More Fruit Constipation Remedies Part II

Here are some more constipation remedies using fruits. Try to get your organic fruits and eat them as soon as possible. The longer you keep fruits, without using them, the less enzymes and nutrients they have.


Apricots are one of most nutritious fruits since they are high in fiber, vitamin A, C, potassium, and have many other minerals. One apricot has around 1000 IU of vitamin A. This vitamin is mainly in the form of the precursor beta-carotene.

Apricots have a laxative effect and are usually available during the summer. Dried apricots are also good and are much higher in vitamin A and in minerals.

Use dried apricots that have not been dried with sulfur dioxide. Some people are allergic to sulfur dioxide and it is considered a pollutant that is found in our air. This chemical is a preservative that prevents apricots from turning brown.

If you have an ulcer, eating apricots with sulfur dioxide can increase your stomach acid and aggravate it.

Avocado with Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon

Here's a recipe that will make you go to the bathroom in a couple of hours.

Peel 1-2 avocados
Add a little sea salt
3-4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (to taste)
1-2 tablespoons of lemon (to taste)
Mix all together and spread on your favorite crackers
Have a good time eating

Yes, avocados are high in fat but they contain fat that is good for you, monounsaturated. In 4 oz., half of an avocado contains 500mg of potassium and folate.


Bananas are rich in potassium. They assist in healing open wounds in the interior body membranes. They are helpful in stopping diarrhea and at the same time in promoting bowel movements.

Eat two bananas on an empty stomach followed by a glass of distilled water. After your constipation is cleared, eat only one banana each day.


Blue berries can act as a laxative for some people despite its use to stop diarrhea. These berries have chemicals, anthocyanosides that can kill bacteria and viruses

Blueberries are also good for reducing inflammation. This makes them good for inflammations that occur all along the gastrointestinal tract.


Boysenberry juice has a gentle natural laxative action on your bowel. When your constipation is not extra serious this juice will help move things in your colon.


Cantaloupe is one of best fruits you can eat. It contains many minerals and has Vitamin A and C. It is high in potassium. It has plenty of fiber and is useful for constipation.


Cherries are high in potassium, fiber, and many other minerals, which are effective in neutralizing body acid. They contain vitamins B-1, B-2, folic acid and niacin.

Cherries have a laxative effect and can start peristaltic action.

Eat fresh cherries throughout the day or drink 3 glasses, 8 oz, of cherry juice during the day. Buy cherry juice in glass container. Eating and drinking cherries like this has kept me from having constipation. Cherries are usually only available during the summer, but you can buy cherry juice anytime.

Dried cherries can also be used except the can be expensive.Use these fruits mention as constipation remedies and at the same time gain the benefits of their nutritional value.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist.

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