Evening Primrose Oil Benefits

The evening primrose oil which we use is extracted from the seeds of Oenthera biennis, a plant native to North America. The evening primrose plant resembles a primrose but is related to the willow herb group.

This oil is called evening primrose oil and it is believed to have many health benefits. There is much documented evidence on the benefit of evening primrose oil. To begin with, evening primrose oil is a source of the essential fatty acid gamma-linolenic (GLA) evening primrose oil with the evening primrose oil benefit is recommended for a variety of reasons.

Fatty acids play an important role in the production of prostaglandin's. Virtually every system function is affected by prostaglandin's including the regulation of inflammation and pain, blood pressure and hormone production. Evening primrose oil taken daily can help to maintain good health.Prostaglandins also play a role in metabolizing cholesterol as well as the dilation of blood vessels.

Evening primrose oil users report a general health improvement.Linoleic acid is usually converted by the body into prostaglandin. However a deficiency of vitamin C or an illness such as diabetes or heart disease can inhibit this process. In these cases, taking a supplement of evening primrose oil has shown excellent results.

Evening primrose oil has proven its efficacy in relieving rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Several studies on the evening primrose oil benefit and arthritis show promise. Individuals with rheumatoid arthritis experienced significant improvements within six months of evening primrose oil usage and enjoyed the evening primrose oil benefit.

Through evening primrose oil usage, joint tenderness and swelling was reduced by 42 percent, another benefit of evening primrose oil. Pain was often lowered by 22 percent while taking evening primrose oil. In many cases users of 1.5 to 2.8 grams of GLA daily were able to reduce their use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, showing the evening primrose oil benefit.

Incorrect prostaglandin production is linked to premenstrual tension and evening primrose oil has proven helpful.PMS sufferers might be deficient in prostaglandin E1 and lacking the evening primrose oil benefit. Evening primrose oil may increase the body's ability to produce E1.Reports from several international study groups interested in the effects of evening primrose oil show a dramatic improvement of PMS symptoms while taking evening primrose oil.

The evening primrose oil benefit occurs when premenstrual depression, headaches, bloating and irritability are lessened. Taking evening primrose oil also reduces breast tenderness and pain. Lethargy and vagueness are aided by the properties in evening primrose oil. PMS sufferers also show a mood elevation while using evening primrose oil.

Another role played by fatty acids, such as occur in evening primrose oil, is examined in relation to high cholesterol. Studies over a 4 month period show that supplements of evening primrose oil decreases triglyceride levels by 48 percent and evening primrose oil increases HDL by 22 percent.HDL is known as the 'good cholesterol' and should be present is certain amounts. Evening primrose oil also reduces 'bad cholesterol' and brings evening primrose oil benefit.

Evening primrose oil also helps to clear up skin problems such as acne. Evening primrose oil is used internationally for evening primrose oil benefits. Benefits of evening primrose oil are suggested by several scientific trials and include premenstrual syndrome, fibrocystic breast pain, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and ulcerative colitis.

Evening primrose oil may help with menopausal symptoms. Evening primrose oil can be used by pregnant women. Evening primrose oil is one of the most popular health supplements on the market. Many people claim to have been aided and relieved of various health problems while taking evening primrose oil. There is a vast amount of evidence available to show that evening primrose oil lives up to many of its claims.

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