Rose Rouge: Beyond the Healing Powers of Love

"The rose distils a healing balm The beating pulse of pain to calm".-- Anaceron

A symbol of love and purity, the rose has been used throughout history for all kinds of purposes. Be it therapeutic, ornamental or even as a gesture of affection, the rose has never fallen short of its usefulness.


The Romans made full use of the rose in their banquets as means of decoration. The noble ones had roses floating in their Falernian wine. Brides and grooms and images of their deities, Cupid and Venus, were crowned with roses. Rose was a sign of pleasure to them, a complement to wine.

The rose came to be popularly known as a subject in literature, the earliest records being Homer's Iliad and Odyssey.


Roses are found throughout temperate regions of the world. Its origins are thought to be Northern Persia, on the Caspian, or Faristan on the Gulf of Persia where it spread across Mesopotamia to Palestine and across Asia Minor to Greece. From there, the Greeks may have brought it to Southern Italy.

The word rosa, came form the Greek word rodon, which means "red" and the rose of ancient times was said to be of a dark crimson color.


The deep, rich and flowery fragrance of rose gives it a hint of femininity and the uplifting sweet smell makes it a popular flavour in scents and even in food.

Health Notes

The rose is mild on all skin conditions, be it dry, hard or sensitive skins. Its wound-healing properties aid in the skin repair process.

When inhaled, the rose is a mild sedative and antidepressant, which is calming for those who suffer from shock, depression, anger and resentment. Although a mild sedative, rose is soothing on the nervous system, which can induce sleep.

Rose also works as a tonic for the womb to alleviate premenstrual syndrome and regulate the menstrual cycle. Rose tones the vascular and digestive systems by purging and cleansing them. For the vascular system, rose cleanses the blood capillaries and relieves cardiac congestion, thus regulating the heart.

Its effect on the digestive system is significant for it strengthens the stomach, promotes the flow of bile and the elimination of feces. The purging action of the rose helps clear the body of toxins and wastes. Therefore, rose is an ideal relief for nausea, vomiting and constipation.

A popular use of the rose is perhaps its aphrodisiac qualities, which is ideal for those suffering from impotence.

More Resources

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"The rose distils a healing balm The beating pulse of pain to calm".-- AnaceronA symbol of love and purity, the rose has been used throughout history for all kinds of purposes.
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