Homemade Bath Products...the Pros and Cons

When you surf the Internet to find proper bath products for your home spa bathing you can see many websites offering homemade bath product receipts:" Why to pay more for expensive bath products if you can make your own products?Forget (give up) these expensive bath products at bath (drug, department etc) stores?You can make your own inexpensive bath product at home etc?etc?etc?"

Is it right? Yes and No?

Let us describe three main levels of natural bath products depending on several factors. Each level differs from others by complexity of composition, structure, technology, therapeutic value and results, biological activity of ingredients etc.

- BEGINNING level of natural bath products: ANY REGULAR mineral bath salts scented (with aroma oils) or unscented, colored or uncolored etc. For example: Dead Sea salts, Epsom salt, ocean salt, sea salt, lake salt etc. Can you make these bath salts at home? Yes, you can? It is simple?Pour the mixture of bath salts, essential oils and food coloring into a bathtub and add warm water. That's it! So the "make at home" advice for this class of bath products is the correct and good advice. You can really make inexpensive bath products of this class at your home.

Homemade possibility: Yes, it is simple to make this class of products at your home spa.

Pros: Simple and inexpensive bath products.

Cons: This simple structure restricts therapeutic range and benefits. Results directly depend on the amount of products added to water. The more you add...the better.

- MIDDLE level of natural bath products: MUD baths (organic or mineral), HERBAL baths with plain, herbal-infused oils and aroma oils, milk baths etc.

This class of bath products is more complex in composition and therapeutic value. This class requires more time, more efforts, more knowledge to be made at home. You obviously can not make yourself mud baths from regular mud, instead you purchase a prepared mud extract- Moor mud, Dead Sea mud etc.But you can make other bath products (herbal baths, milk baths) at your home. You should add dried herbs to boiling water, simmer, strain liquid, mix with salts or powdered milk, add essential oils.

Homemade possibility: Yes, it is possible (but not simple) for some of products.

Pros: Active ingredients provide more therapeutic and wellness benefits for home spa bathing.

Cons: This class requires more time, efforts and knowledge to be made. Unfortunately, many therapeutic ingredients of this class when prepared and produced at home are incapable and/or low capable to penetrate the skin . Thus the therapeutic value is decreased.

- ADVANCED level of natural bath products: innovative therapeutic bath products of new concepts, ideas, composition and therapeutic abilities with SMART properties and behavior. These products offer a FULL spectrum of bath experience and value with advantages of main bath products together. This class of natural bath products can not be made at home. This class requires special technology, scientific steps, new ideas, innovations, exclusive solutions, clinical studies to prove advanced value, complex ingredients etc. This class is for advanced bathers who try to experience more interesting ideas and products than mass market regular products.

Homemade possibility: No, you can not make this class at home.

Pros: More complex composition provides smart influence with more therapeutic value, ranges, beneficial results. The main therapeutic key now is biological activity and smart value. The smarter...the better.

Cons: It is not easy to find this class. Such products are often offered only to professional balneological (water therapy, hydrotherapy) spa markets.

Need samples of this class? Please, do not disclose this idea to manufacturers!

Idea: Try to combine at home main bath products in one bath:

- bath salts
- mud bath
- herbal bath
- thalasso bath
- aroma bath

It is not a simple and easy task?I'd predict it will be a nightmare to combine them in one bath?Intrigued?

You can subscribe to Free Smart Home Spa Bathing Course at www.tonusworld.com to find out more about smart bathing with smart products.

Have a good and smart Home Spa bath!

Oleg Moskvine,MSc., held the Senior Scientist position of the R&D department of Technofit cosmetic manufacturing company. He has the extensive experience in research, formulation, development, production, marketing and competitive intelligence of natural products.

Oleg has the good expertise in hydrotherapy (balneology, water therapy) treatments with water, mineral salts and mud applications. He is an author of articles about natural products, skin absorption, water therapy, cellulite treatments, body adaptation etc.

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Homemade Bath Products...the Pros and Cons
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