Friends, The study below done a few years ago should scare the socksoff us all. We can do much better in this country.

We all know that drugs has done much to save lives in this country,but I would bet that only ONE out of TEN knows the other side of thestory concerning AMA aproved drugs USE and Abuse. Well I'll tell youin a minute.

A while back I was talking to an elderly lady explaining about theefficacy of LIMU MOUI liquid. About all the studies (over 500) Theclinical trials, and the numerous testimonials that I collect frompeople that suffer from various Illnesses. Pains, chronic diseases,stroke, allergies, cancer, depression etc.

I told her about the study that I have shared with you all, howFucoidan the main ingredient LIMU MOUI , causes cancer cells to selfdistruct within 72 hours in vitro.

I told her how AMA has decided that Americans need to supplementtheir diet. How limu moui has been called the perfect food by no lessthan the president of the American Nutraceutical Association Dr.Derrick DeSilva (Of Ask the Doctor fame). Considered one of America'sbest doctors. It has everything the body needs plus thousands ofvitamin like substances that scientists are just beginning tounderstand.

This elderly lady told me that she had never had to take anything inher life. I told her LIMU was a FOOD. All natural, No harful effects.We have people that take it with all kinds of meds. Didn't matter toher. Naturally , she was a mother of a friend and I care about her.

Now , she had been on 5 different kinds of medication for years. Shedidn't count DRUGS to be "BEING ON SOMETHING."

Reccently she has been in the hospital to remove a cyst the size of agrapefruit. I haven't spoken to her since then.

I tell you this story because we have a lot of people that feel thesame way. Little do they know that the harmful effects of variousaspects of drug use makes 911 seem like a small blip in our lives,when you know the truth.

The study below Noted by JAMA the journal of the American MedicalAssociation. Shows exactly what I am saying.

300 Americans die each day from some effect from drug use.6000 Americans, each day, suffer from very serious ADVERSE REACTIONSfrom drugs.Remember all these are FDA aproved drugs. From Aspirin that isestimated to kill 46 people a day to the more exotic drugs likeStatins.

Is this an epidemic? What would happen if this was caused bysupplements?

Anyway, below is the study summary. As always I let the ones doingthe study speak for themselves. If you have trouble understanding it,SKIP to the CONCLUSION or ask your Doctor.


JAMA. 1998 Apr 15;279(15):1200-5. Related Articles, Links

Comment in:
JAMA. 1998 Apr 15;279(15):1216-7.
JAMA. 1998 Nov 25;280(20):1741; discussion 1743-4.
JAMA. 1998 Nov 25;280(20):1741; discussion 1743-4.
JAMA. 1998 Nov 25;280(20):1742-3; discussion 1743-4.
JAMA. 1998 Nov 25;280(20):1742; discussion 1743-4.
JAMA. 1998 Nov 25;280(20):1742; discussion 1743-4.

Incidence of adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients: a meta-analysis of prospective studies.

Lazarou J, Pomeranz BH, Corey PN.

Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the incidence of serious and fatal adversedrug reactions (ADR) in hospital patients. DATA SOURCES: Fourelectronic databases were searched from 1966 to 1996. STUDYSELECTION: Of 153, we selected 39 prospective studies from UShospitals. DATA EXTRACTION: Data extracted independently by 2investigators were analyzed by a random-effects model. To obtain theoverall incidence of ADRs in hospitalized patients, we combined theincidence of ADRs occurring while in the hospital plus the incidenceof ADRs causing admission to hospital. We excluded errors in drugadministration, noncompliance, overdose, drug abuse, therapeuticfailures, and possible ADRs. Serious ADRs were defined as those thatrequired hospitalization, were permanently disabling, or resulted indeath. DATA SYNTHESIS: The overall incidence of serious ADRs was 6.7%(95% confidence interval [CI], 5.2%-8.2%) and of fatal ADRs was 0.32%(95% CI, 0.23%-0.41%) of hospitalized patients. We estimated that in1994 overall 2216000 (1721000-2711000) hospitalized patients hadserious ADRs and 106000 (76000-137000) had fatal ADRs, making thesereactions between the fourth and sixth leading cause of death.CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of serious and fatal ADRs in US hospitalswas found to be extremely high. While our results must be viewed withcircumspection because of heterogeneity among studies and smallbiases in the samples, these data nevertheless suggest that ADRsrepresent an important clinical issue.

Publication Types:

PMID: 9555760 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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