Pendulum Dowsing: Easy To Learn Techniques

Pendulum Dowsing is a very fun and simple way to begin to measure energy fields. Since we all live in a world that is comprised of energy, and since we all have energy in and around our physical bodies, the ability to recognize and measure energy can be valuable and useful.

In order to begin to learn the art of Pendulum Dowsing you will need a Pendulum. You can purchase a beautiful Pendulum at a metaphysical store or you can make one yourself. Actually, a pendant on a necklace chain makes a fine Pendulum. It's a good idea to make sure that the pendant has a little weight to it. If it is too light you will not be able to experience the energy readings as easily.

Simply hold your Pendulum with one hand and allow it to dangle straight. By doing some deep breathing for a minute or so you will prepare yourself to begin your Pendulum reading.

You may find that your Pendulum may actually already be moving by itself. Begin by asking silently "which way means yes?" Your Pendulum may begin to rotate or begin to move back and forth or from side to side. Observe what direction your Pendulum moves in when asked "which way means yes?"

Next, mentally say "thank you" and allow the Pendulum to come to a rest. Now, silently ask "which way means no?" Observe what pattern of movement your Pendulum makes when asked "which way means no?" Again mentally say "thank you" and allow your Pendulum to come to a rest.

It is best to remain open-minded and relaxed when attempting Pendulum dowsing.

Now, begin to ask the series of questions listed below, each time after receiving the answer, mentally say "thank you" and allow your Pendulum to return to a neutral state before proceeding to the next question.


1.) Ask the Pendulum the following questions: Is today Monday? Is today Tuesday? Continue to ask the Pendulum about all of the different days of the week. You want to experience what happens and how the Pendulum responds when the answer is "yes" as opposed to when the answer is "no".

Since you already know which day of the week it is, it will be easy for you to observe the accuracy of your Pendulum reading.

2.) If you have a dog or a cat, hold the Pendulum over the head of your pet and observe what your Pendulum does.

3.) Hold your Pendulum over a healthy green plant and observe what occurs.

4.) Hold your Pendulum over a dead plant and observe what happens.

5.) Hold your Pendulum over a healthy food, like fresh fruit, for example, and ask "Is this food beneficial to my health?", and observe what happens.

6.) Hold the Pendulum over a non-healthy food and ask the same question.

Experiment with your Pendulum. Remember that it is vital that you phrase your questions so that the answer will be either yes or no.

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