Freedom Is Found In Detachment

I am looking for freedom in my life. And I know the only way I can find it is through detachment.

Every morning as I am preparing to begin my day I ask for a direction which will ultimately shape my life. During my day little signs will come to me that give me guidance toward my lesson. These come to me in a very profound manner and truly deepen my spiritual connection to all things. It has taken me a long time to learn how to hear this guidance. What I have come to know is that nature's messages do not come in form of a bolt of lightening as much as they come as a subtle breeze or light fragrance. And I find that unless I listen very carefully they go overlooked.

The other day I had asked for guidance and wisdom for this New Year. As I journeyed on my daily hike I passed my neighbors house. He had borrowed my ladder a few weeks ago and failed to return it. I saw it in his front yard. I was more amused than I was irritated. But, it lead me to think about him. He has not worked in nearly 3 years. He took a second out on his home some time ago and has been living off of his equity in the hopes that work will come to him. He has almost depleted his equity and has become very over leveraged. If the real estate market ever pulls back he will be in financial ruin.

An old sage had once told me how they use small wooden boxes to capture monkeys in Southeast Asia. There is a small whole cut in the top just big enough for the monkey's hand. Peanuts are left in the bottom of the box. The monkeys descend upon the boxes and reach inside for the peanuts. However, with a fist full of peanuts the monkey is unable to get his fist free from the box. His attachment to the peanuts has lead to his capture.

The world is my mirror and my neighbor's dilemma was a mirror of my dilemma, thus my lesson for the day. How am I the monkey? What are my attachments? How do my attachments keep me captive and impugn my freedom? How can I transcend my attachments and dependency that I hold so dearly and transform them into love and admiration? I know if I listen very carefully the answers will come to me. All I have to do is ask.

These were all great questions for me and maybe for you as well. It has started me on my journey for this New Year. And the Journey is where the answers are as opposed to the destination.

Thom King is the President of Steviva Brands, Inc. Steviva manufactures and distributes Stevia powder, Stevia blend, Stevia leaves and Yerba Mate. All of Steviva's product are all natural and have no calories or carbs. Subscribe to Mind, Body and Spirit is a weekly email publication which covers topics pertaining to a sharp and focused mind, motivation, healthy body and spiritual growth.

More Resources

Herbal Products
HERBAL PRODUCTS are comprised of herbal care remedies, such as ointments like Tea Tree ointment. Tea Tree ointment has the ability to help and cure dermatitis, excema and fungal infections.
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The Macrobiotic Approach To Health And Wellness
It may be an ordinary dance studio during the week, but on Sunday mornings this little room in Toronto's west end is transformed by the smells of steamed vegetables, seaweed and miso into Anna Rosenberg's Macro Mornings cooking class. Here Rosenberg provides her students with a basic introduction to macrobiotic cooking.
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Various Types of Herbal Medicine: Used for Thousands of Years to Successfully Treat Diseases
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Alternative Medicine & Herbal Preparations
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Headache, Hypnosis, And Stress, A Case History
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Treat Cold Sores, Sore Throats, and Warts Naturally
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Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice - What, How, and Why!
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Health and Anti-Aging
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Herbal and Home Remedies that Prevent Memory Loss
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What is aromatherapy? Used for centuries, aromatherapy is known to have been utilized by the Egyptian physician, Imhotep; and Hippocrates. The first person to dub the term "aromatherapy, was French chemist, Rene-Mauric Gattefosse during the 1930s.
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Remember the last Dumpling Festival? Did your mother or grandmother hang a pair of small bundle of sweet-scented grass in the morning on top of the door? Did they claim that the grass has the power to dispel evil when you use the water boiled with the leave for bathing? Did you remember the distinct, unmistakable lemon-like fragrance that left you feeling very invigorated? That leaf is none other than Citronnelle.Description of CitronnelleLike lemongrass and rosemary, citronnelle also belongs to the grass family, which is rich in essential oil.
Foot Reflexology and Detoxification
Do you know why the rich and famous spend thousands of dollars on 3-days detox spa and detoxification holidays? Find out how the Chinese and Japanese achieve a similar detox health effect for a lot less dollars!What is foot reflexology?Reflexology is an ancient natural therapy which utilizes energy zones on the hands and feet to provide relief for a variety of illnesses as well as to energize the body system. It has been in practised in China for thousands of years and till today, remains a popular and common therapy in China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and Thailand and is also increasingly popular in other parts of the world including Europe and USA.

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