Mud Baths at Your Home Spa- the Pros and Cons

"If you truly love Nature,
you will find beauty everywhere"
-Vincent Van Gogh

Mud baths are natural products you can use at your home spa.

You are a spa goer and enjoy mud baths at health spas, beauty spas, day spas etc.Or you are a home spa bather and know something about beneficial properties of mud baths. One day you decided (or will decide) to try mud baths at your home spa.

While surfing the Internet you can find a lot of mud baths offered by many companies (Moor mud, Dead Sea mud, sea mud etc). But how to choose which one is more suitable and more beneficial for you?

Peloids (mud) history.

Peloids (mud ) treatments and their remarkable revitalizing effects have been known for many centuries and have been successfully used in spas, resorts, clinics all over the world as a natural, effective therapeutic tool. Scientific researches have proved the therapeutic properties of peloids for many balneological (water therapy) treatments in dermatology and rheumatology and for beauty purposes in cosmetology. Natural biological ingredients of peloids benefit the body and the skin by detoxifying, hormonal-like , anti-inflammatory, anti-bactericidal and bioenergy potency, balancing and harmonizing properties.

There are three main types of peloids in the world.

Saltwater peloids (mud) have high mineral content. Being rich in minerals saltwater peloids are beneficial for the body and skin due to re-mineralizing and nourishing properties.

And there are two types of organic muds with high organic content: Sapropel and Moor muds. Imagine a substance (enriched with minerals, phyto-hormones, amino acids, enzymes, biostimulators, vitamins) created by Nature for thousands of years with the power to balance, nourish, revitalize! Both of muds - Sapropel and Moor have been successfully used in clinical and beauty industry for hundreds of years.

But there are also some PROS of mud baths...PROBLEMS:Is original mud bathing a smart choice for your home spa? Yes and No...Yes, because mud baths have a lot of beneficial components for your body and skin.

No, because a solid phase of muds sticks many beneficial components hardly allowing them to penetrate the skin during bathing.

That is why for proper treatment procedures European spa professionals can use up to 16 kg ( 35 pounds) of original peloids per treatment bath.

Real original peloids consist of many water INSOLUBLE substances which can also PLUG a bathing system so only special facilities are used for peloids procedures.

So first of all, mud should be prepared for proper bathing.

Prepared mud (extracted, filtered, processed, refined) is a better choice for bathing. Scientists have been researching various types of mud extraction to provide main biological substances,increase a bathing efficiency and avoid these problems.

Today you can buy several types of peloid (mud) extracts and add a cup for home bathing. These baths are less or more water-soluble and contain less or more organic and mineral substances ,depending on types of extraction and types of mud. The more substances extracted from mud are, the more complicated and expensive the extraction process is and the more beneficial this extract and this mud bathing is for you.

Have a good and smart Home Spa bath!

Oleg Moskvine
Tonus World Inc.
© 2001-2004 Tonus World Inc., All Rights Reserved

Oleg Moskvine,MSc.,held the Senior Scientist position of the R&D department of Technofit cosmetic manufacturing company. He has the extensive experience in research, formulation, development, production, marketing and competitive intelligence of natural products.

Oleg has the good expertise in hydrotherapy (balneology, water therapy) treatments with water, mineral salts and mud applications. He is an author of articles about natural products, skin absorption, water therapy, cellulite treatments, body adaptation etc.

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