ADHD The Easier Solution

ADHD is a very rapidly growing part of the health care industry. The symptoms are varied, including: irritability, hyperactivity and behavioral problems. Many kids are so affected that they require some pretty hefty drugs to control them.

I spoke at a medical conference in Denver in 2004. One of the other speakers was a pharmacology researcher. He brought up a statistic that indicated that kids on Ritalin [one of the prevailing drugs for ADHD] tend to become addicted to methamphetamines.

On the radio the other day, NPR was talking about giving these kids marijuana for the symptoms.

What are we doing to our kids?

According to the Psychology Department @ the University of Tennessee, kids with TRUE ADHD average about 5-7% of a normal classroom. However, somewhere between 50% of kids in school today are diagnosed and treated for ADHD.

What does this tell us? There aren't as many kids with ADHD as we are led to believe. Why are we drugging the kids without true ADHD? Because these kids are a behavioral problem.

Surprisingly, we find that when we get rid of mold and toxic chemicals in a house, kids with ADHD in the home tend to get better. Almost immediately they have to go off their drugs.

Case file: We consulted with a school on the east coast. The school had sick kids [sinus infections and ADHD] and teachers [sinus infections and cancer]. The school board chose to do nothing. The people on the school board had an agenda that didn't include the health of the kids.

Many of the parents took their kids out of school to home-school.

Guess what?

The kids with ADHD who were now being home schooled, had to go off their Ritalin.

The logic behind this is easy to follow.

When mold grows in the house, car or school, chemicals are given off. These chemicals are known as mycotoxins. These mycotoxins cause many different problems from cancer to dandruff.

One class of mycotoxins is called neurotoxins. These toxins affect the nervous system. They can cause hyperactivity, confusion and even hallucinations. We had one home where the family saw rats. The pest control company said they had never had rats. We removed the mold and the rats went away. Hallucinations caused by neurotoxins.

It is these mold toxins that can cause symptoms that can lead to misdiagnosis. These toxins get into the body and mimic normal chemicals that have specific functions. These normal chemicals may tell the legs to move or tell the body when to calm down. If these normal chemicals are bypassed or blocked by the toxins, then weird things begin to happen in the child's world.

If your legs moved when you didn't want them to, wouldn't you be a little hard to get along with?

What is the cure?

[Let's get one thing cleared up first. Getting rid of mold will not change kids with real ADHD.] Although, it may help.

Too much moisture or too little ventilation in the building causes mold.

1. So dry out the house. Make sure the vents in your attic and crawlspace are open and working.

2. Fix leaks in bathrooms and kitchens.

3. Insulate A/C ducts and water pipes.

4. Get and use dehumidifiers to dry the air.

5. Leave washer and dryers open when not in use.

6. Make the yard drain away from the house.

Don't drug your kids. Cure their ADHD the natural way. Clean up your environment.

For 30 years, Dr Graham has been helping people treat andprevent disease by showing them how to live in a clean environment.

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