What Is Reflexology?

For the Reflexologist, the feet are a microcosm of the human body and every organ and body part is represented in the feet. Where there are two organs in the body they will be represented on both feet, e.g. lungs and kidney and where there is only one organ, this will be represented on one foot, e.g. the liver will be on the right foot while the heart will be on the left. Where the organ or body part is reflected in the feet, this is called the "organ" reflex, e.g. the heart reflex.

The right foot represents the right side of the body as well as the past while the left foot represents the left side of the body as well as the present and future.

Each foot has over 7,000 nerve endings, 26 bones, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles. This type of drugless therapy creates a physiological change in the body by naturally improving your circulation, which reduces our body tension and enhances relaxation. It aids in the elimination of the body waste and restoring the body functions to better health.


By stimulating reflexes on the feet with a type of pressure massage, the organs of the body are stimulated, thus allowing them to start unblocking and healing themselves. In addition to this, the stimulation of these reflexes allows the body to begin detoxing and eliminating poisons which have built up through bad diet, thinking and habit.

Centuries ago, man mapped out a healing energy that circulates through the body on specific pathways. This energy we call "life force" or "vital energy". This force can be "tapped" at more than 800 points in your body.

Ancient medical philosophy teaches that to obtain and maintain health, which is the balance and maintenance of harmony within the body, there must be a free and unimpeded circulation of energy flowing through the body's organs.

Traditional medicine, not only of the Chinese, but from the use of Acupuncture in other countries as well, we learn that traditional medicine is based on the belief that the body's blood circulation follows the flow of energy. If this energy circulation, which follows circulates freely in an endless cycle from the main organs through the channels beneath the skin, is blocked at some point, then the circulation is impaired.

This blockage results in a deficient oxygenation of the tissues around the affected area and throws the body off balance. This imbalance produces malfunctioning not only of the tissues surrounding it, but, if not corrected, spreads to related organs nearby.

Tapping this healing current can bring prompt and natural relief from practically all of your aches and pains, chronic or acute, by the simple process of working the 'reflex buttons' located in your hands, feet and/or body.

Stimulating, pressing or 'working' a reflex point (or button) connected to a particular body organ, system or part sends a surge of healing energy for prompt relief of a condition. Working a reflex also loosens and flushes out crystals and blockages within the body's energy channels allowing the life force or vital energy to resume its free and natural flow through the channels. This encourages the body to swing back into its normal balance, so harmony and health are again established.

This method of restoring the body to normal functioning involves no expense, no special equipment (although reflex tools can be utilized and do help save wear and tear on your finger and thumb joints!), no drugs or medication. The results are amazingly fast, bringing relief often in a matter of seconds.

Reflexology, which helps a wide range of situations, not only cures specific ailments but can be used to keep you in good health and help build resistance to attacks of disease. In addition, this method often detects health problems before they become serious by you recognizing a sore or tender reflex.

Reflexology is a simple technique that can be applied at any time and practically anywhere. It is Nature's 'push button' secret for dynamic living, abundant physical energy, vibrant health, better living without pain, retaining youthful vigor and enjoying life to the fullest.


The benefits of Reflexology and Stress can be explained physiologically. Tension can be equated with stress. There are as many definitions of stress as there are authors of books on stress. Today everyone suffers from stress but no one knows what stress is. It could be stated that stress is the difference between a persons perceived ability to deal with the stressor and the reality of the environmental demand.

This definition allows for varying degrees of stress to be felt by different people in the same situation. Irrespective of what the stressor is, the stress reaction is always the same.

Seyle, 1956, termed the reaction to stress as the fight or flight syndrome. What this means is that when we are faced with a stressful situation, we either fight it or run away. The body releases hormones into the system that allow us to physiologically cope with this. For example, you have all heard of mothers who have had the strength to lift up a car to rescue their children. This ability comes from the rush of stress hormones, e.g. adrenaline into the bloodstream.

We also perspire profusely, (to slip out of a grasp), blood pressure increases as the blood leaves the extremities (so you do not bleed badly when cut), proteins and fats convert to glucose (to give you energy) etc. Once the stress situation is over the stress hormones come back to normal levels.

Today however, it would be socially unacceptable to hit your boss if he was stressing you or to run away from home if your kids or spouse were stressing you. This means that the stress hormones are continually being secreted and do not come back to a normal level. While these stress hormones play a vital role when faced with a stressor, they have a detrimental effect on the individual if they do not come back to normal levels. Prolonged secretion and circulation of these stress hormones causes damage to the body.

The white blood cells (infection fighters) become depleted, neurotransmitters controlling mood are depleted and T-cells in the lymphatic system are broken down. Examples of the effects of this are not hard to find. Just look at how many people who have been under stress become sick. How many people do you know who have lost a "significant other" through death or divorce or who became ill or contracted cancer?

Reflexology, by inducing relaxation, reduces the stress hormones so that the body is able to produce T-cells, white cells and neurotransmitters so as to start healing itself.

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