How Essential Oils Differ From Dried Herbs

Essential Oils are the heartbeat of the plant kingdom,and are perhaps the most exciting life-giving substance we have in the world today. They represent in plants what blood represents in humankind - life! This heartbeat is the energy that was created to deliver the nutrients into every cell of the body.

Defined: Essential oils are the subtle, volatile liquids that are distilled from plants, shrubs, flowers, trees, bushes and seeds.

An ancient process, oil distillation is a delicate and precise art that has been almost forgotten. Science is just now re-discovering the incredible healing power of Essential Oils, and beginning to acknowledge their value for our health.

More Potent Than Herbs...

Being concentrated, The oils contain virtually all of theplants healing nutrients, oxygenating molecules, amino acidprecursors, coenzyme A factors, trace minerals, enzymes,vitamins, hormones and more. And because they are concentrated, EO's are from 50 to 70 times more therapeutically potent than the herbs or plants they are derived from. Unlike dried herbs that can lose up to 90% of the healing nutrients and oxygen molecules, Essential Oils do not. Research further shows that Essential Oils when applied to skin will penetrate every single cell within 20 minutes.

Because the very life force of the plant is contained in EO's, and because this life force synergizes so favorably with the human body, Essential Oils are now being considered as medicine by some of the world's most prominent doctors.

Clinical research shows that Essential Oils have the highestfrequency of any natural substance known to man, creating anenvironment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc.,cannot live.

Recent research has also shown that many of the so called"super bugs" that has modern medicine so concerned, cannotsurvive in the presence of essential oils...Nor has therebeen any pathogen known to resist EO's by mutating.

Best of all, 100% pure, therapeutic grade Essential Oils arefreely available and safe for home use. Many people diffusethe oils into the atmosphere of their homes, creating a virus free and pleasant environment. Many of the oils are applied directly to the skin to receive almost immediate benefit from many ailments.

Others are inhaled for relief from headaches, nausea,emotional release, etc.

Nature's Most Effective Delivery Agent...

Because Essential Oils contain such high amounts ofoxygenating molecules, they act as an effective delivery agent to bring food nutrients THROUGH the cell wall to feed the cell nucleus.

Without an adequate delivery agent to assist the cell toreceive needed nutrients, the cell can become deprived ofneeded nutrition. Without adequate nutrition, the cell wallthickens hindering further delivery of nutrients. Whenmalnutrition occurs, the cell begins to deteriorate, creating a host for disease-causing pathogens. Essential Oils are known for their ability to "fly" through the thickest cell walls. They have the ability to restore diseased and malnourished cells back to health. In fact, EO's are nature's most effective catalyst and delivery agent for feeding your body's several trillion cells.

Melodie Kantner is a certified Aromatherapist.

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