How to Stop Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums can be one sign of periodontal disease, gingivitis, or other serious problems. Other symptoms like bad breath, toothache, and receding gums indicate poor dental health.

Gum disease affects the tissues that surround and support the teeth. Bacteria affect the gum, which can turn into tartar and plaque buildup, irritate your gums and lead to bleeding and receding gums. Top quality oral hygiene cures bleeding gums.

Bleeding gums are also caused by the canker sores which are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Aging is also a factor for bleeding gums. If you do not treat gums properly it may eventually lead to loss of teeth. Early diagnoses of the bleeding gums are better and you can treat them so that there are no further complications. Tooth loss is caused gum weakening. Many people are affected by gingivitis that is characterized by bleeding gums and swollen gums. This condition may also be painful for some people.

Folic acid tablets are also available in the medical stores for this purpose. Gums that bleed are not only unhealthy but are also unattractive. People who take care of their external looks should also concentrate on the bleeding gums. Consult a dentist if you have problems like toothache, canker sores, receding gums or excessive plaque.

Brushing teeth is such a routine that very few people think about it. The teeth are not getting brushed properly. All-natural, fluoride-free toothpaste should be used for brushing. While brushing your teeth along the gum line, angle your toothbrush at a 45-degree so it is up against your teeth and gums. Then jiggle the toothbrush back and forth in small, round strokes. The correct motion is more like massaging along the gums line than brushing.

Adding 2 -3 drops of tea-tree oil to the toothpaste for brushing provides good teeth. You will have a longer fresh-breath feeling afterwards. Flossing daily is the best way to stop plaque from forming between teeth. When flossing is done on a daily basis as advised, bleeding will become less & less and soon gone. Flossing & scaling can reach and clean under the gum line effectively.

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