Why Use An Aromatherapy Diffuser?

We breathe 22,000 times a day, inhaling 400 cubic feet of air.

We spend 80% of our time indoors where air may be no cleaner than outdoors air. A diffuser is the easiest, most effective method of dispersing essential oils without altering their fragrance and therapeutic value. Diffused oils enhance the harmony and well being of body, mind and spirit.

Aromatherapy diffusers have been around for a long time. But until now there has never been a diffuser like ESSENTIAL AIR. With it's patented diffuser system it offers the most technically advanced method of delivering the benefits of Aromatherapy.

Engineered to reduce essential oils to droplets as tiny as one micron, the oil actually becomes part of the air you breathe. You get the traditional benefits of breathing in the aroma which follows the olfactory pathway to the brain. But, in addition because you inhale the oils themselves which travel through the resistor system to the lungs you also quickly receive an over-all physiological benefit.

Interval Timing - Researchers have demonstrated time and again that the human olfactory sense is quickly sated, switched off automatically by the brain. ESSENTIAL AIR outwits the brain with it's own timing device - automatically turning the unit on and off at specific intervals. It catches the olfactory sense napping and reawakens it to the beneficial aromatherapy experience. An added bonus: it conserves essential oils while improving performance.

Adjustable Diffusion Regulator - provides fingertip control of vapor intensity...so the level of essential oils blended into the air may be easily increased or decreased.

Accident Proof - Great care has gone into making ESSENTIAL AIR a sturdy dependable appliance. This sleek compact design is weighted to discourage tipping or getting knocked over. Glass, (a dangerous breakage potential) is kept to a minimum. And especially important the diffuser itself has no metal parts that could crack or damage glass bottles. The essential oil containers themselves are secured in a deep well to avoid tipping or spilling.

This diffuser offers the benefits of instrument pure air filtration. This mini-but-mightly air scrubber, incorporated into the diffuser serves as an intake filter that scrubs the air clean as it enters the unit. It intercepts pollen, bacteria, dust, smoke, smog, dander and even some viruses. Tests show it to be 93% efficient at 0.01 micron. When you consider that a human hair measures 70 microns you understand why we call this our mini-but-mighty scrubber.

How does this hygienic filter provide instrument pure air to combine with your essential oils? Its unusually advantageous performance is due to the unique filter medium, a random bed or borosilicate glass fibers, which attracts the offensive particles and holds them fast. They can't be shaken loose or washed away. Unlike H.E.P.A. which need frequent cleaning, our filters need no care. These disposable filters will operate effectively for a year or more in normal use. That comes to less than 5 cents a day for instrument pure air.

It comes equipped with a three-way switch offering a broader selection of options: 1. 5 minutes on/25 minutes off timed release, 2. continuous diffusion, or 3. off.

Gerald F. McCarthy holds a patent on the unique diffuser used in all ESSENTIAL AIR models.

Over the years McCarthy of Leyden House has accumulated seventeen patents in the field of energy and health related products. A speech pathologist by profession he was intrigued by the beneficial effects of natural healing and began searching for ways to deliver essential oils more effectively.

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