fiber, B vitamins, iron,potassium and many other vitamins and minerals.This is a good body building food.

If after trying different hemorrhoid remedies listed here for up to two week and your hemorrhoids do not have shrunk or go away, youmight consider seeing a doctor. You need to find out if your hemorrhoids exist because of a more serious medical condition.

See your doctor right away if you have a lot of anal bleeding, a lot of blood in your stools, heavy pain, or fecal incontinence.

Ginger, Garlic, and Onion

Add these three herbs - ginger, garlic, onions - to your diet. Each one of these helps to break down fibrin. As I mentioned before excess fibrin creates inflammation and blood congestion by trying to repair arteries and veins.

Iron foods

Here are the foods that contain iron to help you build upyour blood or to keep iron in reserve, if you ever need it.

* Chicken liver, steamed crab

* Beef liver

* kelp

* Prunes

* Dried apricots

* Blackstrap molasses

* Spinach

* Sunflower seeds

* Pistachios

* Cashews, almonds, sesame seeds

* Baked potatoes

* Cooked Swiss chard

* Lima beans,

* Raisins

* Cooked broccoli

* Tuna


At every meal, use olive oil, flax seed oil, and apple cidervinegar in your salad. In your soups or other food dishes where it's appropriate, use olive and flax seed oil.

At the end of each meal take your capsule of fish oil.Fish oil is probably one of the most important oils to usedaily. Read other articles I have written on fish oil..


Eat plenty of salads with raw vegetable. Vegetables andfruits that you heated destroy their natural enzymes and turn calcium into an inorganic form. You body can't process this inorganic form of calcium.

This excess inorganic calcium moves into body areas thatare sluggish and precipitates in these areas causing inflammation and disease. One area that can migrate to is the rectum where it activatesthe formation of hemorrhoids.

So eat plenty of raw vegetable sprinkled with apple cider vinegar, flaxseed oil, and olive oil.

There you have it. Plenty of food remedies that can give you temporary relief, reduce bleeding, reduce swelling, eliminate itching, and cure your hemorrhoids.

Rudy Silva has a Physics degree from the University of San Jose California and is a Natural Nutritionist.

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Aromatherapy - Part III: Esoteric & Spiritual applications
The Way Essential Oils Effect the Etheric Body or Psycho-spiritual LevelThe historical use of aromatic oils and resins goes back many thousands of years in human history and traverses many cultures and civilizations on our planet.In China, incense was burned to purify the atmosphere and rid the environment of evil spirits, in India, incense was and is used in all temples of all persuasions to sanctify the devotions; in Mexico, incenses were used in rituals to induce trance-like states in the participants to make them more accepting in their role of living sacrifice to the Gods; in Northern Europe the Druids used incenses which were sacred to the Earth Mother; the Greeks and Romans also used essential oils and fragrant herbs in all aspects of their daily lives, and many of their practices were learned from the Egyptians and Mesopotamians who were without doubt, the absolute masters in the Art of "Aromatherapy".
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